Community > Conventions
Wizard World 2004
aka DaBigKahuna:
Anyone planning on going this year? I noticed that this is going to hit So Cal I believe in March and was considering going. I believe it hits a few more cities later on in the year.
I noticed that the Gentle Giant Clone Trooper Pilot is going to be up for sale here.
For those that have gone in the past, how is the show?
oh no, is the clone pilot bust going to be another convention exclusive fiasco? ::)
i hope not, since that damn blue clone is the only one that i'm missing, outside of that - dare i say it - ridiculous looking vader. the vader i could care less about adding to my collection, but the blue clone i want. my collection won't be "complete" until i get the blue clone... :( and i'm not about to drop $200 for one on ebay anytime soon...
Well, there are 4 Wizard World shows in 2004. The first is in Long Beach, CA in March. There are also shows in Philadelphia, Chicago and Dallas later this year.
Boba Binks:
I try to plan on going to the one up in Chicago.
I want the Gentle Giant Clone Trooper Pilot!
Also I want the Sergeant Clonetrooper (Green)!
If anyone can help me out in acquiring one of each of these it would be most appreaciated.
I plan on hitting WW when it goes to Phillidelphia, and it will be my first convention. Maybe I will run into some of you there!
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