Author Topic: DARK ILLUSIONS Photonovel (Complete)  (Read 181587 times)

Offline S_A_Longhorn

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #15 on: November 23, 2005, 10:46 AM »

Chapter 8

With no reply from Jedi Master Adi Gallia in several days, Mace Windu calls for an emergency session with the members of the Jedi Council remaining on Coruscant.

Mace Windu:   Based on the conversation with Obi-Wan and Skywalker, I sent a transmission to Adi requesting her to report on her progress.  It has been five days now, and I have yet to receive any reply.
Ki-Adi Mundi:   Is it possible the message did not reach her on Adaven?

Mace Windu:   According to the transmitter, the message was accepted by her Gunship.  It is unlike her to go this long without any communications.

Obi-Wan Kenobi:   Could she be in danger, Master?
Mace Windu:   It’s possible, however unlikely.  I reviewed the scouting reports with Adi before she left.  The last Clone intelligence stated the Droid Armies were driven out of that system completely.  Nearly all inhabitants of Adaven were able to flee to surrounding systems. 

Shaak Ti:   With a full crew, any problem with the communication equipment would have been fixed.  My feelings tell me there is something seriously wrong.
Yoda:   Very mysterious, this is…..

Mace Windu:   There’s more.  We’ve lost the signal from the homing beacon aboard her Gunship.  Even if there was a communication problem, we should still be able to locate her by use of the homing beacon.   

Shaak Ti:   We should send another squad to verify what has happened.  The longer we delay, the bigger this problem may become.

Ki-Adi Mundi:   I concur with Shaak Ti.  If the Chancellor or Senate discovers we have lost communication with Adi and Commander Deviss,  they will assume the Separatists have taken back the Adaven system.  The Clones will then be ordered back to the system.

Yoda:   Need that, we do not.  Only more problems, this will become for the Jedi and the Chancellor.

Obi-Wan Kenobi:   Anakin and I are ready to go.  He has been very uneasy about this whole situation.   

Yoda:   Only increase, would Skywalker’s frustration.  A calmer, more experienced Jedi should go.

Mace Windu:   I agree with Yoda.  We can send Aayla Secura.  She can leave immediately with Commander Bly and a small squad from the Star Corps.

Obi-Wan Kenobi:   I understand, Master.  Anakin won’t take to this kindly, I’m afraid.
Mace Windu:   He will respect the decision of the Council.

Yoda:   Quiet we must keep, until we have confirmation from Aayla. 
Mace Windu:   Agreed.  Patience is our ally in this situation.

Mace Windu:   May the Force be with Aayla…..and Adi.

Anakin Skywalker:   Another Council meeting?  Glad I missed it.
Obi-Wan Kenobi:   Who are you kidding?  You were probably outside the door, just hoping to overhear something.

Anakin Skywalker:   Only to be sure you get us the best assignment, Master.  I would hate to get stuck with a boring assignment, like negotiating a peace agreement between Jawas and droids. 
Obi-Wan Kenobi:   Actually, that does sound interesting.  Nevertheless..........the meeting was in regards to Master Gallia.

Anakin Skywalker:   When do we leave?

Obi-Wan Kenobi:   We don’t, Anakin.  The Council is concerned that she has not responded to Master Windu’s transmission. 

Obi-Wan Kenobi:   She may be in danger.  The Council selected Aayla Secura to investigate the situation.
Anakin Skywalker:   What?!

Anakin Skywalker:   How could they NOT have chosen us???  We are the best suited for this mission or any other mission!!  It was my vision, Obi-Wan,  that prompted Mace to contact Master Gallia in the first place!!
Obi-Wan Kenobi:   Calm down, Anakin.  THIS is the reason why we weren’t selected.  You have become too emotional.

Obi-Wan Kenobi:   I want to go just as much as you do.  We don’t know what has happened to Master Gallia, nor if Grievous was involved.   We must remain patient.  Aayla Secura will depart for Adaven as soon as possible.

