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Messages - Jeff

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And Cory...if it weren't for the adult collector would these new 2 packs even be coming out?  I seriously doubt it...face it Star Wars is collectible more than any other movie franchise in history.  All things Star Wars sell even if they are absolute Crap, people still buy them.  I could sell a turd in a package if it had Star Wars on the outside.  The fact that a lot of 1st Generation OT people have or are just starting to have kids means this line has legs and I for one am glad that the Collectors have made these new two packs a reality, because if it weren't for them, there wouldn't even be new Playskool for the babies to even think of playing with

That's exactly it.  No company in it's right mind makes toys based off 25yr old movies for toddlers alone.  Hasbro is BANKING on the fact that the OT generation will pick this up for their kids!  That's the whole point of the line!

It's so kids can play with Star Wars just like their Daddies (or Mommies for you ladies out there ;) )  

EVERY collector friend I know who has kids bought these for their kids, and almost every non-SW collecting friend I know who has kids did NOT buy these (nor did most even know they existed).  In those cases where a non-SW collecting friend with kids did happen to buy the figures for their kids, the kids hated them (or at least never really played with them).

That point just reinforces my belief that little kids without a Star Wars influence don't like OT SW toys (and realistically, why would they like toys from a 25yr old movie?).  Case in point, my nephews:

Neither my brother-in-law nor sister-in-law really like SW.  Sure, they've seen it a few times and can recognize most of the main Characters, but they don't like SW the way I do.  For Christmas 2002, I picked up some of the PlaySkool for my then 4 and 6 yrs old nephews.  The PlaySkool stuff pretty much went untouched while the Yu-Gi-YO stuff was a HUGE hit.

Meanwhile, the 4-yr old of a good friend who collects SW stuff goes NO WHERE without his PlaySkool Hoth Luke and Wampa.  He loves it because his dad loves it and he wants to be like his dad.

I find it hard to believe that ANY Pre-Schooler is sitting at home upset because all the adult collectors bought all the SW PlaySkool toys.  It doesn't work like that.  Chances are ANY 3-5yr old who could recognize ANY of the characters has a Mom/Dad who is into SW too.

That brings us back to the "adult" collectors buying up "baby toys".  

IMHO, so what if a few people with no kids pick up the PlaySkool line too?  I can't see how selling MORE product is bad for a toy line, especially in today's "Here with the summer movie, out by the fall" toy attitude.  

Realistically, without those collectors demanding for this line to return, I doubt it would have "for the sake of the kiddies".  That's why the Jurrasic Park PlaySkool line TANKED.  There was NO collector support.  The kids didn't want it, there was no parent support, so it died.

I guess my point is that to believe that "adult" collectors buying up SW PlaySkool items is somehow morally wrong or somehow depriving little kids is something I find silly.


Its really ludicrous to me to draw a line that Action Figures are OK but Playskool isn't...they are both toys "intended" for a younger audience

I don't thing the man once known as Jango Fettish had a problem scooping up pencils, notebooks and folders that were intended for elementary school children (but since he's sold all of that its OK for him to take this stance)

So, wait.  I haven't been keeping up with that thread, but Cory (aka Jango Fettish), the same dude who was excited to buy a freakin' Jango Fett LUNCH BOX is ripping people for buying the PlaySkool stuff?!?


Too funny.  Apparently, it's all right to buy School supplies and lunch boxes away from the elementry school kids, but not the Pre-Schoolers as Scott posted above.

Some people are so full of themselves at times, it downright hilarious.


Original Trilogy Collection / Re: Original Trilogy Collection
« on: April 2, 2004, 11:08 AM »
Love that list!

But I was a little confused on which waves were which?

It is all of the first 4 waves smushed together... in other words, my compiled list doesn't state which figures are in which wave, which is why you are confused.

EE has a good list of the individual wave assortments...


