Author Topic: Star Wars Celebration III: Indianapolis  (Read 127179 times)

Offline CorranHorn

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Re: Star Wars Celebration 3
« Reply #660 on: April 27, 2005, 04:37 AM »
CNN says attendance was 30,000 for Celebration 3

Felt like more than that!

Yeah, that's the same number Mary Franklin gave us on Sunday afternoon as the convention was closing.  I said no way, but she specified that it meant 30,000 unique attendees throughout the 4 days, and not a total for all 4 days combined.  I still think that sounds pretty low though...

I had heard the number was closer to 60,000 for Saturday and they actually had to stop selling passes into Saturday because they had reached the fire code limit for the con center.

I also think the biggest problem with the lines at the C3 store was that there was just one line for everything. What kind of idiocy was that, knowing that the figure would be the hottest commodity they should have made a Figure only line and then split the rest of the lines up into sections for the various registers. I got into a line on sunday morning for vip's & associates and I was about the 30th person in line. it took 2 hours before I was taken and in the meantime the two items I wanted got sold out in front of my eyes!!! most people in the line wanted the damn vader figure, so there should have been a dedicated line just for that. And man talk about poor staffing, I saw 7 registers and only 2 were manned even though there were like 10 people running around the registers, including some putz shilling the products that weren't selling. Even then, it didn't seem like anyone knew how to run the registers, let alone do simple math. That was a true cluster**** for sure.

And speaking of volunteers, was I the only one who rarely saw actual event staff? Outside of our liasion for the FFURG booth, I only saw one person who could be signified as an event staff member walking the convention and that was at the store! The volunteers were just that, volunteers and while many of them did a great job, they just weren't able to answer many of the questions I heard posed to them. That is more a detriment to the planning by GenCon than anything negative about the volunteers.

Anyways enough griping, I had overall a great time at the show. The FFURG booth was swamped each and every day  and it was extremely difficult to find time to actually do anything at the show. We were average half a dozen or so people every moment at the booth wanting to make a custom or listen in on a presentation or just check out the cool toys. To say we were overwhelmed would be an understatement, but we made a lot of new friends at the show and passed on our love for our hobby.

I wish I had been able to hook up with many of you guys during the show, though I'm glad Matt brought many of the JD crew over to the booth to say hi. Also a big thanks to Dave for donating the fodder, it definitely came in handy during the 4 days and it was great to meet you after all these years.

Those things I did see at the show were great, like the 10 min musical trailer, the unproduced toys seminar, the hot chicks in Slave Leia and Padme outfits and of course getting in on the 2nd Lucas session. Who knew there would be leftover seats for the 2nd and 3rd shows :P

All in all a great time, that I'll always treasure. I'll have pics and whatnot to post in the appropiate threads later in the week, with I'm sure more fond memories. Can't wait for C4!  :D
Jason F.

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Re: Star Wars Celebration 3
« Reply #661 on: April 27, 2005, 01:03 PM »
No, I noticed that too.  I think there was about 5 people that officially ran the show and actually got paid in real money for this weekend (and right now they're in a meeting deciding which Island to buy with thier loot), 15,000 other people working the show were volunteers and got paid with an autograph and T-shirt. ;^)

I'm jealous, wish I would have thought of that years ago.

...and people complain about sweat shop labor overseas, heh, there was a whole convention full this weekend right in Indy.

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Re: Star Wars Celebration 3
« Reply #662 on: April 27, 2005, 01:58 PM »
and of course getting in on the 2nd Lucas session. Who knew there would be leftover seats for the 2nd and 3rd shows :P

You were at that showing too? Where were you seated?

The picture kept, will remind me...

Offline jokabofe

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Re: Star Wars Celebration 3
« Reply #663 on: April 27, 2005, 02:23 PM »
Also a big thanks to Dave for donating the fodder, it definitely came in handy during the 4 days and it was great to meet you after all these years.

Glad you guys were able to put that stuff to good use, because I haven't had a chance to work with any of that stuff in a long time, and it will probably be a long time before I get a chance to do amymore work any time soon.

And it was great to meet you as well Jason, since I've probably "known" (at least as far as online knowing goes) you and JesseJames longer than anyone else, from popping up in the FFURG chatroom from time to time. And I know that I missed out on meeting dozens of other people that were there as well from this forum, and I wish I had a chance to meet the rest of you. I missed quite a few people at the Wednesday night Hooters gathering by a few minutes, wish I had gotten there a little earlier.

Offline Jesse James

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Re: Star Wars Celebration 3
« Reply #664 on: April 27, 2005, 11:56 PM »
Have yinz guys noticed something about a handful (really only a small number but I've seen it some here and there now, but not here at of folks who seem to feel some odd need to gloat that they DIDN'T go to Celebration 3?  Like they're in the C3 threads or conversations at various places and they just want to point out how they're glad they didn't do the con. 