Obi-Wan Kenobi:   Meanwhile, you must calm yourself.  You must stay focused on…...
Anakin Skywalker:   Save it, Obi-Wan.  I don’t have time for another lecture.

Obi-Wan Kenobi:   (sigh)

-Sarah Palin to Charlie Gibson, a week before her husband, Todd Palin, refused to cooperate

Offline S_A_Longhorn

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #16 on: November 23, 2005, 10:51 AM »

Chapter 9

At the Senate building, Governor Tarkin & Papatine continue discussing the ongoing War.

Governor Tarkin:   …….construction is slow but we are making progress.  This project will take many years to complete.  For the time being, it must remain confidential.
Chancellor Palpatine:   Agreed.  The political atmosphere is not right for an announcement of this magnitude.

Chancellor Palpatine:   We will discuss this further at our next meeting.  If you’ll excuse me, I have a guest waiting.

Governor Tarkin:   Thank you for your time, Chancellor.
Chancellor Palpatine:   Until next time, Governor.

Chancellor Palpatine:   Welcome, Anakin.  I’m pleased you were able to meet me on such short notice.

Chancellor Palpatine:    Leave us.

Anakin Skywalker:   I always have time for the Supreme Chancellor of the Republic. 
Chancellor Palpatine:    I was afraid the Council would have sent you on a mission by now.

Anakin Skywalker:   I should be on my way to Adaven right now……….if not for the Council……
Chancellor Palpatine:    They’ve done something to upset you again.  Are you alluding to the situation concerning Master Adi Gallia?

Anakin Skywalker:   How do you………that is not public knowledge…..
Chancellor Palpatine:    My own…..sources…..informed me of the missing Clone battalion, led by Commander Deviss.  Just because the Jedi try to hide this information, does not mean I am blind to what goes on in my Republic. 

Anakin Skywalker:   We don’t know if Master Gallia is any danger…..but…..
Chancellor Palpatine:    We both know her fine character, Anakin.  She is not one to forget her responsibilities.  If she has not contacted anyone by now, then something must have happened to her.  It disappoints me that the Council did not select you for this important assignment.

Anakin Skywalker:   The Council doesn’t believe I can control my “emotions.”    They are sending Aayla Secura, instead.
Chancellor Palpatine:    I’m sure they are looking out for your best interests, Anakin.  However, the Council is not without flaws themselves.

Chancellor Palpatine:    Unfortunately, the Jedi Council has become very arrogant.  It’s understandable, considering all the power they have acquired during this War.  But even the younglings display their arrogance, thinking of themselves as Jedi Knights.  It makes my job very difficult.
Anakin Skywalker:    They do their best, Chancellor.  They try to be optimistic, including Obi-Wan.  But I will admit, it is not the Jedi Way to keep a secret from the Senate.   

Chancellor Palpatine:    Nor is it right to withhold this information from me.  You must trust your feelings, Anakin.  You should have been selected to go to Adaven.  You should be on the frontlines right now winning the War.  And more importantly, you should be on the Council by now.

Anakin Skywalker:    I know it is only a matter of time before that happens.  Even Obi-Wan tells me to be patient.  My only concern right now is Master Gallia.
Chancellor Palpatine:    Oh, I agree.  She must be found.  But you are a wise and powerful Jedi, Anakin.  You have more than proven yourself.  The Republic will forever be in debited to you.  It only makes sense that the Jedi Council should show you the same respect.

Anakin Skywalker:    Thank you, Chancellor.  I appreciate your kind words.
Chancellor Palpatine:   Very soon the Council will realize how powerful you have become.   Until then, we shall respect their decision and hope it is for the best.

Meanwhile, back at the Jedi Temple…

Aayla Secura:   I will get to the bottom of this plot quickly, Master. I’ll be back here in no time. 

