Conventions / Chicagoland Entertainment Collector's Expo & Breakfast
« on: August 31, 2004, 10:30 AM »
The Chicagoland Entertainment Collector's Expo will take place on September 10-12, and the cost of the event is $7 per day or $15 for the entire weekend. There will be several famous actors/actresses attending the show who were in the Star Wars movies, and they are...
- Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett)
- Dalyn Chew (Lynn Me, one of Jabba the Hutt's dancers)... SAT/SUN ONLY!
- Sean Crawford (Saelt-Marae & Mon Calamari)
- Tim Dry (J'Quille & Mon Calamari)
- Christine Hewett (Tonika Twin)
- Gerald Home (Tessek & Mon Calamari)
- Felix Silla (Retah the Ewok)
- Steve Speirs (Captain Tarpals)
Sandtroopers.com and Federation Toys are sponsoring the Charity Breakfast, which takes place on Saturday, September 11th, from 8:00-9:30am. If you would like to purchase tickets for this breakfast you MUST do so ahead of time, because tickets are ADVANCE SALES ONLY. I know I will certainly be there, along with other staff members from Sandtroopers.com. Is anyone else besides myself going to this event?
This event will be an autograph collector's dream.
- Jeremy Bulloch (Boba Fett)
- Dalyn Chew (Lynn Me, one of Jabba the Hutt's dancers)... SAT/SUN ONLY!
- Sean Crawford (Saelt-Marae & Mon Calamari)
- Tim Dry (J'Quille & Mon Calamari)
- Christine Hewett (Tonika Twin)
- Gerald Home (Tessek & Mon Calamari)
- Felix Silla (Retah the Ewok)
- Steve Speirs (Captain Tarpals)
Sandtroopers.com and Federation Toys are sponsoring the Charity Breakfast, which takes place on Saturday, September 11th, from 8:00-9:30am. If you would like to purchase tickets for this breakfast you MUST do so ahead of time, because tickets are ADVANCE SALES ONLY. I know I will certainly be there, along with other staff members from Sandtroopers.com. Is anyone else besides myself going to this event?
This event will be an autograph collector's dream.