Collectibles > Rogue One

Rogue One "Jedha Revolt" 4-Pack

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Good to know this early that I don't have to buy any of these figures individually!

Cool pack, surprised they revealed it so early though. It really seems like they are going to cookie cutter things each year with the release of toys, amount of time until blu Ray, etc. that being said, this does look pretty spiffy.

Jesse James:
Like Diddly said, good to know.  I won't buy Jyn then...  Just look for this pack and hope it's plentiful.  I'm excited for it...  Looks like a nice group of figures.

JEDHA REVOLT 4-PACK     Walmart - 55335312          Target - 087-06-7987

This 4-pack release may be tied to the BluRay/DVD/Digital download release of ROGUE ONE, because it comes up in the Target Brickseek search as "HOME ENTERTAINMENT PACK 346823".  That may mean it will be in stores for March 2017, which is when ROGUE ONE is rumored to be released on BluRay, et al.

Well, it would suck if it was a bundle with the movie for those of us that already pre-ordered the movie...


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