Collecting > Star Wars Ships and Vehicles

3rd Party Sail Barge


Just saw this at some otheR place:  Sail barge anyone?

Wow, those are awesome.  They have a cool rendition of the V-Wing and Han's Freighter as well...

They are very cool.  But I don't know who's spending $1500 on a third party Sail barge!


--- Quote from: Nicklab on March 30, 2017, 11:28 AM ---They are very cool.  But I don't know who's spending $1500 on a third party Sail barge!

--- End quote ---

That is an awful lot.  They have some cheaper options though.  I've spent $600ish on third party Masterpiece Transformers though if you count 6 robots combining into one as a single item.  I'd have to have a really nice space to display something like that if I ever got one. 

That's with pretty much every option thrown in. The $600 version seems pretty nice, though, I agree there. 

The same guy also has a Star Destroyer, but that doesn't look anywhere near as good as the Sail Barge.


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