Multimedia > The Original Trilogy

Regime Change...

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During the old Republic it was touch and go,and it was the same with the Empire.Even now in the NJO the goverments have problems.

Mister Skeezler:
I think this topic really asks the question, "Is there such a thing as a perfect government?"

Lets consider the apparent Pros of the Galactic Empire...

*Military Might to defend itself and its people
*Space Exploration/Colonization (Imperialism, a Con in disguise?)
*Better security/policing
*streamlined gov't.

These all seem like they'd be great in theory. But all it takes is corruption for these pros to become cons. The people of the Galactic Empire basically became slaves to it. Military Might was not used to defend its people, it was used to police its people. Personal liberties were tentative. As long as you didn't draw attention to yourself, you were fine. And I'm sure there are many cultures on Earth that weren't such big fans on the United States or Great Britain and their "colonization" programs.

And what if you have a legal issue? Unlawful search? Who would you go to? I doubt you'll hear Miranda rights from a stormtrooper, though you'd probably hear half a dozen blaster shots tearing your family to pieces. I bet that's what Uncle Owen heard before they tossed a thermal detonator at him.

The thing with the Galactic Empire is that there's no system of checks and balances in place. The Emperor has complete control. He can have a planet destoying weapon built if he wants, and also have it used. Would you really want the Darth Lord of the Sith in charge of your gov't? And you think Dubya is bad...

I think if we can watch these movies and practice suspension of disbelief, we need to imagine that the Alliance will form a more perfect union, with liberty and justice for all. Okay that was cheezy. But in reality, the Old Republic fell because of its corruption, and at the heart of the cancer of the Old Republic was Darth Sidious.

Great topic, by the way!

The Imperial Remanent isn't so bad!Ok,maybe thats a little to EU for some...

I'd say I'd be all for the Empire if I were to living in the Star Wars Universe.  I like Order, I like a Strong "State" (assuming MY particular interests are served by That State) and I like centralized Government.  I figure as an everyday citizen, I don't know the Emperor is a Sith Lord and the whole Empire is therefore Evil...


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