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Re: Star Wars Episode IX
« Reply #75 on: December 20, 2017, 12:55 PM »
So where do you think Episode IX will pick up?

I'd actually love to see a big time jump too. Something akin to the jump between TPM and AOTC. I'd like to see a number of call backs to Episode I, if we're really rounding this out. Letting Leia pass between films I think is the only option. Rey could restart a nascent Jedi order, training new warriors (or just an apprentice - Finn?), but maybe not being so good at it given her own tutelage to this point. That would give Luke a place in the story, guiding her here or there. Unless he's just trolling Kylo. Which would be great.

This is a great question!

In some ways I actually really didn't like the fact that TLJ picked up minutes after TFA ended.  I don't think stories need to be told in real time, and leaving space between movies allows for a viewer to believe that other personal growth has happened or other things have been put in to place.  Without revealing too many spoilers I was a bit annoyed that the FO seemed so powerful in TLJ but in TFA seemed to be more of a less powerful fringe group with a superweapon.

I'd love to see some years put in place between 8 and 9 so the Rebellion can be magically built back up, Leia can die in some logical unseen way, Rey can get stronger in her force abilities / build a Jedi academy, etc.

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Re: Star Wars Episode IX
« Reply #76 on: December 20, 2017, 01:18 PM »
I'd like IX to end with some consideration of the overall story. So, some version of the Jedi back. The issue of balance addressed - maybe it already has been in Rey and Kylo. I don't want Kylo to be redeemed. I want him to keep leaning into his villainy and perhaps survive the finale. I don't know if I need a final resolution to the overall war. I suppose we understand it never ends at this point, and the point isn't that it ends but we always keep fighting for good. But there should be resolution for the characters.

For Kylo, maybe that could mean him becoming even more Vader like. Though it's hard to say if his destroying the Kylo mask is him also letting go of Vader, as much as he advocates throwing away the past writ large. So question mark there.

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Re: Star Wars Episode IX
« Reply #77 on: December 20, 2017, 02:37 PM »
Couple of thoughts I've had regarding the Force Users in EP9

- What if instead of building out a new Light-side order or having a Light-side user academy, Rey implements something similar to the "Rule of Two", so it would just be her and one other student or perhaps a pair of students?

- I think it would be also interesting if the term "Jedi" might also be pushed aside, similar to how the "Sith" has been pushed aside. We know that the Knights of Ren are still out there and from TLJ we learned that they were students from Luke's academy who left with Ben. So what if Rey starts an entirely new group or brings back the Guardians of the Whills and uses that name instead.

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Re: Star Wars Episode IX
« Reply #78 on: December 20, 2017, 02:56 PM »
Interesting. Very interesting.

Always two there are... I actually thought it was possible the Jedi would be set aside in this film for something else, the Whills like you said or something new. I think it's clear the Jedi will go on with Rey and her disciples, whether it's one or many. I like one, though.

Definitely need the see the Knights of Ren back, and maybe that's where her future temple comes from - she takes Luke's former students back from Kylo and the dark side, and leaves him alone, in darkness.

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Re: Star Wars Episode IX
« Reply #79 on: December 20, 2017, 11:07 PM »
Han brags about outrunning Imperial Starships.  That would imply they are fairly fast.  The Tantive IV also cannot speed away from Vader's Destroyer despite it's speed.  I'm not a SW tech expert, but I have also clung to the idea that capital ships are faster in a straight line direction, just not as maneuverable... in the same way that a battleship could overtake a fishing boat if they're on the same path as they are here. If that's not the case, why wouldn't Han just fly away from the Empire when fleeing Hoth?

On the Hoth part, Han's outrunning the Imperial fighters, he's doing a lot of things (including finishing up his repairs), and essentially he does outrun the destroyers who are trying to pinch off between three, and they appear to be moving straight but incredibly slower compared to the Falcon, like not even close...  So I've always just assumed Han's just trying to by time, get his coordinates and repairs in place, and "go".  The destroyer's in those scenes, you can at least tell they're incredibly slow compared to Han and the Falcon.   

On the "outrunning" line from ANH, he says he's outrun a very generic "Imperial Starships", not destroyers, and he cites bulk cruisers and things then...  There are a lot of different classifications of capital ships though it seems, and that's not to different again from "real world" stuff...  Both from the old EU, new canon, and everything in between, there are tons of capital ships of various designs and speeds...  There have been some smaller, more "Falcon-ish" type Imperial ships introduced of late that give the Empire something sizable but speedy too, so maybe he's talking about fast, but larger craft we don't see?  I never really took Han's lines to imply he was gloating about outrunning destroyers (or other very large ships) which, to me, always seemed tremendously slow on screen.

