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Topics - JediMAC

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Watto's Junk Yard / Anyone else clean up the SW toy sections?
« on: April 27, 2003, 01:56 AM »
I'm a freak.  I love to clean and organize stuff.  I also love to collect SW figures.  Add those 3 things together, and you get a total nutjob who enjoys "cleaning up" the Star Wars sections in the toy aisles at most of his favorite local stores!   :P   :-[

Since things are usually in such a state of disarray in the toy aisles, I like to get all the SW stuff organized and consolidated in a nice, neat, concise fashion.  I'll put all the figures together, and even in such a way that the kids favorite characters are on the lower pegs, and collector favs are higher up.  I also try to keep a different figure (and the most popular ones) at the front of each peg.  If there's not too many figures at all, I'll get them all consolidated onto just a peg or two, so the toy manager can see all the extra room to put out new product!   :)

Then I usually organize the rest of the stuff - Deluxe, 12", ships, lightsabers, etc.  Of course, I'm not a total idiot - I only do this if no one else is around...   :D  I guess I figure if I can keep things easy to browse through, and nicely displayed, it might entice some folks to take a gander and purchase some of those nasty pegwarmers I so despise...

So... Anyone else do this?  Anyone else a wacko like me?   8)

Collector's Tips / Online coupon codes for e-tailers!
« on: April 24, 2003, 09:22 PM »
I thought it would be a good idea to try to keep track of the coupon codes that you can use for the various e-tailers to hopefully save our members a few bucks when ordering their Star Wars loot online!  We'll do our best to update whenever we hear of some new savings tips or coupons, but please feel free to chime in with any of your savings findings as well!  Any online e-tailers are welcome, such as or, just to name a couple...

I'll start out by providing this link to the page that shows their standard ongoing Special Offers (though it's not necessarily thorough and complete): Special Offers

Well, after several months of fruitless Saga figure searching, the wife and I poked our noses into a Target store on the way back from having another losing bid on a new house (depressed  :'().  Well, in a mildly redeeming moment:

I hit the motherlode!

Well, the Collection 2 and Deluxe motherlode anyways.  What surprised me was that there were a couple of the brand new RED Battle Droids hanging there on the pegs!  Though I haven't surfed all the store reports around the country, this was the first I've ever seen or heard of these red versions showing up.  Maybe that's not really the case, but it's still a nice score either way!

So on top of that, I also scooped up a couple BLONDE Imperial Officers  :), Barris Offees, a Lama Su and a Yoda w/ Padawan (name?).  Also snagged a couple of each of the new Deluxe sets with Jango and Obi-Wan.  All in all, not a bad haul.  Unfortunately there were no Aaylas though...  But at least my collecting confidence has been renewed for the time being!   8)

Scroll down to see some more great scores from fellow JD members as well.  Time to hit the pavement folks, the new stuff's out!   :D

BTW, I picked up an extra Barriss for you Fish, if you want to throw it in your Arena for $5 (Target's sale is over  :().  LMK, and we'll get together!

Watto's Junk Yard / Has anyone ever done this...?
« on: April 18, 2003, 10:36 PM »
I'm seriously considering buying up a good 20-30 Saga figures from my local Target stores (leaving only 10 or so), and returning them to some out of town Target stores when I go to visit my family this weekend for Easter...  Yeah, I know... This doesn't sound like a very good toy karma thing for me to do, which is why I have yet to do it so far.  But I'm getting very close!   >:(

I'm obviously figuring that if I clear most of the pegs out, then there will be more room for Target to put some new stuff out in it's place.  Pretty selfish of me for sure, not to mention I'd be making matters even worse for the collectors in whatever area I wind up returning them to.  I'd probably do the returns in 5-6 figure lots at various Targets (there's a TON of them out here), and not all at once...

So, any other impatient dumbheads out there ever do (or consider) such a thing...?   :-\

Saga '02-'04 / Most wanted resculpts!
« on: April 18, 2003, 08:18 PM »
We all know Hasbro's put out "a few" subpar figures that we'd like to see redone more accurately at some point in the future.  So what are your most wanted resculpts from any of the modern era line?

A few of mine off the top of my head would be:

  • R5-D4 (the Star Tours version doesn't count)
  • Imperial Officer in a freaking TUNIC (flat/pressed) uniform!
  • Uncle Owen
  • Dr. Evazan (though the Cantina pack one might suffice if I ever see it)
  • Lobot (the Disco era ended long ago)
  • General Lando
  • Anakin OPD (ugh.)
I'm sure there's many more that I'm forgetting right now, but that's a start.  So what about everyone else?  Which figures need to be redone?

Watto's Junk Yard / Bar's open! What'll you have...?
« on: April 10, 2003, 10:19 PM »
It's come to my attention that a certain lady 'round here is in need of some liquid refreshment of the free (and beer) variety, so I figured I'd jump back here behind the JediDefender bar and open this bad boy up and get the party started!  So what'll you have?  Pick your poison!  I hope no one minds if I enjoy a nice stogie while I tend the bar.  MMMmmm...

