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Messages - Rob L

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Do You Have Pets?
« on: March 26, 2004, 09:20 PM »
I can’t usually participate in JD’s threads due to cultural indifference.

 But I feel I can at least update this topic with pics of the only rodents currently  living in my house (or rather those with permission to do so).




OK, I thought I hated Variable Bit Rates, but even on my 28" widescreen TV, the DVD-R still looks good (I mean the parts where a low bit rate was used).

However, what I hate now is Constant Bit Rates, because it has become clear to me how much bandwidth is wasted on scenes when two people are sitting still onscreen just talking.

Thank you.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: 12 facts about yourself.
« on: March 19, 2004, 07:43 AM »

12. I'm going off Star Wars, *and have deleted my JD account 4 times, including 3 times by my own volition



If you mean about SW, well it’s just going downhill isn’t it? If you’re asking about the deletions, it was my rather pathetic (and unsuccessful) attention-seeking ploy.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: 12 facts about yourself.
« on: March 18, 2004, 07:03 AM »
1. I have pet rats (what, really???? ;D)
2. I've never done anything, or known what to do, with my Sociology degree, but it was great fun and now all my opinions are correct
3. I am very shy in the real world
4. At school I won a county poetry competition and received a crap book as a prize
5. I am half Scottish (on my mother's side)
6. Women seem to like me until either the rats or the Star Wars figures put them off (occasionally it's the combination of the two)
7. I would love to be able to speak French
8. I have a LOTR obsession
9. I'm overly helpful
10. I react strongly and sarcastically when I think someone has treated me badly
11. I love Glasgow Rangers
12. I'm going off Star Wars, *and have deleted my JD account 4 times, including 3 times by my own volition


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Phobias...
« on: March 17, 2004, 06:09 PM »
And also Variable Bit Rates, because for every 8mb/s scene in a compressed DVD-R you get a 1.5mb/s section full of freaky blockiness.

I fear I've not* shown this topic enough respect  :-[


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Phobias...
« on: March 17, 2004, 06:06 PM »
More phobias than I will care to admit... But the main one would have to be sharks.... Deathly afraid of them. The big ones.

Man, those flash-flood sharks are everywhere in the UK  >:(

I am afraid of rat's tails. It is stange because they remind me of snakes...creatures that don't actually scare me.

Also Cybermen and Darth Pickles.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Just try and Caption This Pic.
« on: March 15, 2004, 07:38 AM »
SFG's posts here at JD seem to achieve a whole new level of perfection  :)

Newbies / Re: New
« on: March 10, 2004, 03:57 PM »

I already think you have a good chance of winning the Best Matt title  ;D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: how did you star collecting?
« on: March 7, 2004, 11:41 AM »
I started in 1999, when I said to myself "Rob, those new Star Wars figures look quite cool, but you're 23 so just get the Qui-Gon for old time's sake". Five years later... ;D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Weird smells/scents that you enjoy
« on: March 7, 2004, 11:35 AM »
(pet) rat's fur has a perfume-y smell

Newly burned CDs (while still warm)

As above, a freshly opened figure

I don't give a rat's ass  :)

I’m going to go out on limb here and say that the prequels are actually getting worse…and further away (in spirit) from the OT.

For me AOTC is larger of the 2 crimes against the purity of my childhood love. As most have noted, the lack of characters worth caring about is the most serious omission. What is worse, is that GL has in the past said that character and story is of primary importance…so what’s with the PT then, George? Rick? Anyone? But at least with TPM there are some excuses: Anakin IS just a kid, Amidala is stuck in a straight jacket role, and Obi-Wan is only an apprentice. I personally really enjoyed the character of Qui-Gon, and the lightsaber duel at the end is still the best of the series so far. Overall a poor start, with lots of missed opportunities, but still quite fun, and I was enjoying being a kid again.

Then came ATOC… “what a piece of junk” as someone once said. Dialogue and acting were worse, all the “characters” were grown up, so no excuses for the cardboard-cut-out personalities this time. They had “developed” into fully formed stereotypes. No humour or humanity was invested by the actors at all. Did GL have the skill to draw out decent performances even if he tried to do so? Probably not. And the arena battle…I’m sorry but (and this is a hard phrase for me to use) who gives a rat’s a**? In ROTK the battle was exhilarating because I cared about those involved . When someone died I was sad because I’d previously got to “know” them. Hell, I was even worried about the fate of Gamling. Get this, George: SECONDARY, characters worth caring about ;)

So I see no evidence that Episode 3 will be getting more of the OT spirit back.

Newbies / Re: new member
« on: March 5, 2004, 08:07 AM »
Welcome, Sergiu!

Great to see you at JD, I'm new here to....although I've deleted my account 4 times so I've really been around since last summer  ;D

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: A sign of things to come at RS?
« on: March 2, 2004, 08:31 AM »
Sooo...not sure if our mod friends at RS have been following the thread at the TF.N or not but I'm curious if they've thought about what is being said at all...
Here's a Hypothetical

#1 Someone leaks pics on the Rebelscum forums of Episode 3 Figures
#2 Rebelscum is sent a Cease and Desist...they remove all of
them, ban the perp and move on
#3 2 weeks later, RS's forums leak more pics, already suffering from the last blow, LFL and Hasbro sue Rebelscum and its owner for repeated discretion
#4 Phil, blames the Section moderator and passes said buck to the sorry sap who was working or sleeping at the time, saying it was this guy or gals fault for not catching the spoilers and doing their job.  Oh and by the way, here's their address
Can LF take legal action against non-US citizens? Will I be extradited to stand trial in your country?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Something I need to get off my chest...
« on: March 2, 2004, 08:26 AM »
I think you need to delete yourself immediately  :o

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