Author Topic: LOST  (Read 151084 times)

Offline JoshEEE

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Re: 'Lost' - Season Two
« Reply #60 on: September 29, 2005, 02:18 PM »
Nope, definitely not missed.  I just didn't want to be the first freak to start talking about it.  I'm comfortable being the third freak.

My fiancee's brother said "Boobies!" when that happened.  Sigh. 

So, if it wasn't for Tivo, I've decided that I'd absolutely hate watching LOST.  This show is absolutely unwatchable for me with commercials, so about halfway through last season I stopped watching it live.  Now I wait until about 9:30 to watch it so I don't have to sit through every god damned cliffhanger they choose to sprinkle between the commercials.

Last night's episode didn't really do much for me, (I really hated the cheesy way they rewinded last weeks episode and made us wait until 45 minutes through this one before we got back there again)....but I did like the last 15 minutes of the show. 

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Re: 'Lost' - Season Two
« Reply #61 on: September 29, 2005, 02:26 PM »
I sort of wasn't paying attention but in last nights episode, when Mike was saying goodbye to the young Walt, was that a polar bear he pulled out of the bag?  Because, if so, that's the second time we've seen polar bears associated with Walt.  The first being in the comic book on the island.
I thought that was a stuffed Polar Bear also, hmmmmmm........

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Re: 'Lost' - Season Two
« Reply #62 on: October 6, 2005, 07:50 AM »

1.  Jack and his crew of strandees are armed to the teeth now.  There was a whole cache of guns down there with Desmond, everything from pistols to rifles to shotguns, Kate has already grabbed a shotgun, and I think just about everyone is going to be armed now.

2.  Food will not be a problem for a long time.  That was quite a bit down there, and as long as they still hunt to supplement it, it shouldn't be a problem.  But we all know there is going to be a huge fight over it anyway, I'm sure.

3.  That crew that came up on Jin, Michael, and Sawyer and smacked him them with the club and threw them in the pit/cage, could potentially be other survivors from the plane (tail).  Or it could really be another group that was there before them, "The Others".  At any rate, Jack's team has the guns now.  They should be able to overtake this group, who seem to have primitive weapons.

4.  Locke is breaking down psychologically, for him to yell "Jack, don't leave me alone!" as he left after Desmond is very unusual.  He's normally the "Don't tell me what I can't  do" and "I can take on the world alone" type.  He was having those flashbacks of being conned by that man and having his kidney taken at the time.  He seems fragile now.

5.  We got another nice 2 second shot of Kate  ;)
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Re: 'Lost' - Season Two
« Reply #63 on: October 6, 2005, 10:23 AM »
Possible Spoilers.... You've been warned.

I was reading a blurb from the producer of the show (one of the producers?) where he was saying that they thought it would be neat to contrast two types of survival societies - the first, where 40 or so people live communally and everything is peachy and they all look to a few people to lead and they pretty much all get along.  The other, is a smaller group of survivors who grow more authoritarian and dominating in an effort to survive (the folks from the tail of the plane).  He went on to say that it would be interesting to see how those two leaders clashed once they met.

Offline Brian

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Re: 'Lost' - Season Two
« Reply #64 on: October 6, 2005, 10:27 AM »
That's an interesting idea...I could see that happening. As for last night's episode, we really enjoyed it.  Pretty much always do though.  The teaser for next week's show makes you crazy with the wait (esp. the part with Jin...I'll leave it at that in case anyone is avoiding spoilery stuff).  Glad we got to learn a little more about the hatch and Desmond, along with that creepy "orientation" film.  Locke seems to get a little more confusing and in some cases creepy every week.  Obviously has a few issues to deal with.  Curious to see what happens with the possible "others" or whoever it is who have Sawyer, Jin, and Michael.  And where the heck is Walt?  :)

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Re: 'Lost' - Season Two
« Reply #65 on: October 6, 2005, 11:13 AM »
Possible Spoilers.... You've been warned.

yeah, almost like a "lord of the flies" thype of thing. 

The people from the tail section go "tribal" while the others maintain a sense of civility, should be interesting to see what happen when the two groups clash.

My wife and I are also on board with the "the people who have Jin/sawyer/mike are from the tail section".  I think the reason they are holding them captive is because they fear that jin/saywer/mike are "the others"

I guess we will wait and see...
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Offline Brian

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Re: 'Lost' - Season Two
« Reply #66 on: October 6, 2005, 11:14 AM »
Oh, I stumbled across this site this morning, which has some miscellaneous links relating to Lost.  I haven't looked through everything there, but you can look through every page of the Green Lantern/The Flash "Faster Friends" comic book that Walt was looking at in Season 1.  If anyone is interested...