Now, stick with me on this if you can...  You've maybe not ALL seen this or heard it, but I'm curious about this issue I've seen come up that I don't recall for C1 and C2...

I've seen a couple people touch on this subject, and their swelling pride at not having gone to Celebration 3...  Often citing "Well if I wanted to spend tons of $ to wait in line then I'd have had fun then I'd have gone, but that's dumb..." or whatever other petty argument can be made.

I'm not saying that if you didn't want to go, you didn't want to go.  Cons aren't for everyone, but the whole thing seemed like fun to me even if it was pricey and there were lines.  My hotel room came to just under $700, but it was worth it to me...  I had a nice $120 dinner for two one night, some other good dining other nights, I had a lot of friendly meetings (in line and out roaming the halls), and I got to do the majority of what I wanted to.  Really my Friday at C3 was so great that I think it was worth the price I paid alone!  ;D  And I burned a lotta cash at this thing, haha!

But I'm confused why people feel this NEED to let it be known that they "are proud they didn't go" to the con...  That it's a waste of money and such.  It's as if they're really bitter about not being ABLE to go rather than having CHOSEN not to go, know what I mean? 

Maybe I'm reading into these people's posts, but to me I don't understand why they'd be participating in Celebration 3 topics/discussions to only gloat that they didn't spend the $ that other people did to even go to it.  They weren't there.  To me, the only reason NOT to want to go to C3 is if you don't have that many friends in the hobby to encourage your participation in the event...  If you're there alone that'd be a bit more boring...  I was roaming by myself a lot and it was always better with a friend when waiting in line, and so I looked for buds or made new friends with other people in line then.

Myself, I know I met guys from where I work (both sites) while I was there, I got to make some nice contact with people and groups at the con that I wanted to meet, I got to peruse the halls a lot and saw everything I wanted to (save for Lucas, since I figured it wasn't worth the effort) while still having a blast every day.  Hell I was even wore out to the point I was sick one day and still had fun.

To me there's very little way that couldn't have been fun, even if there were some negatives...  Long lines suck, but when you get to see LFL models/props in person I think it's worth it.  The C3 Store was not run too well, but it was still nice to get some cool stuff from it...  I saw a lotta great friends, great items/exhibits and stuff, and in general I had a fantastic time.  $$$ well spent with lines and everything.

I didn't make C1 and C2, and I'd never sit here and say I DIDN'T want to be there, ever.  I was bummed each time that I had bigger fish to fry at home.  I still wanted to go though, even with the costs and negatives of lines and such.  To me this whole "Yeah, well you were a bit foolish to spend your $$$ to wait in line" stuff is just sour grapes, and sad to see out of assumed Star Wars fans.  Whatcha gonna do though, ya know?   :-\  I dunno, just something I was thinking about recently because it popped up again when I was at class today...  very odd.
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Offline jokabofe

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Re: Star Wars Celebration 3
« Reply #665 on: April 28, 2005, 12:18 AM »
I hear ya Jesse. I spent a ton of cash (way more than I had planned, and/or wanted to spend, to be honest) and I wouldn't go to another one of these Celebrations if they have any more after the way things were run with this one, but I missed out on C1 and C2, and just had to attend this time. I'm not saying I wish I hadn't gone, because I did have fun, and it was great to get out and meet all the people that I hang with online and all, but it did kinda leave a bitter taste in my mouth. But I sure as hell wanted to go to C1 and C2 as well, and would never have said anything stupid about being happy that I didn't go.

Offline CorranHorn

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Re: Star Wars Celebration 3
« Reply #666 on: April 28, 2005, 01:46 AM »
and of course getting in on the 2nd Lucas session. Who knew there would be leftover seats for the 2nd and 3rd shows :P

You were at that showing too? Where were you seated?


I was to the right of the stage, 3 rows back of the "VIP" section which never got filled up, right in front of the big screen. Got to chatting with a cute girl from suburban Chicago, though as usual that didn't go far. Even Star Wars chicks don't wanna talk to me, what the **** is up with that??!?!?!?!

Ok anyways... Dave, I wish I had gotten to hang more with you, we kinda got seperated on Thursday and I kept forgetting to ask Jesse where you were at the rest of the weekend. Well for C4, we can do better!

Jesse: screw those people, only those of us who actually went to C3 can express our bitterness at the show! :P
Jason F.

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Re: Star Wars Celebration 3
« Reply #667 on: April 28, 2005, 03:00 PM »
I wouldn't have known where Dave was anyway.  I saw him like twice.   :-\  I swear, if there was one thing that bummed me more than not seeing Lucas (my only real regret about the con), it was not seeing people more...  I didn't get to hang with my FFURG bro's because me and my gf were both feeling a nasty headache Saturday evening, and then I only saw the JD guys really that one evening for a short time (Friday) after I was out at dinner...  That and Hooters Wednesday but that was brief too.

