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Messages - Mister Skeezler

Pages: 1 ... 119 120 121 122 123 [124] 125 126 127 128 129 ... 179
Revenge of the Sith / Re: New pics of 51-56
« on: June 2, 2005, 03:54 PM »
Finally we'll have a driver for the AT-RT that can get off of his vehicle.

Captain Antilles really is ****-tacular, but I suppose he doesn't do much more than stand around anyways.

I dig those crazy alien troops (Utupauan and Mustafar).

Obi-Wan looks pretty good, but lets hope we're as pleasantly surprised as we were with Agen Kolar. There could easily be Captain Antilles articulation under there.

Zett whatever-his-name-is seems pretty cool. He'll be standing with all the other jedi. I just hope there's some articulation to those arms.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Thoughts and all that sappy stuff
« on: June 2, 2005, 12:18 PM »
Best of luck Shannon...some good energy coming your way!  :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Happy Birthday Princess!!
« on: June 2, 2005, 12:17 PM »
Happy birthday Princess, DSJ and everyone else I missed!  ;D

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Can Sith Beat Titanic?
« on: June 2, 2005, 10:32 AM »
I guess its a little like seeing your favorite sports team do well.

One thing's for sure, I'm seeing a lot of people just talking about Star Wars on the streets these days. Its pretty cool.

Ah, nicely done (English myself)!  :)

Well, I went to a liberal arts university, and graduated from the honors program. It included a lot of classical studies, modern condition, etc.

My degree happens to be for graphic design, but its also an honors degree.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: How big is your army?
« on: June 1, 2005, 10:29 AM »
That's just plain ******* beautiful.

On a separate note, it looks like you have a nice kitchen too!  ;D

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Tank Droid
« on: June 1, 2005, 10:24 AM »
I'm pretty sure its AAT.

I like the themes of self-fullfilling prophecy in Star Wars...

As far as Anakin's conception is concerned, it could be that Plagueis was trying to create a perfect weapon for the Sith because of the prophecy of the Chosen One who would destroy the Sith. Darth Plagueis then unwittingly created that which he was trying to stop.

I really like the self-fullfilling prophecy idea.  You must have an English degree.   :)

Nope, Bachelor of Art (Graphic Design).  ;D

The Prequel Trilogy / Re: Post your ROTS reviews and thoughts!
« on: May 31, 2005, 11:23 AM »
Well, I went to see the movie for the fifth time on Sunday night, and I still ******* love it.

On a personal note, I took my mom to see it (she loved it) and now I've gone with her to see all six Star Wars movies in the theatre. She took me to see ANH when it was rereleased right before ESB, and I was almost 4 years old. So being able to take her to this last one was a big deal for me. Anyone else have a similar experience?

I like the themes of self-fullfilling prophecy in Star Wars. Anakin is afraid to lose Padme, so he seeks out more power with which to save her. The tragedy of this, is that his power in the end, is what is responsible for her death.

There are alot of these self-fullfilling prophecies in Greek mythology (as with other mythologies, but I'm most familiar with Greek, so that's where I'll draw from). The hero Perseus (the product of a virgin birth, by the way), was prophecised to kill his father, King Acrisius. Therefore, Acrisius placed the infant Perseus and his mother into a chest and set them adrift at sea. Perseus grows up on an island, completely unaware of his background and goes on adventures (slaying Medusa, etc). Many years later he returns to Acrisius' kingdom, where he fulfills the prophecy by accidentally killed the king while throwing the discus.

As far as Anakin's conception is concerned, it could be that Plagueis was trying to create a perfect weapon for the Sith because of the prophecy of the Chosen One who would destroy the Sith. Darth Plagueis then unwittingly created that which he was trying to stop. There is also the idea that the Sith believe the balance of the force will be in their favor, while the jedi believe the opposite. Was the prophecy a general prophecy of the force, or was it jedi only?

Palpatine tells the newly dubbed Darth Vader "Only one has learned the secrets of eternal life.  Together we will unlock the secrets of the force..."

That seems to rule out Palpatine to me.

the secrets to eternal life wouldn't necessarily be the same thing as the secrets to creating life. plus he never says that the one person wasn't him, he just says to Anakin we will unlock the secrets of the force. that doesn't necessarily mean he is not aware of what the secrets are, just that he will be helping Anakin to find them.

It came across as if the powers are related.  And if only one Sith came to master these powers, it seems that the one would be responsible for the immaculate conception.  The story of Darth Plagueis and his powers only seems to be bait from Palpatine to lure Anakin Skywalker to the dark side.  For when Palpatine reveals that only one has achieved the powers of eternal life, it seems that he revealed his own deception to Darth Vader. 

