Based on this Mara Jade Skywalker listing, it seems like Hasbro didn't have her in the pipeline during the last Fan's Choice Figure Poll. You've got to figure that this wave probably won't be seen until at least March or April of '13.
Darth Vader Bespin? Hasn't that one been in the works for about 10 years or more? I'm interested to see how Hasbro is going to present that version of Vader. The prototype of Bespin Vader that came out year ago showed a blast spark in Vader's hand. Will this new version do something similar?
Yavin Ceremony Luke? This seems like a case of trying to fix the 30AC figure. That headsculpt was just pasty and pale, but the rest of the figure was okay. Hopefully this new version will address the areas where the 30AC figure fell short.
The A-Wing pilot is kind of interesting. Part of me wants the Sullustan pilot from the ROTJ deleted scene. But another part of me wants a human A-Wing pilot on a Vintage card. Seeing how the Vintage Collection is going on hold for a while, I'd like Hasbro to hold off on the human A-Wing pilot and save that for when the Vintage Collection comes back. By that train of thought I think it's more likely that we might get that deleted scene Sullustan A-Wing pilot.
Most of all? I'm hoping that Hasbro might at least have some images or prototypes of this wave to show off at C6.