I'd have liked to see my friends even more.  Everything was too fast, and if I'm at a C4 I'm vowing to be better organized as far as how I coordinate time with friends and all that.  I'm just hoping I can afford the assumed C4. :)
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Re: Star Wars Celebration 3
« Reply #668 on: April 28, 2005, 03:54 PM »
Have yinz guys noticed something about a handful (really only a small number but I've seen it some here and there now, but not here at of folks who seem to feel some odd need to gloat that they DIDN'T go to Celebration 3?  Like they're in the C3 threads or conversations at various places and they just want to point out how they're glad they didn't do the con. 

I wonder if these are the same sort of people that feel the need to populate websites like, and when someone posts a picture of some celebrity or supermodel they proclaim "Yech, I wouldn't touch her with a 10 foot pole".

Like it would ever be an option for them.

The fact is that these people didn't go because they couldn't afford the trip, the time off work, or both.  Plain and simple.   It's not like they had some premonition that it was going to be screwed up and cancelled their flight. 

They didn't go for a reason, and it had nothing to do with the prospect of lines. Lines are easy to deal with.

When they hear about problems some people are complaining about, it's easy to say they're glad they didn't go.  Hindsight is 20/20.  My guess is, they're trying to "stick it to" those of us that went in whatever small way they can.   Like "Ha Ha, you stood in line while I was home on my couch".   Well, guess what.....I had FUN in the line!  ;D

I dealt with all the things people are griping about without much regard.  I had no problems getting most of the exclusives I wanted (I missed out on the Code 3 poster only because I didn't buy it that first day when I was right there and had the chance). 

Overall, It was an excellent trip.

If the people "thanking their lucky stars that they didn't go" use other people's complaints on the internet as an excuse NOT to hit C4, fine......more room for me.  ;D
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Re: Star Wars Celebration 3
« Reply #669 on: April 28, 2005, 04:23 PM »
Exactly Josh...

It's just odd, I guess, to see all these people that think they're somehow getting one over on everyone who WENT to C3, yet they're obviously reading C3 threads...  Why read a thread about a con you didn't attend and claim you didn't want to, ya know?

I didn't go to SDCC so I rarely read anything about it unless it's "news" about the line...  Otherwise I have nothing to say.  I'd even go so far as to say I'd like to do that too, but I know that's not in the cards being on the East Coast and all.

I just found this influx of people who seem bitter about C3 to be odd...  I didn't like the lines, I won't lie, who wouldn't like to walk right into everything, ya know?  But I don't feel cheated out of all the dough I spent either.  I mean, for every bad thing, there had to have been 10 great things about C3...  At least.  The whole "I didn't have to wait in line and spend money, so haha" mentality escapes me.  People are so damn weird in this hobby sometimes...  I swear, I'm amazed every week something someone says/does. :)
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Re: Star Wars Celebration 3
« Reply #670 on: April 28, 2005, 05:44 PM »
I was second row on the right. Lucky me.

The picture kept, will remind me...


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Re: Star Wars Celebration 3
« Reply #671 on: April 30, 2005, 01:33 AM »
And the Celebration keeps on truckin'.

I just noticed my final FU from GenCon, LLC: double charges for my C3 Vaders from Thursday. A $72.00 charge hit, then a duplicate $72.00 charge two minutes later. Now I get to spend time on the phone tomorrow getting the charge reversed.


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Re: Star Wars Celebration 3
« Reply #672 on: April 30, 2005, 01:48 AM »
That sucks dude, and it just made me double check my account again to make sure it wasn't hit twice since we made our purchases so close together.

Luckily Gen-Cons ass screwing was limited to you on this account  ;D


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Re: Star Wars Celebration 3
« Reply #673 on: May 2, 2005, 08:29 PM »
Another day rolls by, and no response from Gen Con via email or phone. Guess I bump the issue to Mastercard now. Assclowns.

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Re: Star Wars Celebration 3
« Reply #674 on: November 18, 2005, 04:50 AM »

So, a couple days ago I'm getting the munchies, and I dive into the panty, looking for something rather different and potentially interesting for my belly.  I see a ziplock full of Strawberry Pop-Tarts (which we NEVER buy).  I toast one up, and mow it down.  Not great, but not horrible.

Then, I realize, those were the leftover Pop-Tarts from C3:o  Yep, indeed.  That's exactly what they were.  Brent's, I believe.  Not sure though.  I just remember doing a final sweep of the room before checkout, and saying "well, we shouldn't waste these Pop-Tarts here".

So 7 months after Indy, C3 lives on...  Pop-Tarts are like Twinkies, right?  They never go bad?!  :-\
« Last Edit: November 18, 2005, 04:51 AM by JediMAC »