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A thread about concerts.
I thought I'd. . . uh. . . create a thread about concerts. Maybe list some of the concerts you've been to? Maybe discuss your favorite, or most memorable show? Maybe talk about a show that particularly sucked? And maybe talk about upcoming shows you're looking forward to, or what artists are still on your "must-see" list.
Here's mine. I think what I'll do is, list the headliner first, and then the opener last, if they were memorable. (Oh, and all of the shows were in Oklahoma City unless otherwise noted):
[*]Guns N' Roses/Smashing Pumpkins, 4/6/92
[*]Guns N' Roses/Metallica/Faith No More, Dallas, 9/5/92
[*]The Black Crowes/The Jayhawks, 2/10/93
[*]Aerosmith/Jackyl :P 6/4/93
[*]The Rolling Stones, Dallas, 11/18/94
[*]The Black Crowes, May 1995
[*]Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, 6/6/95
[*]The Smashing Pumpkins, 11/23/96
[*]"The Artist" (Prince), 8/5/97
[*]Wilco, 11/5/97
[*]Sarah McLachlan/Lisa Loeb, 3/17/98
[*]Lilith Fair (Sarah McLachlan, Natalie Merchant, others), 7/1/98
[*]H.O.R.D.E. Festival (Smashing Pumpkins, Ben Harper, others), 7/15/98
[*]Tenacious D, April 2002
[*]Sonic Youth, Dallas, 8/1/02
[*]Wilco, Dallas, September 2002
[*]Eyes Adrift, October 2002
[*]Beck/The Flaming Lips, Dallas, 11/14/02
[*]The Strokes, 11/15/02
[*]Coldplay, 2/1/03
[*]Pearl Jam/Sleater-Kinney, 4/3/03
[*]The Flaming Lips/Liz Phair, 6/9/03
[*]The Flaming Lips/Liz Phair, Dallas, 6/10/03
Next show:
[*]Radiohead, Houston, October 1
There may be a few I'm leaving out, but I think I got most of 'em. I'll post some other thoughts later on.
Up coming concert!
;D Shania Twain! ;D 12-05-03, Edmonton, Alberta. In the round! 8)
Shania's Tour Schedule :-*
Um, I'm going to see Poison, Vince Neil, and Skid Row on Aug. 30. I'm feeling like white trash already. It's at a speedway. I really need to get the **** out of this state.
I've been to sadly only 8 concerts (five of which by the same band) in my life:
Pearl Jam/Frank Black June 30, 1998 Target Center Minneapolis
Dave Matthews Band August, 1999 Alpine Valley, Wisconsin
Joan Jett July, 2000 DePere Wisconsin
Pearl Jam/Supergrass October 8, 2000 Alpine Valley, Wisconsin
Guns n' Roses* November 15, 2002 Fargo Dome, North Dakota
Pearl Jam/Idlewild June 15, 2003 Fargo Dome, North Dakota
Pearl Jam/Idlewild June 16, 2003 Excel Center, Saint Paul
Pearl Jam/Buzzcocks June 21, 2003 Alpine Valley, Wisconsin
Best show was the last one I went to, PJ at Alpine Valley, it was one of the nicest days ever, taligating, great show, great seats...good time
Most memorable was the "Ice Bowl" Pearl Jam show of October, 2000...whoever thought it a good idea to schedule an outdoor night show in Wisconsin needs their head checked. It was 28 degrees when the band went on stage with Hats, Gloves...also a great show
Ah, I wish I could remember all the concerts I've been to. There have been hundreds. I will name some of the best ones, and you will be asleep before I'm done.
Just some of the memorable ones.
Sybil Vane: The first show I ever snuck into underaged. One of my friends convinced the guitarist to let us into the place, and because we couldn't drink we sat on their equipment off the stage and stayed very quiet for that night. It was very cool for me. At the RKCNDY in Seattle, which is no no more.
Mad Season at the Moore: (that show became the video and DVD) in 95 or 96. We met Mike McCready at an in store for the aforementioned Sybil Vane, and he put us on the guest list so we got to be in the second row. Very cool. Only time I ever saw Layne Staley live (and alive).
Super Deluxe and the Presidents at Moe in Seattle. What later became a Gay nightclub was a great concert venue. I remember going to this particular show because there was a big rumor the Foo Fighters were going to do a "Secret" set, but they did it the NEXT night. Man, we were mad. Still, Super Deluxe is always cool...and if you haven't heard them, go buy the CD.
+Live+ on their Throwing Copper tour. We followed them around the state, and it was a great road trip.
Sir Mix-a-lot and the Presidents at the Showbox. We saw them play a show together before they became "Subset". I have NEVER felt a concert floor shake as much as that one did.