Yoda:   Cautious, you must be, Aayla.  More going on at Adaven than we know.

Aayla Secura:   Yes, Master Yoda.  I will make contact as soon as I find something.

Yoda:   May the Force be with you.
Aayla Secura:   And also with you. 

Commander Bly:   General Secura, the Kimcharise is ready to depart.
Aayla Secura:   Very good, Commander.  Does Oddball have the coordinates? 

Commander Bly:   Yes, General.  All of the equipment has been loaded as well.  I would still recommend we take more men.

Aayla Secura:   Thank you for your concern, Commander.  But we are only on a reconnaissance mission.  If we need more troops, we will call for them as needed. 

Commander Bly:   I have selected two of my best men, Tau and Rho, just as you requested.  They have never let me down.
Aayla Secura:   We shall be in good company then.

Commander Oddball:   General Secura, it is an honor to have you aboard the Kimcharise.
Aayla Secura:   Good to see you again, Oddball.  Ready for another adventure? 

Commander Oddball:   Always!    If your ready, General, we’ll leave immediately.

Aayla Secura:   You can relax, Commander Bly.  We still have to rendezvous with a Republic starship.
Commander Bly:   Yes, General.  I am just anxious to begin our new assignment.  Hopefully, we will be allowed to complete this one. 

Aayla Secura:   I’m sure we will.  Hopefully, with a happy ending..... 


Yoda:   Leave, another Jedi does...........return, she must.....

-Sarah Palin to Charlie Gibson, a week before her husband, Todd Palin, refused to cooperate

Offline S_A_Longhorn

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #17 on: November 23, 2005, 11:02 AM »
Again you show how great your photography and storytelling abilities are.  Also your use of everyday items really fits in well with the Star Wars look, especially the spice rack things you used in Palpatine's office.  They work perfectly.

One suggestion, and it's minor - would there be any way to show a few establishing shot?  Maybe from a distance?   I think, at least in my opinion, it would be good for variety's sake.


Thanx for your feedback, CHEWIE.  Always appreciated.

I thought you had seen the last chapters by now.  I don't use "establishing" shots for two reasons:  1) Any pic of Coruscant of any other planet would not be my own original picture.  Basically, the picture belongs to someone else.  And in the world of SW, everything is copyrighted!  2)  While planet shots are cool, I don't think they are important to the story.  It is just one extra picture to change the location of the story, but I do that with a simple italics narration.  Good enough for me.

Thanx for the commentary tho!   :)
-Sarah Palin to Charlie Gibson, a week before her husband, Todd Palin, refused to cooperate

Offline S_A_Longhorn

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #18 on: December 6, 2005, 04:18 PM »

Chapter 10

Jedi Knight Aayla Secura & Commander Bly arrive on Adaven, with the hope of finding Jedi Master Adi Gallia & Commander Deviss.

Commander Bly:   Oddball, this is a good spot.  Set her down here.

Commander Bly:   With nightfall approaching, we should be able to move quickly.

Commander Bly:   No sign of anyone or anything.

Commander Bly:   The last known coordinates for General Gallia’s gunship were due south of here. 
Aayla Secura:   Very good, Commander.  We shall walk the rest of the way. 

Commander Bly:   I still say we should have brought more men. 
Aayla Secura:   Not until it is absolutely necessary.  May I remind you, Commander, we are on a peaceful mission.

Aayla Secura:   Oddball, remain here with the ship.  Continue scanning the area, and alert us of any movement.  And be prepared for an immediate takeoff, just in case.
Commander Oddball:   Yes, General.  Good luck.

Aayla Secura:   In my experience, there is no such thing as luck. 

Commander Bly:   There is something ahead.  Not big enough for an enemy, but it does look familiar…..Rho, Tau, check it out!

Rho:   I can’t see anything out here! 
Tau:   Neither can I.  Wait…..I do see…..