The Corvette not outrunning the Destroyer in ANH always could have some easy explanations too, especially if it's somehow tracked through hyperspace and they're surprised over Tatooine.  Maybe the shots it took make its ability to outrun the Avenger impossible even?  Or maybe a Destroyer and a Corvette aren't that terribly off in speed?   I dunno.  I just never saw anything on-screen to imply to me any of the larger ships were comparable in any way at all to the Falcon, and the "slow chase" of TLJ looked about right to me, if not (at all) exciting or interesting.

In prior films, I don't think they've tracked ships through hyperspace.  They've analyzed the direction the departing ships have taken, then with some time and calculations determined likely destinations based on possible hyperspace routes.  That's more logical to me anyway, and I would guess given the rebels surprise in this movie that it's new tech. 

Leia says they're tracking the Falcon in ANH, and then Tarkin/Vader's subsequent discussion...  It seems at least possible to be done if you place something on board a ship, but yeah I do tend to lean towards the tracking in TLJ being "new tech" to some degree.  Then again cloaking was impossible supposedly in ANH, but in The Clone Wars it's possible and so there's precedent for what perceived tech is to be wrong.  I can't say I'm a fan of Hyperspace being offed as an escape narrative though, and that's something I didn't care for in TLJ.

Leia having force abilities that strong when she displays virtually no abilities prior is what I have an issue with.  When something is radically different than history has shown its a continuity bump, which is why I provided it as an example. 

There's been virtually no history shown, of Leia, till this point...  There's the 30 years or whatever from ROTJ to now that she could've filled her time learning something.  Luke said in time she would, and she was old at this point so I assume she learned something...  But I really felt like she was pulling herself to the ship, rather than "lifting" stuff or whatever.  I don't look at it as quite as radical as everyone is making it out to be.  I don't view her as "flying" or having some super power we've never seen, so much as she's just pulling herself towards the hull breach and back inside the ship to save her own life.  Just how I viewed it though that maybe made it less fanciful to myself?  But I mean, it's The Force so who knows what the hell she can or can't do, and it's been a long time she could've learned a lot.

Yoda and the lightning on the tree is a massive change in continuity.  Have we seen a force ghost impact the real world beyond their voice, ever?  Heck, I haven't see a live Jedi create a lightning streak, let alone dead a dead one.  Even the Sith have to shoot lightning from their hands.  If Yoda can impact the real world in that way, he could strike down Snoke on his own.

I see others have essentially answered this with what I would've...  Ben's "I'll become more powerful than you can possibly imagine", and so on and so forth...  The ghosts on Dagobah interacted physically with their surrounding (Ben moving stuff aside as he walked into view in ROTJ)...  Is it powerful?  Absolutely, but we really never see Yoda as a force ghost but a brief glimpse at the end of ROTJ.  Likewise it seems like force ghosts can learn stuff, ala QGJ simply learning how to communicate.  I mean, it just doesn't seem like a big issue that Yoda can do something to burn that tree down.  Would it be more interesting if he used matches nearby?  I guess I just didn't care about this much, and it was more about the point he's making to Luke in their exchange and stuff.

Maybe I didn't explain my issue with Luke's death very well.  I think it's absolutely okay that he dies from the strain of his force projection.  I would have been fine if the camera rolled back to him as he returned to his body and the cloak vanished.  But as I recall, he looks worn out, then recomposes himself and sits on the rock watching the twin suns, very much looking better than he did initially.  Then he vapes.  That's just poor execution.

I liked it I guess and just saw it as the opposite.  Maybe that he was making the conscious choice that he knew would kill him but would restore hope to the Resistance by giving them a chance to escape, and he accomplished that, and was dying, and poof.  I mean, Luke getting back to Yoda just in time for him to die is probably equally poor execution for Yoda's end then too when you think about it.  Is he able to hold on just till he sees Luke, then go to sleep forever?  I thought Luke's was kind of nice really, like Yoda's in a way, that he knew his time was up and he watched the suns set as he faded away.

Cross off the ship where an investor has money in both rebel and imperial tech.  It's not that big of an issue for me - just another example of changing what we had previously known.  There are back stories on the designers for these ships and where they come from, but I forgot that's all Legends material now that Disney took over.