Also, this has probably been realized/said already...but I just saw this this morning and I don't know how I missed it.  The numbers:

4+8+15+16+23+42 add up to 108, the number of minutes they have until they have to "reboot" things in the hatch each time.
« Last Edit: October 6, 2005, 11:36 AM by mosnab »

Offline jokabofe

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Re: 'Lost' - Season Two
« Reply #67 on: October 7, 2005, 06:52 PM »
Anybody else notice that at the end of the orientation movie it said "Copywrite 1980 Dharma Corporation"? I had to pause it on the TiVO to actually read the year, but I wonder if that has anything to do with anything?

I'm starting to believe that the "accident" with the plane wasn't an accident at all.

I hope they start moving ahead with the storyline now. It's pretty much been three episodes that could have been merged into about an episode and a half, in my opinion.

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Re: 'Lost' - Season Two
« Reply #68 on: October 7, 2005, 07:05 PM »
Hmmm, I just read this on another site:


All of the Losties are part of the experiment. They were all born on the island, and every single flashback you see is an implanted memory. None of them have ever had a real life outside the experiment, and that is why they need the children, to continue the experiment. It is all fake! They thought of different ideas, such as: What if a man was a big loser in his real life, then gets to the island and is one of the most important people helping in survival and what not? Hence, Locke.

That sounds like it could be true... but I think if that was the case, I'd be a little pissed to find out that all those flashback were B.S.

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Re: 'Lost' - Season Two
« Reply #69 on: October 12, 2005, 11:11 PM »
That had to be my favorite episode to date. :)

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Re: 'Lost' - Season Two
« Reply #70 on: October 13, 2005, 10:23 PM »
I really liked last nights episode as well. Hurly is a great character and I think everyone who has a soul can relate to his issue, regardless if they won 156 million dollars.
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Re: 'Lost' - Season Two
« Reply #71 on: October 26, 2005, 04:00 PM »
Coincidence or not?  A friend of mine thinks this has HUGE implications on the numbers.  I think he's crazy...

All of the numbers have been retired by the New York Yankees :

4 - Lou Gehrig
8 - Yogi Berra
15 - Thurman Munson
16 - Whitey Ford
23 - Don Mattingly
42 - Jackie Robinson

His crazy theory then goes that each number/player is represented by a character on the show.  It is important that the "number" aka characters stay together.  He's ever gone so far as to try to start matching them up:

Lou Gehrig = Locke (both were crippled unfairly)
Yogi Berra = Hurley (despite both being just role players, both are/were vital to the "team")
Don Mattingly = Jack (The Captain/Leader of the team)
Jackie Robinson = Michael or Walt (obvious reasons)

(he is still working out the other two)

So, think he's on to something or think he's crazy? 
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Offline Brian

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Re: 'Lost' - Season Two
« Reply #72 on: October 27, 2005, 09:12 AM »
I actually read something about that yesterday too, can't remember where.  It might have been on USA Today's ongoing feature on LOST.  In fact, yeah, HERE that is.  They also mention that the numbers 3, 5, 37, and 44 (Ruth, DiMaggio, Stengel, Jackson) among others, aren't maybe it means nothing.  If they are related, they must just arbitrarily be picking Yankee numbers.  You never know though, that would be quite a coincidence.
« Last Edit: October 27, 2005, 09:13 AM by mosnab »

Offline Mikey D

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Re: 'Lost' - Season Two
« Reply #73 on: October 27, 2005, 10:01 AM »
Of course the numbers match retired Yankees' numbers.  Is there a number that hasn't been retired by the Yankees?  That team retires numbers like I change my underwear.

Seriously, I don't know about this.  Based on the nature of the show, I think people are just looking for hints everywhere and trying to connect every little detail.

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Re: 'Lost' - Season Two
« Reply #74 on: November 10, 2005, 11:47 AM »
So what did everyone think of the new episode of LOST last night?  Pretty good one, with quite a bit going on.  Someone was "lost forever" as the ads suggested, although on some of the forums I've lookd around on, some fans aren't convinced that person is gone.  Also, TVGuide's Watercooler has a possibility of what Walt's message was again (played backwards).  I won't list any spoilers here just in case someone hasn't seen it yet, but a good episode overall.  Looks like next week's will show what has happened to the "tailies", and will be an extended episode.