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Messages - sp00ky

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Watto's Junk Yard / Re: What do you do (job, student)?
« on: June 7, 2003, 10:43 AM »
I am a support tech for a wireless company.  I used to drive around in a truck testing the network, which I loved, sortof like the Candian version of the Verizon guy. "Can you hear me now eh?".

Now I sit at a desk in our NOC (Network Operations Center) which I hate.  Mainly because I am not in the field, it is a LOT more stressful, no extra money, office politics sucks, and people blame me for stuff that isn't my fault.. all day long!

Other than that its a good company with kick ass benifits, which is a major reason I put up with all the crap.  Having 2 little kids would be expensive if I had to pay for all those prescriptions, dental work etc. etc.!


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Yoda on MTV?
« on: June 6, 2003, 01:24 PM »
WOW, that was a lot of effort, but I finally got the darn thing to play...

Was kind of funny, the funniest part I thought was when they start to play the music, and he says "play off Yoda, no one does"

Funny stuff, but I agree it could have been funnier if they had Yoda totally out of character or something.

Thanks for the tips Dale,


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Yoda on MTV?
« on: June 6, 2003, 12:37 PM »
Oh well...  mine won't connect at all now.  I just keep on getting error messages.

Damn :(

I'll try later, maybe its a server thing.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Yoda on MTV?
« on: June 6, 2003, 12:26 PM »
Did you get to see the whole thing??

I get the first 5 sec. and then a Teco Bell commercial???



Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Yoda on MTV?
« on: June 6, 2003, 11:58 AM »
If you go here:

I think you can see it with Real Player..

I havn't actually tried it yet, but will confirm!


Vintage Kenner / Re: Boba Fett First Shot Carded
« on: June 6, 2003, 11:05 AM »
This is the same guy who was selling fake "Bootleg Polish R2 units"


Makes us Canucks look bad!


Feedback / Re: Bad Trader Thread
« on: June 5, 2003, 08:59 PM »
Anybody who has been on Yojoe will know what I am talking about here...

DO NOT trade with anyone from the following address:

Philips Ave.
Savannagh (sometimes Port Wentworth), Georgia.

This addy is used by a known bad trader in the GI Joe world, e has been routed out there, and has moved on to the Star Wars community.

I have the exact house number, and phone number but thought it may be against board rules to post it...

Want details, email me or TopJedi!!


Other Collectibles / Press Kits...
« on: June 5, 2003, 08:50 PM »
I recently saw some vintage and modern press kits on eBay.

I would love to sameday pick them all up, they seem really cool!!

Anybody here have any of collect them?


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Pics to Names!
« on: June 5, 2003, 07:07 PM »
No worries bro, the camera is taped to the hockey stick...

I am safe :)


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Pics to Names!
« on: June 5, 2003, 05:23 PM »
Here is mine...

Its from this winter, but its the only one I have online...

Included are my daughter (Haleigh), my son (Nicholas), and the dog (Ellie - show name Elvira Mistress of the Bark :) )

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Top 5 Hotties
« on: June 5, 2003, 04:32 PM »
OK, since I'm new, I'll do my part to keep this thread alive...

First of all, I will have to second the nomination for Gillian Anderson...

OMG that is one HOT redhead, she deserves 2 pics... :)

I follow up with Nicole Kidman

Add in Faith Hill (sorry Shania fans)

Ashley Judd has that "cute as a button" thing going on..

And lastly...

Charlize Theron (this one is for my co-worker Ed, who has been lobbying for her since I started this post...)

Done!!  Scott :)

BTW Did anyone else feel the need to leave their desk for 7 - 10 min. after reading through this thread  ;)

OK, here is my list....  ;)

1.  People who blame you personally for something that doesn't work, just because you happen to be the guy who is there trying to help them.

2.  People who ask for help but refuse to do anything to help themslves!

3.  People who don't read manuals, then expect you to explain everything to them!

4. People who can't understand the limitations of the technology the use on a daily basis.

5. People who buy the absolute cheapest thing possible, then complain when it breaks!

Thats it for work related.. can you tell I am a support tech. :)

Here goes for my list of life's pet peeves.

1.  People who walk slowly down narrow hallways!

2.  People who think that because they are a "customer" they can treat another human being like a piece of crap.

Recent example:  I totally lost it at McDonalds the other day because some guy is screaming at the manager because "you #$%*%ing ripped me off because you forgot one of my #%#$%ing french fries, you#$%ing piece of (you know what).

Where does it say that for the cost of some fries you can totally abuse another human being?

To make it worse my 6 year old is standing right there!

3. People who take no responsibility for thier actions.  

4. People who forward all those stupid pictures, and jokes, and videos, and petitions in their email, then complain that the internet is so slow!

Collecting related!

1. Crappy distribution in Canada!

2. TRU employees who snicker at you because you are asking them a toy question, and you are abviously an adult.

3. eBay sellers with crappy or no pictures!  If you have MOC 12 Backs, sell one and buy a half decent GD Digicam!

4. Other collectors who don't reply to your trade offer, even though it doesn't interest them.  Its common courtesy!!!

5. Flea Market vendors who think they have pure plastic gold, and refuse to believe you when you point out thier flawed plan to sell those sand box incomplete figures for $15 each!  "Hey, those are vintage! I could get a lot more than that on eBay" - Yeah right...

6. Dealers who refuse to believe that "Book Value" means very little these days!

7. Store exclusives! - They never come to Canada!  

8. Store exclusives again... seeing a case of "store exclusives" offered up on eBay!  Example: That damn Silver R2!!! Arghhh

OK, my blood pressure is rising so I should stop now! But thanks I feel better.

Please feel free to post  "People's whose pet peeve threads are too long"... ;)



Hey Hasbro! / Does Hasbro have a warranty??
« on: June 5, 2003, 11:54 AM »
I mean, I know these are just toys, but still.

The "Return to the point of purchase" thing doesn't apply mainly because most of the times the figure / vehicle you purchased is no longer availiable a few weeks after you bought it!

IMHO Hasbro should have some sort of way to get products of theirs that are OBVIOUSLY defective replaced somehow.

The recent "My Nexu is cracked" thread comes to mind.

Though I can imagine the logistics nightmare of it all...

Just a random thought, anybody else??

Scott :)

Episode 1 / Re: What's your favorite vehicle?
« on: June 4, 2003, 10:20 PM »
I would have to say Naboo Fighter... I knows its nothing special, but it was the first one I got.  $8 :)  CDN

I would kill to get one of those gigantic starships but the price tag is too high.

Maybe I'll find one at a garage sale, yeah right. ;)


Episode 1 / Re: Who else loves their Episode One collection?
« on: June 4, 2003, 08:59 PM »
I love EP1 for the fact tht $1.24 figures got me back into collecting again for the first time since I stopped playing with my toys..

Well I still kinda play with them ;)

I also love the sculpt, the remind me a lot of the vintage figures, no action poses, no wierd stnces that result in nothing but figures constantly falling over!!

The one thing that don't like about the line is the fact that I am still looking for some of those HTF figs..

Can we all say Holo Sidious, Sio Bibble, TC-14 etc. etc. etc.

All in all, EP! rocks if you ask me, the figures that is.  The movie is cool for the most part too..


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