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Messages - MisterPL

Pages: 1 ... 36 37 38 39 40 [41] 42 43 44 45 46 ... 49
The Original Trilogy / Re: Where'd the AT-AT go?
« on: May 21, 2003, 09:25 AM »
Okay, who else wants to see an extended version of the Battle of Endor with AT-ATs blowing away giant redwoods like they were toothpicks? Let's see the Ewok defend against a half dozen of those big boys, George.

(I mean, if you're gonna totally F up the OT, at least have some fun doing it.)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What do you do (job, student)?
« on: May 19, 2003, 04:46 PM »
I'm an art director and freelance illustrator. I don't own a Glock, but I do have a Wacom tablet and I know how to use it.  8)

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Where is C-3PO
« on: May 19, 2003, 04:41 PM »
I think Anthony Daniels would agree that even the Threepio costume could use a ton of articulation, but it's not like he was doing yoga onscreen. The fact was even the actor didn't have the range of movement the toy does.

Still, I'd like to see a Threepio figure with poseable knees, preferably with a scale Escape Pod. I understand that such articulation is a material quality issue, what with the vac-metallized plating and all. But I might be persuaded to forego a chrome protocol droid for one that can actually sit in a chair.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Place your bets...Hulk
« on: May 19, 2003, 02:16 PM »
I read there will be FIVE assortments of these by the time the movie is released. Yippee.

I'll buy a rotocast Hulk since it's the only one that appears to be in scale with the Marvel Legends figures (of which I own two). Not sure if I'll get the Scowling Hulk or the Cavity Check Hulk. It'll probably depend on my mood.

Those Hulk Fists are hard to pass up. I might need a couple pair of those just for the office. Maybe the restroom. (*Ziippp* CRASH "Hulk smash!")

If I see a Banner figure on clearance I'll pick one up for custom fodder, but the rest of the line is action feature overkill. And I thought Hasbro was bad with Darth Maul figures.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Matrix Reloaded
« on: May 19, 2003, 09:37 AM »
I saw it Saturday morning and was disappointed. This story could have been told in 45 minutes. The pacing was that slow.

First of all, it's pretty apparent the studio wanted to deliver a post-Columbine R-rated film. Unfortunately, thanks to the studio's rating hang-up, a lot of the scenes seem forced. This film could have been shaved to a PG-13 rating and not lost a cent of revenue.

Speaking of arbitrary, check out those fight scenes. They've become so cliche and subject to parody, they're painfully redundant. It was more of the same, but this time with CG actors doing a fair amount of stunt work. In the context of a computer-generated matrix it's forgivable, but you can't help holding the first film in higher regard because of it.

 And maybe I'm confused, but didn't the last film come to the conclusion that Neo was basically God in the matrix? Why does he have to fight at all? This is a guy who can stop bullets, fly at terrifc speeds, and bed Carrie-Anne Moss. He should be able to vanquish any opponent with the blink of an eye.

The car chase is the most interesting part of the movie, and the most anticipated given the amount of hype attached to it. Even this left me wishing it was shorter. How many times can Morpheus almost fall off the roof of a semi? Frankly I got bored counting.

When I went into the theatre, I tried to keep my expectations as low as when I saw the first film, which many considered at first glance to be a Johnny Pneumonic ripoff. While there were some interesting plot developments (the multiple Smiths, Neo's status as a modern day Moses), there wasn't enough for a two-hour movie.

This is obviously a bridge to the final chapter in the Matrix trilogy, but it was a bridge I came close to jumping off.

Saga '02-'04 / Re: Star Tours wave 3 FINALLY!
« on: May 16, 2003, 03:36 PM »
They're on BLUE Saga cards!!!

This was expected though, wasn't it? The first wave was on POTJ Collection 1 cards, the second on POTJ Collection 2 cards. Since there weren't any Collection 3 cards in the POTJ line, I just assumed Hasbro would offer this last batch on the Saga card as a point of difference.

However, given the unique venue of these figures, I see no reason why Hasbro would create new card art for the first six figures. It would be an unnecessary added expense unless they create one card for all nine figures.

I think a big part of being an adult collector of ANYTHING is having a place dedicated to your collection.

My stepmother's a big Yankees fan and has a small shrine in the seldom-used guest room. My stepfather had well over half the basement dedicated to his awesome HO scale train layout and brass engine collection. I have a studio on the thrid floor of our apartment where I put up shelves and shadow boxes to neatly display my loose collection.