If Palpatine were responsible for Anakin's birth, it would all seem far too convenient, IMO.  It definitely seems that this was intentionally left unresolved.  The origins of many mythological and religious figures have been in many cases ambiguous or mysterious.  There's the Christ analogy for one.  Then there are the numerous heroes of Greek mythology such as Hercules and Perseus who were supposedly children of the Gods, and the story of Rome's Romulus and Remus who were raised by wolves.  Lucas seems to be drawing heavily on these traditions to form some of Anakin's story.

Good points. The virgin birth did not originate with Christ, its an idea taken from many older religions. The theme appears numerous times in Greek mythology, among others. I'm glad that it was included in Star Wars, and I'm glad it wasn't resolved. Its nice to have some things that we can debate for years to come.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Wookiee Army
« on: May 27, 2005, 04:18 PM »
This figure is a pretty easy find now... I wouldn't say it's a turd, but it could be a lot better.  If it wasn't for the Preview Wookiee, we probably wouldn't judge it so hard.


Yeah, the preview Wook does rock the house.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: "Evolutions" assortment...
« on: May 27, 2005, 11:52 AM »
Yeah, I thought another Obi-Wan would be kinda weak too, but I couldn't think of someone to fill that spot while keeping the "evolution" thing going. I guess Yoda would be pretty sweet in that set, as long as he doesn't end up like that bulky-looking VOTC Yoda.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: Wookiee Army
« on: May 27, 2005, 11:05 AM »
Eeee, yikes...   :-\

I picked a couple Wookiee's up the other night at Target and Wal-Mart...  Got cream and brown variants in the same night, and honestly I'm not impressed.

He could be worse, but his goofy legs are just like Tarful's...  Not to mention they're pre-posed and it makes standing the figure tough (damn "walking" sculpt to them).  I much prefer the preview Wookiee, and I think Hasbro didn't do this figure justice like that one.  Color me unimpressed.

Not to mention that my cream wookiee's arms keep falling off.  I'm really not pleased with these figures.

I hope the film makes some mention why some Wookiees are absolutely HUGE while others are tiny by comparison as well...  This species is all over the place in toy form, and I'm hoping this is not just a Hasbro flub and that they're all comparable in the movie. 

That's putting it nicely, Jesse.

These wookiees are ****-sandwich. I've seen McDonalds toys that were better quality. I didn't want to complain too much when I opened them, because my fiance picked them up for me. But damn, these are some awful figures. The action feature thing really needs to go away again...and never come back. Seriously. And this wookiee should go with it.

Revenge of the Sith / Re: "Evolutions" assortment...
« on: May 27, 2005, 10:59 AM »
Well, it seems like ideas is where this thread is heading, so here's mine. I've been thinking about an idea like this since the cinema scenes were out. Obviously, all these would be super articulated...

Han Solo Evolution Set
* Han in Stormtrooper disguise (This could easily be the VOTC Stormie with Han head and removeable helmet)
* Bespin Han (with respirator and blaster)
* Endor Han (with removeable soft-goods trenchcoat, blaster and explosive charges)

Luke Skywalker Evolution Set
* Luke in Stormtrooper disguise (This mold would need to be altered slightly to make Luke a little shorter)
* Luke in Bespin fatigues (with blaster, lightsaber, attachable lightsaber hilt, removeable hand)
* Luke Jedi (Final duel version with lightsaber, attachable lightsaber hilt, manacles)

Princess Leia Organa Evolution Set
* Leia in white gown (with either softgoods or removeable hood, sporting blaster, manacles and stormtrooper blaster rifle)
* Leia in Hoth gear (with respirator, goggles and welding torch?)
* Leia in General's uniform (with blaster pistol, softgoods poncho and removeable helmet)

Stormtrooper Evolution Set
* VOTC Stormtrooper (with ball-joint hips, blaster rifle and larger rifle)
* Snowtrooper (with softgoods "skirt" piece, softgoods face guard, and blaster rifle)
* Scout Trooper (with blaster pistol)

Obi-Wan Kenobi Evolution Set
* Obi-Wan Kenobi Padawan (TPM version with soft goods robe and skirt piece, lightsaber and attachable lightsaber hilt, respirator, and commlink)
* Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Knight (AOTC version with soft goods robe and skirt piece, lightsaber and attachable lightsaber hilt and pilot headset)
* Obi-Wan Kenobi Jedi Master (ROTS version with soft goods robe and skirt piece, lightsaber and attachable lightsaber hilt)

Jedi Evolution Set
* Qui-Gon Jin (with removeable soft-goods robe and skirt piece, lightsaber and attachable lightsaber hilt, respirator, commlink and softgoods poncho)
* Mace Windu (with open eyes, shut mouth, softgoods robe and skirt piece, lightsaber and attachable lightsaber hilt)
* "Ben" Kenobi (with softgoods robe and skirt piece, lightsaber and attachable lightsaber hilt, training remote and blast shield helmet)

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