Actually I think it's back in canon after Rebels, but I already had my opinion on that with the manufacturers or whatever...  I didn't read a ton into it ruining established EU stuff I guess, and the Incom/Sienar background has always been something I enjoyed too, for what it was.

The point with BB8 was that it was just over the top.  If droids are so good at piloting ships, then why not man the rebel bombers with droids or have a fleet of droid-flown X-wings?  They were supposedly not on par with human skills or improvisation, which was a major plot point of an earlier movie.  Making this droid so much more adept than a platoon of armed, trained troopers just flies in the face of that.

Can't really disagree with this opinion.  I just looked at it as a hero droid doing hero droid things.  Like R2 does heroic things...  But it was kind of crazy.  It wasn't crazy enough for me to care I guess maybe.  I don't think AT-ST's are absurdly complex things really but at the same time, can BB8 just hop in one and drive it?  He can precision open up a billion little hands to plug bad resistors, so I don't know if driving an AT-ST is beyond him, but maybe it should be.  I was more meh that 3PO and R2-D2 do nothing and I can't see Star Wars rolling on with just shelving these two characters completely.  That just bugs me more maybe.

I can totally see the sum of all these things, if they annoy you, influencing opinion on the overall film...  I never really thought about any of these things as bad, myself, obviously.

My gripes, and I found them minor...

-The humor...  While I appreciate DIsney trying to bring humor to a more modern age and audience in Star Wars, I found some of it a little too much.

-Canto Bight...  Again, this was a long film (152 minutes I think?) and CB was such BS for the most part.  It was reinforcing a broader point and all that, and unless there's some expansion upon that in Episode 9 in some way, I don't see the entire thing on Canto Bight as mostly pointless.

-DJ...  I'd have rather seen Rose used as the character that somehow gets them on the Destroyer with Finn's help and again, truncate the CB stuff.  Save the $ you paid Benicio Del Toro to basically have a cameo to stutter and make a point about war profiteering them fly off to nothingness.

-CB should've had Lando...  If you're gonna give a Lando cameo he would've been nice to see on, or related to Canto Bight in some way.  Maybe they contact him for the outside help, whatever.  I would've liked to see Lando appear in some way.

I have my complaints but they're minor I guess, and the things I see fairly often as complaints by others I feel like those are things that aren't a big deal.  I don't really feel like The Force has established parameters though, and that seems like a major sticking point for many people with TLJ.  I feel like, since Clone Wars, Lucas and LFL were setting it up that The Force has more to it than we've seen, and we're now here.  I dunno though.  I'm going back to see it Saturday with the kids and gf, so I'm kinda curious how it is upon a 2nd viewing since it seems a lot of people have to see it twice to form more solid opinions on it.  I'm kinda curious if my thoughts are going to change much after a 2nd round of TLJ.
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Re: Star Wars Episode IX
« Reply #80 on: December 21, 2017, 08:08 AM »
-CB should've had Lando...  If you're gonna give a Lando cameo he would've been nice to see on, or related to Canto Bight in some way.  Maybe they contact him for the outside help, whatever.  I would've liked to see Lando appear in some way.

Wow.  This would have been awesome.   

Offline Nicklab

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Re: Star Wars Episode IX
« Reply #81 on: December 21, 2017, 08:40 AM »
-CB should've had Lando...  If you're gonna give a Lando cameo he would've been nice to see on, or related to Canto Bight in some way.  Maybe they contact him for the outside help, whatever.  I would've liked to see Lando appear in some way.

Wow.  This would have been awesome.   

I disagree on the Lando front.  Mostly from the perspective that the people in Canto Bight represent this arms dealing elite that made their fortune by equipping the First Order.  That seems out of character with Lando, at least post-ROTJ.
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Re: Star Wars Episode IX
« Reply #82 on: December 21, 2017, 11:52 AM »
So a ghost can "walk" on ground, but can't sit in a tree?

This is the point I'm making - they're already interacting with the physical world. They're imposing on it. They're impinging on it. Why would them summoning lighting be an issue, when they can manipulate physics to the point they can walk or sit on solid objects?

Interacting with the physical world is very different than impacting it.  A force ghost can walk or sit because that's the way they wish to appear or how the person interacting with them sees it unfold.  That's so incredibly different from the physical world changing because of their presence.  You don't hear twigs break or water swishing as ghost Obi walks through the swamp.  And to go so far beyond that as to create lightning in the air, something live Jedi can't do, is a clear departure from what previous movies have shown.