Commander Bly:   Who are they, Tau?
Tau:   Based on the battalion logos, these troopers are part of the original battlion of Adaven.  These are burial markers. 

Commander Bly:   Commander Deviss and his men must have begun the burial process.  Who else would have buried these troopers?
Aayla Secura:   Their objective was to restore the original command post.  We must be close. 

Commander Bly:   Let’s keep moving then.   

Commander Bly:   General, do you mind if I ask, what you think happened to General Gallia and her men? 
Aayla Secura:   I have hope we will find them safe.  However, I do have a bad feeling about all this.  There is something very cold about this place.  The dark side is strong here.


Tau:   Commander, I have a visual on the command post. 
Rho:   I have a visual on something else…

Rho:   Why were these troopers not buried? 

Aayla Secura:   Because..…they were burying the dead.    These troopers must be from Deviss’ squad.
Commander Bly:   Something went terribly wrong.

Tau:   He has been blasted several times.  And his serial number confirms he was part of Commander Deviss’ team. 

Rho:   Commander, their weapons are over here.  Why would they leave them behind?

Aayla Secura:   Probably because they didn’t think they would need them. 

Commander Bly:   Then who killed them?  The planet was void of any life forms or Seperatists. 

Aayla Secura:   Obviously not.  The Force will be our guide…..

Aayla Secura:   Destroyer droids…..he fell…..trying to get back to his rifle…..

Aayla Secura:   They were ambushed. 

Aayla Secura:   They were trying to get back to their weapons when the droids appeared.  This trooper was shot in the back.

Rho:   Droids are not known for their stealth.  Their mechanical parts can easily be heard.   
Tau:   …..unless something else drew their attention. 

Commander Bly:   Doesn’t make sense, General.  How could these troopers be so easily killed by droids? 
Aayla Secura:   The droids knew they were here.  This attack was too precise… if the droids knew their exact location.

Commander Bly:   A spy, perhaps?   
Aayla Secura:   Perhaps.  Nevertheless, this was a trap.  But where are Master Gallia and Deviss?
Rho:   We found one more.

Tau:   His neck was slashed.  There are some restraints on the ground, near his feet. 

Commander Bly:   He must have been captured.   
Rho:   ….then killed.

Continued below.....
-Sarah Palin to Charlie Gibson, a week before her husband, Todd Palin, refused to cooperate

Offline S_A_Longhorn

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #19 on: December 6, 2005, 04:19 PM »
Aayla Secura:   One way to find out…..

Aayla Secura:   He was restrained……until the very last second……when he was killed…….with a lightsaber……

Rho:   A lightsaber?
Tau:   Jedi use lightsabers…. 

Aayla Secura:   As do Sith Lords, Tau.  This trooper was interrogated before his throat was slashed. 
Commander Bly:   Only the higher levels of the Republic War Committee knew of this assignment.

Aayla Secura:   Yes, and even less knew of the precise location.  Someone has betrayed the Republic….let’s keep searching for Gallia and Deviss.

Commander Bly:   A battle droid.    This is the first one we have come across.

Aayla Secura:   …..and there is Commander Deviss.

Aayla Secura:   It appears he at least put up a fight….

Aayla Secura:   But he was out numbered…..

Aayla Secura:   Deviss’ death still does not provide any answers.  We need to find their gunship.   
Commander Bly:   The coordinates of the gunship were on the other side of this hill.  Let’s go.

Commander Bly:   I think we just found their gunship…..or what’s left of it.  Tau, can you confirm?

Tau:   Affirmative, Commander.  The serial markings are a match to the gunship assigned to Commander Deviss.  And these burn marks could only be made by an explosion.

Rho:   Watch your step.  Looks like…….someone’s hands……

Aayla Secura:   We are close…….I can feel her prescence……..but something is different……

Commander Bly:   General, wait!  Please allow us to scout ahead…..
Aayla Secura:   … if she is here but gone……..……….oh no……

Aayla Secura:   Master Gallia???