A lot of how well any collection is received is in the presentation. If you put on a good show, people respond favorably to it. But if your crap is shoved into every available closet, spilling over into your bedroom, dining room, and kitchen, it just looks like Sanford & Son with toys. Nobody's going to respect a "collection" that looks like a toy factory blew up in your living room.

Like the teacher said, "Neatness counts."  :)

I'm out. Out out out. I have toys at work, including the framed "From Ackbar to Zuckuss" poster on my office wall.

As a Star Wars licensee, it's probably expected that I have a few knick-knacks around the office, but when people look at the poster and ask, "Do you have any of those figures?" and I reply, "Yes, all of them, and then some," you can smell the fear as they backpedal toward the door.

The only Star Wars related apparel I wear out is a denim jacket with the Lucasfilm Ltd. logo embossed on the back, a souvenir from a trip to The Ranch.

Every time a Star Wars movie comes out my wife gets sympathy cards from her family. She's great about the disorder though. We're looking for a house and she wants to make sure I have enough space to display - not store, display - my collection. The way she sees it, I could be spending our money on far worse things.

My friends know, my family even shops for me, and lately we've had quite a few people come off the street to see our apartment (which our landlord has up for sale) and their jaws drop as soon as they see "the studio." The only problem is that these civilians invariably tell my wife to sell it on eBay so we can move to Beverly Hills. Stupid civilians.  ::)

Bottom line, it's a hobby. It's not model trains, it's not NASCAR, but it's just as much fun for me and there's no harm in it. So long as I'm providing for my family, there's no shame in it.

(And Matt, if you ever go to the Super Bowl, PLEASE don't tell anyone. Tell them you're going to a wedding or something instead. I'd hate for people to think you were one of those rowdy, naked, body-painting, armchair football fanatics who loots the streets whether your teams wins or not. ;) )

Saga '02-'04 / Re: New Han and Luke - Stormtrooper Style
« on: May 16, 2003, 09:05 AM »
If the figures are movie-accurate, Luke wouldn't make a very good army builder since he's pretty short for a stormtrooper.  :P

I'm afraid if these were offered as yet another screen scene, they'd be in poses as dedicated to said scene as the Trash Compactor sets. The last thing I want is a Han that only looks good with his feet on an Imperial console. It might as well be a PVC.

We'd be better off with individually carded figures if we're really interested in both authenticity and army-builder appeal. Han could use a new, definitive Stormtrooper sculpt with oodles of articulation, removeable helmet, blaster and binders. Luke could come with similar articulation, removeable helmet, blaster, and commlink. Give either one of these guys a SCALE mouse droid and I'm tickled pink.

I'm all for an Imperial ante room, but I'd prefer a screen scene with Artoo plugging into the Imperial network while Threepio nervously confronts a snooping Stormtrooper.

Newbies / Re: Hey Everybody
« on: May 15, 2003, 03:53 PM »
Yes you did! Welcome aboard, Jara! Glad to see the ranks growing.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Robert Stack dead at 84
« on: May 15, 2003, 01:41 PM »
Loved him in 1941 and really enjoyed him in Airplane! as well.

Rest in peace, Mr. Stack.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What's Your Ethnicity?
« on: May 15, 2003, 09:14 AM » Great-Great Grandfather worked for the King of Sweden at one time...

Really? My Great-Great-Great Grandfather used to BE the King of Sweden! Hey, Pearson, go get me a cold refreshing beverage.  ;)

Actually I'm a mutt, too. German, Irish, Spanish, and Russian, all in equal denominations (that I know of).

Saga '02-'04 / Re: What killed the deluxe line?
« on: May 14, 2003, 04:55 PM »
I have to say that the Saga Deluxe C-3PO is my favorite Threepio sculpt ever. There's not much you can do with the character without making him look absurd, but Hasbro managed to pull it off (literally, I suppose). I love the posture and play value on this figure. Well done, Hasbro!

(Now, give me a Threepio with articulated knees packed in with a good sized Escape Pod!)

Saga '02-'04 / Re: So who else got excited? (Tarkin)
« on: May 14, 2003, 04:12 PM »
Howdy, former fellow Yakker! (That doesn't read well, does it?)

Saga '02-'04 / Re: So who else got excited? (Tarkin)
« on: May 14, 2003, 02:44 PM »
Save a new Tarkin for me.  :D

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