If you're okay with new force powers, then just say you're okay with new force powers, but it is ridiculous to argue that this is remotely similar to anything we've seen before.

I think Episode IX will focus on a turd floating down the river and fanboys will gush over how original it is to focus on Star Wars poop. 
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Re: Star Wars Episode IX
« Reply #83 on: December 21, 2017, 12:52 PM »
I think Episode IX will focus on a turd floating down the river and fanboys will gush over how original it is to focus on Star Wars poop.

Yep Justin. This is what all us morons who liked this movie will be duped by because we will like anything. Thanks for that.
« Last Edit: December 21, 2017, 12:53 PM by GrandMoffNick »
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Offline Darby

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Re: Star Wars Episode IX
« Reply #84 on: December 21, 2017, 01:17 PM »
If you're okay with new force powers, then just say you're okay with new force powers, but it is ridiculous to argue that this is remotely similar to anything we've seen before.

Why would lightning be your line in the sand? How can you believe the Force moves through people, and interacts with all living things, and binds the entire universe together and the most powerful agents of that force can't use it?


There is no functional difference in what Yoda did with the lightning than simply appearing to Luke at all. If you want to argue physics, then the entire saga is going to collapse.

Saying that there can't be new introductions of Force powers would be to invalidate the actual emergence of the ghosts in the first place, as well as Sith lightning, or Force Speed or whatever that was in TPM. The stronger a person is in the Force, living or dead and the dead seem to have something over the living, the more the Force seems to open to them. If the idea of that is impossible to you, then I would think the entire story would be. And therein lies the problem.

As you've said elsewhere, you want the films to be the original films. You want them to more like what you've seen, and that's cool. It's fatal for SW, but that's your take. I don't need to live in 1977. I don't need another Death Star, I don't need another X-Wing vs. TIE battle and I don't need the same **** played out again and again. I want to see SW grow, I want to see it thrive and I want to see it live. If Yoda came back in a physical body and was like Back I am, I would have had a serious issue. I have no issue with building on what's been established and taking things in new directions. Doesn't mean that every decision these new filmmakers is right, because they're not, but the risks are worth taking.

And that's the bottom line.

« Last Edit: December 21, 2017, 01:34 PM by Darby »

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Re: Star Wars Episode IX
« Reply #85 on: December 21, 2017, 03:45 PM »
Yep Justin. This is what all us morons who liked this movie will be duped by because we will like anything. Thanks for that.

Didn't mean for my sarcastic remark to be a blanket statement about everyone who liked the movie, Nick, so apologies if it was interpreted that way by you.  It was geared towards people who can't find any fault with the film and will defend the most basic criticisms because they're unwilling to admit that anything Star Wars could possibly be less than perfect.  Like I Said before, I'm happy for those that really are happy with the way the movie turned out as I'd much rather be feeling that way myself. 

If you're okay with new force powers, then just say you're okay with new force powers, but it is ridiculous to argue that this is remotely similar to anything we've seen before.

Why would lightning be your line in the sand? How can you believe the Force moves through people, and interacts with all living things, and binds the entire universe together and the most powerful agents of that force can't use it?


There is no functional difference in what Yoda did with the lightning than simply appearing to Luke at all. If you want to argue physics, then the entire saga is going to collapse.

Well, as you might not recall this whole strand of conversation started because I disagreed that Rian Johnson was the perfect choice to keep the continuity going.  Continuity is the unbroken and consistent existence or operation of something over a period of time.  Force Ghosts are not shown to impact the physical world in any way beyond a spiritual presence and voice leading up to this movie.  Jedi (alive or dead) or even Sith cannot cause a lightning strike from the sky as though they were Thor in any previous rendering of Star Wars.  Like it or hate it, it is inconsistent with what we have previously seen, ergo not keeping up with the continuity. 

Kind of done arguing about it.  If you see it differently, more power to you. 

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Re: Star Wars Episode IX
« Reply #86 on: December 21, 2017, 03:54 PM »
I dunno....just because we haven't seen it before, doesn't mean it can't happen.  What's the difference in manifesting lightning from your fingers as opposed to a cloud above you?  This just didn't bother me all that much.

I enjoyed the movie much more on my second viewing opposed to my first.  Not that I didn't enjoy the movie the first tie, but there was a lot to process and the second viewing helped a lot with that.

I'm guessing that my 7 year old and I will find time to sneak out of the house and catch it again over the Christmas break.  :D
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Re: Star Wars Episode IX
« Reply #87 on: December 21, 2017, 04:18 PM »
I dunno....just because we haven't seen it before, doesn't mean it can't happen.  What's the difference in manifesting lightning from your fingers as opposed to a cloud above you?  This just didn't bother me all that much.