Aayla Secura:   …..I…..I….have to know…….what happened…..

Aayla Secura:   She survived the explosion…..

Aayla Secura:   ….but someone was waiting for her…..

Aayla Secura:   ….General Grievous…..

Aayla Secura:   …..he attacked her…..

Aayla Secura:   …..and killed her…..

Aayla Secura:   …..with her own lightsaber…..

Aayla Secura:   It was a trap.  The whole mission was a trap.
Commander Bly:   General…… there anything………….I am sorry.

Commander Bly:   General Secura has found Adi Gallia.  Begin collecting Commander Deviss and his men.  I will return to the Kimcharise and report our findings.

Commander Bly:   Give General Secura all the time she needs…..

Aayla Secura:   Noooooo…

Aayla Secura:    (sobbing)

Rho:   I thought it was forbidden for a Jedi to cry?
Tau:   Apparently not.  Let’s get to work.

-Sarah Palin to Charlie Gibson, a week before her husband, Todd Palin, refused to cooperate

Offline S_A_Longhorn

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #20 on: December 6, 2005, 04:19 PM »

Chapter 11

Leaving the Adaven system, General Grievous arrives at the Invisible Hand.

Battle Droid:   Sir, Viceroy Gunray demands an update on the War.

General Grievous:   Gunray demands nothing!  I do not take orders from a worthless Nemodian!

General Greivous:   There are more important things I must attend to…

Super Battle Droid:   Sir, the transmitter is now working properly.

General Greivous:   It better be….

General Greivous:   Time to report our victory.

General Greivous:   Yes, Lord Sidious.
Darth Sidious:   General Grievous, what news do you bring from the Adaven system?

General Greivous:   The mission was a success, just as you predicted.  The Clone battalion was exactly where you said it would be.  We destroyed their gunship, and I personally handled the Jedi scum.

Darth Sidious:   You have done well, General Grievous. 
General Greivous:   But why don’t we crush the Jedi as they arrive on Adaven, my Lord?

Darth Sidious:   Patience, General.  The Jedi are a dying breed.  You have dealt them a crippling blow.  The Jedi Council has lost a prominent member, and will soon lose another.  You must now shift your focus to Jedi Master Mace Windu.

General Greivous:   Mace Windu?  He rarely leaves Coruscant. 

Darth Sidious:   Leave that to me.  But when he does, you must be ready.

Darth Sidious:   I will let you know when the time is right. 
General Greivous:   Yes, my Lord.  What about Viceroy Gunray and the other Seperatist leaders?

Darth Sidious:   Keep them safe, General.  We will need them to win this War.  As we speak, Count Dooku has begun the final phase of our plan.

Darth Sidious:   These are the final days of the Republic.  And we will have our revenge on the pathetic Jedi!

General Greivous:   Very good, Lord Sidious.  I will await your orders.  Greivous out.

General Greivous:   Very soon I will have the lightsaber of the famous Mace Windu………very soon…….

General Greivous:   But first, to deal with that retched Nemodian…..

« Last Edit: December 6, 2005, 04:33 PM by S_A_Longhorn »
-Sarah Palin to Charlie Gibson, a week before her husband, Todd Palin, refused to cooperate

Offline S_A_Longhorn

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #21 on: December 6, 2005, 04:20 PM »

Chapter 12

After leaving the Jedi Temple, Anakin returns to the only other place he calls home.

Padme Amidala:   Anakin!
Anakin Skywalker:   I’ve missed you, Padme.

Padme Amidala:   I was afraid I wasn’t going to see you before you left again.  How long are going to remain on Coruscant?
Anakin Skywalker:   The Council can reassign me at anytime.  But, they are too concerned about their own right now.

Anakin Skywalker:   And by the time they make a decision about anything important, the War may be over. 
Padme Amidala:   What do you mean by that?