Original Trilogy Collection / Re: Original Trilogy Collection
« on: April 2, 2004, 10:14 AM »
OK, so I made a list of the waves so far (4 waves/case assortments announced).  Here's the blend of figures so far:

4x OTC-01 Luke Skywalker (The Empire Strikes Back) [DAGOBAH]
4x OTC-02 Yoda (The Empire Strikes Back)
2x OTC-03 Obi-Wan Kenobi (The Empire Strikes Back)
4x OTC-04 R2-D2 (The Empire Strikes Back)
2x OTC-05 Luke Skywalker (A New Hope)
3x OTC-06 Luke Skywalker (Return of the Jedi)
2x OTC-07 Han Solo (A New Hope)
2x OTC-08 Chewbacca (The Empire Strikes Back)
1x OTC-09 Princess Leia (A New Hope)
2x OTC-10 Darth Vader (Return of the Jedi)
2x OTC-11 Biker Scout (Return of the Jedi)
2x OTC-12 R2-D2 (A New Hope)
1x OTC-13 C-3PO (A New Hope)
1x OTC-14 Boba Fett (Return of the Jedi)
1x OTC-15 Obi-Wan Kenobi (A New Hope)
1x OTC-16 Stormtrooper (A New Hope)
2x OTC-17 Wicket (Return of the Jedi)
2x OTC-18 Princess Leia (The Empire Strikes Back)
2x OTC-19 Cloud Car Pilot (The Empire Strikes Back)
2x OTC-20 Lobot (The Empire Strikes Back)
2x OTC-21 TIE Fighter Pilot (A New Hope)
2x OTC-xx Greedo (A New Hope)
2x OTC-xx Luke Skywalker (The Empire Strikes Back) [BESPIN]

The emphasis so far is on the Dagobah wave and the core characters.  I think that if the next wave contains more Bespin figures, we'd do pretty well at keeping enough "NEW" figures shipping and keeping the potential pegwarmers to a minimum.

In fact, I'm so bold as to predict the NEXT wave...


OTC Wave 5 (2004 wave 11):
2x OTC-18 Princess Leia (The Empire Strikes Back)
2x OTC-19 Cloud Car Pilot (The Empire Strikes Back)
2x OTC-20 Lobot (The Empire Strikes Back)
2x OTC-16 Stormtrooper (A New Hope)
1x OTC-13 C-3PO (A New Hope)
1x OTC-xx Imperial Scanning Trooper (A New Hope)
1x OTC-10 Darth Vader (Return of the Jedi)
1x OTC-xx Han Solo (The Empire Strikes Back) [BESPIN]

Now, that'd be a nice assortment.  It puts more Bespin figures out there, along with more Stormies and the Scanning Trooper.  Plus it gets a few new OTC re-packs out there...

Then again, what do I know about packing cases?


Saga '02-'04 / Re: What's Missing? Episode II Padme Amidala
« on: April 2, 2004, 10:06 AM »
Stay Tuned for Part 3 of this report where we look at the remaning 5 Padme figures yet to be made for Attack of the Clones.

Mucho thanks to the Padawans Guide for the reference pictures!

I can't wait...

Mmmm... Padme.


Original Trilogy Collection / Re: Original Trilogy Collection
« on: April 2, 2004, 09:44 AM »
EE has new Case ASsortments with...some new repacks ::)

Wave 9
1x Princess  Leia (NEW), 2x Biker Scout (NEW),  1x Luke Skywalker - Dagobah, 1x Yoda  - Dagobah, 1x Spirit of Obi-Wan Kenobi, 1x R2-D2 - Dagobah Swamp, 1x  Luke Skywalker - X-Wing Pilot, 1x Luke Skywalker  - Jedi, 1x Han Solo,  1x Chewbacca, 1x Darth Vader

Wave 10
2x Greedo  (NEW), 1x R2-D2 (NEW), 2x TIE Fighter Pilot (NEW), 2x Luke Skywalker -  Bespin Outfit (NEW), 1x Luke Skywalker - Dagobah, 1x Luke Skywalker-Jedi, 1x Yoda - Dagobah, 1x R2-D2 - Dagobah Swamp, 1x Wicket

So, let's see.  Greedo wasn't listed yet, or was Bespin Luke.  So, we're up to 24 OTC figures then?  The previous 21 plus Greedo, Luke, and Scanning Trooper.  That's 7 new figures, 17 re-packs for those keep ing track at home.

Hmmm... wait.  I don't see Scanning Trooper in either of those waves.  That must mean that there is at least one more of these re-pack waves to come...


I think Brandon Webb is an extremely formidable number 2 guy behind the Unit, he blew people away last year.

The way I see it Luis Gonzalez-Richie Sexson-Shea Hillenbrand is a nice 3-4-5.

It all depends if Shawn Green can return to his old form.

It's hard to bring up the fact that Curt Schilling live the 'backs and not state that Kevin Brown left the Dodgers.  Brown was 2nd in the NL in ERA last year and K'd a ton of people.

