Community > Conventions
Wizard World 2004
I wont be going, but I do plan to nag JediMAC a bunch, until he will pick me up a Clone Pilot bust ;D
I'm more than likely going to go the one in Chicago since I live in Chicago. :P
Unless something unexpected comes up, I plan on hitting up the L.A. show. Should be fun going to the inaugural Wizard World convention out here on the west coast. 'Bout time! Looking forward to it...
--- Quote from: BigDumbWookiee on January 7, 2004, 06:02 PM ---I wont be going, but I do plan to nag JediMAC a bunch, until he will pick me up a Clone Pilot bust ;D
--- End quote ---
No nagging necessary, but some serious begging might do the trick Adam! ;) Nah, I had you lined up for one of the busts the moment I heard about the show, before you ever dropped me a line about it. Hopefully I can come through and pimp ya' another exclusive bust, but obviously I can't guarantee anything... But I'll do my best! :-*
I'm a little nervous though, 'cause now that everyone's discovered how insanely hard it was to get the Blue Clone at the Comic Con last year, I fear a seriously mad rush for the GG booth this time around... :-\
Ah, I love Matt! :)
I was wondering if after all of us seeing how poorly Wizard handled the distribution of the CLone Trooper pilot mini bustif anybody will be changing their plans to attend Wizard World East or Wizard World Chicago.
I know that they lost me as an attendee with this poorly handled distribution. I had made plans to go to Wizard East with the sole purpose of getting this bust. I know I might have had to fight for it once I got there. But I at least expected to have a shot at i don't.
I want to take an informal poll here and at other SW collecting sites and then I will be sending the results to Wizard in an e-mail I intend to write to them.
Many people were planning on going to these 2 shows to get this bust. Since Wizard is sold out of them, you still gonna go?
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