Anakin Skywalker:   Nothing.  Forget it, just Jedi business
Padme Amidala:   Well, in that case……...I’m so happy you’re here!  The constant worrying about someone……

Anakin Skywalker:   I told you to stop worring about that.  No one is going to find out.  We will always be together.  Nothing will prevent that, not even the Jedi Order. 
Padme Amidala:   What’s wrong?  Something happened at the Temple, didn’t it?

Anakin Skywalker:   I don’t want to talk about it.  Tell me, what peace agreement did you charm someone into signing today?
Padme Amidala:   Very funny, Annie.  I prefer a diplomatic solution instead of aggressive negotiations, remember?  But I did have an interesting meeting with the Chancellor recently.

Padme Amidala:   Senator Organa and I met with Palpatine to discuss the upcoming vote on the Galactic Security.  The Chancellor invited his close friends, including Wilhuff Tarkin.  Senator Organa was puzzled by his attendance.
Anakin Skywalker:   What doesn’t puzzle Senator Organa?

Padme Amidala:   Nevertheless, the Chancellor wanted to know if he had our support for the Security measure.  He claims it will provide more security for the citizens of Coruscant, especially the Senate.
Anakin Skywalker:   The Chancellor is just trying to keep the Senate in session, so we can end the War sooner.  It will take even longer to decide things if the Senate is in hiding.

Padme Amidala:   Perhaps, but is it really necessary to have more troops?  The Jedi keep the peace here on Coruscant.  If the new Security can provide the safety necessary to hold a peace summit, then I would be in favor of it.  And since when do you care about politics? 
Anakin Skywalker:   Oh believe me, I don’t care for it.  But I agree with the Chancellor, we need more Security.  The Jedi can’t do everything.

Anakin Skywalker:   The Council can’t even select the best Jedi for a rescue mission.  Why would you believe they could protect an entire planet?
Padme Amidala:   I know you’re upset about something that the Council did or didn’t do.  What happened, Annie?

Anakin Skywalker:   Master Gallia is in danger.  I saw her during my meditation.  She has not responsed to recent transmissions.  But the Council chose Aayla Secura to investigate.  She is a very good Jedi……but…...
Padme Amidala:   ……you wanted to go.  I know how much Master Gallia means to you.  It is understandable why you are upset.  But Aayla is more than capable of finding Master Gallia.

Padme Amidala:   Besides, look at the bright side.  While she is gone, you’re here…….with me. 
Anakin Skywalker:   You’re right.  I don’t know what I was thinking.  Our time together is so limited.  I won’t spend another minute thinking about it.

Anakin Skywalker:   Something is not right here…….I feel…..cold…….

Anakin Skywalker:   Dooku!!!

Count Dooku:   I may have left the Jedi Order a long time ago, but I don’t remember the Order approving of this type of relationship.  What would Master Yoda say?

Count Dooku:   A Senator and a Jedi?  Imagine the rumors that would sweep over the Republic! 
Anakin Skywalker:   They will never know because you won’t live long enough to tell anyone, Dooku!!!

Count Dooku:   Such anger in a Jedi.  I LIKE IT!!! 
Anakin Skywalker:   I’ll show you anger!!!

Count Dooku:   Young fool.  Do you really think you can defeat me? 
Anakin Skywalker:   Guess we’ll find out!!!

Count Dooku:   Perhaps you are not as powerful as everyone thinks….. 

Count Dooku:   My Master will be so disappointed. 


To be continued…   
-Sarah Palin to Charlie Gibson, a week before her husband, Todd Palin, refused to cooperate

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #22 on: December 6, 2005, 04:50 PM »
S_A_Longhorn -

I've already said so elsewhere, but your PN is excellent. Here are my previous comments, repeated here for the sake of discussion:

"BRAVO, S_A_Longhorn!

I really like the pacing... discovering bodies as Secura's squad moves through the zone was a nice way to move the story along, and having the fate and present condition of the bodies go from bad to worse set the stage for discovering that the worst was true. Using Secura as a channel to see into the past was another brilliant touch. It incorporated a ton of action into that chapter without making the whole chapter about action sequences.