The difference is that you could essentially blast anything from anywhere as a force ghost, so why not get more involved in fighting the dark side?  Yoda could have force lightning blasted Snoke much earlier to save lives or hit Ben before he killed Han if it's so easily done. We only see Sith use lightning in previous movies as well,  which makes it appear to be more of a dark side power.  Would you be okay with Jedi having the ability to burst into flames and fly?  Or maybe breathe underwater and summon giant sea creatures to their aide?  How about a Jedi that could shoot webs and climb ceilings?  I could accept some of Kylo's new tricks in TFA, but these (particularly Yoda's) just push the limit for me.

Try it from this angle: think about the ramifications of what this means.  Jedi are peacekeepers who continuously get involved with the happenings of the galaxy, intervening to save lives and fight evil.  As a force ghost where you can appear once in a while to offer guidance, they continue to help living Jedi (mainly Luke) serve the light side.  But if a force ghost can impact the real world with their force powers, why wouldn't they continue doing the very thing they've dedicated their lives to while they were alive?  Why wouldn't you smite down Palpatine or Snoke with those powers?  Or at least deflect blasts that are blowing up rebels or killing innocents?  Would it make any sense to dedicate your life to peace and justice, then in death just kind of sit around watching things unfold when you could be doing something about it?  Just doesn't make sense to me.
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Re: Star Wars Episode IX
« Reply #88 on: December 21, 2017, 05:04 PM »
Kind of done arguing about it.

You are?

Hey, man I get it. You don't like it. That's cool. I have zero stake in what you don't like. What I love about Star Wars is it's something people can discuss from all kinds of perspectives. And we can all agree or disagree, on whatever it is. But you're in here throwing shade at people in the thread. You're explaining what continuity is to me. I appreciate you think I don't know.

Your point about the narrative consequences of the Force ghost's powers - et al - is a good one. I maybe would have started there. Retaining one's identity in the Force seems to be a (relatively) recent development in AGFFA; there are unlikely to be any rules or guidelines around its use. This would be a worthwhile topic to explore in another film, or maybe some of the other media.

TLJ suggests that Yoda and Luke have not seen each other in a very long time. Since ROTJ? If not, why? Does Yoda believe it's not his place to intervene? Didn't stop Obi-Wan. These are worthwhile questions.

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Re: Star Wars Episode IX
« Reply #89 on: December 21, 2017, 06:14 PM »

The difference is that you could essentially blast anything from anywhere as a force ghost, so why not get more involved in fighting the dark side?  Yoda could have force lightning blasted Snoke much earlier to save lives or hit Ben before he killed Han if it's so easily done. We only see Sith use lightning in previous movies as well,  which makes it appear to be more of a dark side power.  Would you be okay with Jedi having the ability to burst into flames and fly?  Or maybe breathe underwater and summon giant sea creatures to their aide?  How about a Jedi that could shoot webs and climb ceilings?  I could accept some of Kylo's new tricks in TFA, but these (particularly Yoda's) just push the limit for me.

Try it from this angle: think about the ramifications of what this means.  Jedi are peacekeepers who continuously get involved with the happenings of the galaxy, intervening to save lives and fight evil.  As a force ghost where you can appear once in a while to offer guidance, they continue to help living Jedi (mainly Luke) serve the light side.  But if a force ghost can impact the real world with their force powers, why wouldn't they continue doing the very thing they've dedicated their lives to while they were alive?  Why wouldn't you smite down Palpatine or Snoke with those powers?  Or at least deflect blasts that are blowing up rebels or killing innocents?  Would it make any sense to dedicate your life to peace and justice, then in death just kind of sit around watching things unfold when you could be doing something about it?  Just doesn't make sense to me.

I look at good/evil uses of the force boil down to intent.  Summoning force lightning to electrocute a boy who refuses to kill his father: Bad; summoning force lightening to incinerate an old dead tree: not bad.  Remember, there are only three Jedi who have figured out how to return as force ghosts....they might feel that they are now more of a guide than an active participant.  Obi-Wan point blank tells Luke in Empire that if he choses to face Vader he cannot interfere.

TLJ suggests that Yoda and Luke have not seen each other in a very long time. Since ROTJ? If not, why?

My interpretation was that since Luke had cut himself off from the force, Yoda and Obi-Wan could not communicate with him.
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