Subset at about 12 different shows around Seattle. For about a year, when Sir Mixalot and the Presidents teamed up, they were one of my favorite bands. Why they never released an album is beyond me. It was excellent music.
Super Deluxe on New Years Eve in 1996. One of the best concerts I have ever been to. Seeing the band get drunk and try to do covers was great.
Weezer at DV8 in Seattle. One of three times I saw them perform at a smaller venue....but my first really bloody mosh pit injury. Mosh Pit at Weezer? Yeah, for some reason.
Foo Fighters and RHCP at the Gorge. Seeing Dave Grohl climb up onto the top of a building was kind of funny.
No Doubt and Weezer at the Gorge: In my top 10 concerts ever. I never left the front of the pit, and it was just amazing. Gwen is better looking in person than on TV, and they did the imperial march when they came in. How could I NOT love that.
EndFest 1999. I go just about every year, but this particular year was just really fun. Blink 182 and Everclear were the highlights for me. Oh, and as a sidenote, I have never seen more breasts at any concert in my life.
(no one probably cares about all this stuff, but I'm going to keep right on going).
Muzzle and Pris at dozens and DOZENS of shows. The first real act I caught in Seattle when I moved here. I've been watching these guys at various venues for about 8 or 9 years now. They've been on the edge, but never quite made it. Still great music though, and I'm probably going to see them again next week.
Super Deluxe, The Tycoons and Harvey Danger on Christmas Eve 1999. I think it was 99. Anyway, it was a REALLY small back alley club and they performed Christmas songs and a few of their hits. It seemed like at least one member from every Seattle band imaginable was there. Afterwards, I went and had a great Christmas.
REM at Bumbershoot. It wasn't the best REM show I've ever seen, but it was a great outdoor venue and a very nice night.
Super Deluxe and the Dandy Warhols at RKCNDY right before it turned into a dance club. The only reason this show was noteable was they had the retarded Real World kids at the show (they were filming in Seattle as you all know)...and they blocked off a whole section of the stage for those dorks to stage dive. What you DIDN'T see on TV is the little ******** getting booed right out of the place.
They Might Be Giants at Bumbershoot. We got to participate in one of their giant Conga lines, which is always amazing. My favorite TMBG concert so far.
The opening of the EMP. Oh man. Eminem, Dr. Dre, Snoop, Beck, Metallica, Matchbox 20, Subset, RHCP, No Doubt, James Brown, etc...etc..etc...
3 days of rock, rock, rock. It was just insane. Oh, and I also saw big nasty Paul Allen chilling with Gina Gershon, (he even let her introduce a band). What a whore. :)
Letters to Cleo with Sponge: The one and only time I ever saw Cleo, one of my favorite bands of all time. Seattle radio wouldn't play them, but they came anyway. Kay Hanley is off doing solo records now, so I don't think they'll be back, but that remains one of my favorite shows of all time because it was the only time I got to see them before they split.
Suzanne Vega at some little Theater. This was one of those "Win your way in" performances. My girlfriend at the time got free tickets, there were about 100 seats (all lounge chairs) and it was just excellent. Remains the most laid back and "romantic" concert I have ever been to.
Tenacious D at the Paramount. Those guys just crack me up. The first time I saw them, they were opening for Weezer and I had no idea they'd be so good live. This time, they were the headliner, and their show was just SO much better. Great guys.
Michael Jackon's big Reunion show with his brothers in September 2001. Whitney, Britney, Destiny's Child, Macauely, Corey Feldman, Tito and Marlon Brando. All in one building. Yes, I flew to New York for this with my girlfriend. The scary thing is, I tried to change my flight out to the morning of September 11th (So we could stay and see the show on the 10th) but the penalties for change were too pricey, so we flew home on the 9th.
We did manage to visit the Twin Towers on the 9th though. I took lots of pictures, and they were gone before I ever sent the film in.
Other acts I've seen (some even several times) that weren't bad, but that didn't make huge impressions on me:
Pearl Jam
Counting Crows
Veruca Salt
PJ Harvey
Bad Religion
The B52's
Blues Traveler
Ani Difranco
Brian Setzer
The Cure
Tori Amos
Poison (I particularly HATED that show)
John Secada or Enrique Iglesias. To this day I don't remember which one it was, but I know he SUCKED.
Finally, Every Weird Al show I've ever seen. Weird Al remains my favorite artist of all time, and I've probably seen him play about 20 times. His show is always great, always funny, and it's just a great time. There's always new stuff he adds, but you can always sing along to the old stuff. I can't wait to see him again this summer when he finally comes to WA.
This is officially the longest post ever for me. I'm sorry.
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