I like how you have your squad working together and complimenting one another. I like how Bly handled Secura's breakdown by shoring up his troops and handing out orders.

I've really enjoyed your work in the past, but Chapter 10 takes the cake IMO.

Chapter 11 is also solid, but for other reasons. You've done a good job of working in Grievous in a believable way. His temper with his droid crew and his distaste for Neimoidians works well. There was one typo - "buy" instead of "but" - but otherwise the scripting is very solid.

Congrats on a very fine update. Can't wait to see more.

(As for) Ch. 12, I think you should have written the dialogue for Episode 2 and 3... your is better than what we got. I'm not real sure about Dooku and two battle droids waltzing into a Senator's apartment on Coruscant, but I'm willing to go with the flow.

You have some very nice shots of the beginning of a fight... I'll be interested to see how it ends.

Another strong chapter."

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #23 on: December 10, 2005, 01:50 PM »
I cant wait until the next chapter.
Clone Commander Appo.

Offline S_A_Longhorn

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #24 on: December 12, 2005, 09:44 AM »
Thanx for the comments, guys.  I am still working on ACT II and the chapters within it.  The holiday season is nice distraction, but I should have the next three chapters by next Friday (Dec. 23, 2005).  Consider it a Christmas miraclel!!   ;D
-Sarah Palin to Charlie Gibson, a week before her husband, Todd Palin, refused to cooperate

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #25 on: December 12, 2005, 08:58 PM »
i have really enjoyed you story so far S_A_Longhorn. the story telling is very good. the complications arising between the jedi council, palpatine and the other senators is very well illustrated. i really dug the visions and flachbacks, done in black and white, very cool. i'm sure that i remember someone asking you before, but what did you use for the bench seating in the meeting room, it looks really good?

great job, i can't wait to see more, keep up the great work.
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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #26 on: December 13, 2005, 09:57 AM »
Thanx for the feedback, Jedistyle.   :)

Glad to read the scenes with Palpatine and the Jedi Council have worked so far.  Those are fun but the dialogue can be difficult.  The flashbacks scenes are also my favorite.

The bench seating in the Palpatine scenes are actually kitchen cabinet stairstep shelf organizers.  They can work as bench seating in Palpatine's office.

I will begin working on the next few chapters this week.  ;D
« Last Edit: December 13, 2005, 09:58 AM by S_A_Longhorn »
-Sarah Palin to Charlie Gibson, a week before her husband, Todd Palin, refused to cooperate

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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #27 on: December 13, 2005, 03:35 PM »
I commented in more detail at RS, but let me just reiterate that I love this series and I'm delighted that you've brought it over to JD.

Keep up the terrific work!

I am enjoying this more than "Vader's Quest" and please don't take that as a back-handed compliment.  That was another fine, fine story, but your skills continue to improve!
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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #28 on: December 13, 2005, 05:52 PM »
SA, as you know I really am a fan of your series.  I've been commenting more at RS as that's where you started this series, but I'll comment more here from now on.

Any chance you might create a new character or two and have a series following their adventures?  I'd love to see what you might come up with. 


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Re: DARK ILLUSIONS - Photonovel
« Reply #29 on: December 14, 2005, 10:03 AM »
Hey, LANCE, no offense taken regarding VADER'S QUEST vs DARK ILLUSIONS.  This latest story is a lot more organized and I know I have improved in my story-telling, picture taking, and setting up my basic dioramas..  Thanx for the feedback.  I should start shooting the new chapters today.

CHEWIE:  Thanx for the feedback.  I wouldn't even know how to begin to make a custom fig that would compare to your creations.  But, if you want to send me some...... ;)
-Sarah Palin to Charlie Gibson, a week before her husband, Todd Palin, refused to cooperate