I've got a LONG list of rookie pitchers who "blew people away" only to have a sucky Sophomore season, so until he shows me something, he's unproven IMHO.

As for Brown leaving, well.  That sucks for the Dodgers.  

I don't know, I've just got a gut feeling that the Dodgers will stick around a bit, but that's the great part of a new season.  I'll probably turn out to be totally wrong and you can all laugh at me in September!


Saga '02-'04 / Re: Star Destroyer Wave
« on: April 1, 2004, 02:04 PM »

Not an April Fool's joke for me either, as I was also able to score the Star Destroyer wave today (MAJOR thanks for an assist from OCB).

Target had put out a few new Yavin wave cases AND a case or two of Star Destroyer wave from the looks of it.

Unfortunately for the rest of the Minesotans, I think Scott and I cleaned them out!


Someone's got to explain to me how the Los Angeles Dodgers are being considered better than the Arizona Diamondbacks and the San Francisco Giants.  

Here's how I see it...

Barry + BALCO = Season long distractions...
Randy is unprotected thanks to Curt trip to the Red Sox... too much rebuilding
San Diego = They're the NL West's Royals.  Up and coming, but not quite there yet

All the Dodgers have to do is improve Run production.  If they would have scored just 17 more runs last year, the ESPN magic statistics (run differential) show they could have stayed in the race.  Plus, with Gagne, they DON'T lose close games.

So, that's why I picked them to win.  Plus, I'm tired of the same old teams and like a bit of fresh blood mixed into the playoffs (which is also why I picked Houston and Toronto as the Wild Cards)  

And besides, if I pick the same thing as everyone else, who will I brag to if I turn out to be right :)


Feedback / Re: jokabofe's feedback
« on: March 30, 2004, 11:50 PM »
Just finished part of a deal with Dave...

Very quick to send payment and responded quickly to PMs!

Now I just gotta get his stuff to him lol


I, too, am a crappy division-winner chooser, but it never stops me from trying...

AL East: New York Yankees
AL Central:  Minnesota Twins
AL West: Oakland A's
AL Wild Card: Toronto Blue Jays

NL East: Atlanta Braves
NL Central: Chicago Cubs
NL West: LA Dodgers
NL Wild Card: Houston Astros

National League Champs: Chicago Cubs
American League Champs: New York Yankees

World Series Champion: Chicago Cubs

Or something like that...


Feedback / habs98's feedback
« on: March 29, 2004, 06:25 PM »
Hi All,

Just wanted to let you all know I recently completed a great trade with him.  Ecxcellent packaging and item was received very quickly.  Also very quick to respond to e-mail!

Thanks again for the great trade!


Watto's Junk Yard / Re:
« on: March 29, 2004, 04:02 PM »
Hi Guys,

I heard from a friend today who let me know that he received his Gift Certificate ($50) and patches in the mail today...

I can't wait to get home and check the mail to see if mine came too!

Anyone else get stuff in the mail today???

edit: text added at 5:15pm

Well, I just got home from work and my packet was in my mailbox.

RotJ and Revenge of the Jedi patch set, three Topps Clone Wars Promo Cards (P1, P2, P3), and my $50 gift certificate!

They came in a little packet (which included a USPS Delivery Confirmation Number so they could track them I guess).  Sent out from Lucasfilm themselves, no secondary clearing house was used.

Woo-Hoo!  Glad it got here before the store re-opened!


Revenge of the Sith / Re: Episode III - Preview Figures (SPOILERS)
« on: March 29, 2004, 03:55 PM »
General Grievous
Obi-Wan's Astromech
Stormtrooper/CLonetrooper Hybrid
Darth Vader :-*


* S P O I L E R S *

Be warned...

My 4 preview figures would be:
1) Gen. Grievous (Droid General) - Just like Jango, give away the baddie since he'll be in the preview AND we'll probably get like 15 different versions of him.
2) Wookie Warrior (possibly even Chewbacca!) - Woo-Hoo!

3) Episode 3 Clone Trooper - just like Episode 2

4) Droid - I don't know if they'll go Obi-Wan Astromech (since fans voted on it) or maybe a new battle droid model.  Either way, I'd vote on a droid for the 4th.

Then, I'd throw in a Darth Vader w/Episode 3 Cup to go with the Target set.

Just my guesses...


JD Sports Forum! / Re: Fantasy Baseball 2004
« on: March 29, 2004, 03:43 PM »

The draft is over for one day and already there are roster moves at Yahoo... I love fantasy sports!


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