Hopefully someone can entice Beedo to stop by soon though, as he's a much better bartender and drink mixer than I am!  Those Devil Dogs he makes are to die for!  Nigel... you out there?  Don't make me do it alone here buddy.  Our members here deserve better than me!

Carrie, what kinda beer can I get you?  A Newcastle?   8)

Saga '02-'04 / Silver Fett and Clonetrooper coming...
« on: April 10, 2003, 06:56 PM »
Well, looks like we're only half way through (at the very least) with these silver, vac-metallized figures apparently.   :'(

GH is reporting that the Mexican convention exclusive will probably be a Silver Boba Fett, most likely available later on through the Fan Club/WOTC/Insider/whatever...  They're also reporting that a Silver Clonetrooper is on tap as well, for a promotion similar to the Silver R2 one that ran a while back at TRU.  These are both supposedly due out on similar types of cards that the Vader and R2 were on.

Not quite sure what to think about this really.  If either of these winds up being anything close to the Vader fiasco, heads will have to roll.  But if they're available in Silver R2 type numbers, then I should be able to stomach it.  Either way, it's already giving me a total headache just thinking about it...   :-\  Sure to be a cool figure thought!

EDIT:  Now that this is no longer going to be a Mexican Convention exclusive (as originally rumored), I got rid of the sad face for the message icon.  Hopefully we'll all be able to get a hold of this figure with relatively little hassle...   8)

So this is basically just a story about how freaking stupid I am, so I'm sure some of you will enjoy it...   ;)  (warning, it's LONG)

I was recently working on a nice trade with a fellow member here, in which I finally got my coveted second MOTDS (to open).  I was to send a Holiday Droid 2-pack and one of my extra Tri-logo Ep. 1 Naboo Royal Guards in return.  Good trade - no problem, right?  Wrong.

I got his package lightning quick in just 2 days, and was getting ready to ship mine out as well - just had to find one of my several NRG figures that I had stashed away long ago for some potential future trade bait (had the Holiday Droids sitting out ready to go).  Well, I have probably a hundred or so boxes full of SW stuff at my house, so I started looking through them last week to find the NRG - thinking I knew pretty much right where it was.  One by one - no NRG to be found.  I wound up tearing my entire house apart top to bottom, every single freaking box, to find this increasingly aggravating figure.

Though I was almost 100% positive the thing should've been in our house, I finally came to the determination that my wife or I must've mistakenly taken it up to our storage facility an hour and a half away, up by my in-laws house.  Not good.  We were just up there two weekends ago, and had plans for this past weekend to go down to see my family an hour away in the opposite direction.  Well, I was not about to suffer my first bad trade (on my part) after several dozen good ones.  So we completely altered our weekend plans, and went back up to my wife's parents house again, specifically so I could look through our storage unit up there for the NRG.

Well, my storage unit has probably more boxes full of SW stuff than my house does - some labeled, some not.  So I proceeded to spend almost my entire Saturday going through our 10 x 20 storage unit, box by box, in search of Mr. NRG.  Guess what?  Yep.  NOTHING!   >:(  I was really close to bashing my skull against a wall at this point.  I figured that my initial thoughts that the NRG was at our house must be true.  I must've just somehow missed him - 'cause he sure as crap wasn't in storage!

So after a not-completely-wasted weekend of doing laundry and eating some good grub at my parent's in law's house, back down we went last night to our house.  When we got home, I proceeded to tear the house apart again in my third agro search for this damned missing figure...  After several hours of searching late into the night (waking my wife up numerous times), I finally threw my arms in the air in futile desparation and gave up - nearly ready to kill myself.

I sat and contemplated how I'd have to inform my trading buddy that I had simply "lost" one of his trade items, and started to consider what other options I could offer him for it - concerned that he might be rather upset and my perfect trading feedback might be in jeopardy.

I started pacing around the house, mumbling expletives to myself at 3am in the morning, furious that I could completely lose something that's been right nearby for the last couple of years.  When all of the sudden...  I noticed a box sitting over in the other corner of the living room, all by itself - nowhere near the rest of my stuff.  I realized immediately it was the box with my TF Vader, Sacul, and a few other interesting pieces, and immediately got my hopes up into thinking that it must be where I stashed my extra NRGs.  My heart started pounding desparately as I raced across the room to see if my prayers would be answered, and...  Jackpot!  There all 3 of my extra NRGs were, safe and sound!   8)   HUGE sigh of relief, followed by numerous further expletives to myself.

So needless to say, the package, with both of it's correct contents, went out first thing this morning.  Though I'm still quite annoyed with myself that this whole saga caused almost a week long delay in my package getting sent out, when the figure was practically right where I thought it was the WHOLE time!  ARGH!!!   >:(

So the moral of this story, is when you list your haves on your trade list, make sure you know exactly where the hell they are, before agreeing to trade them to somebody...   ::)   :P

Sorry for the LONG read...   ;)

Other Collectibles / Riddell Mini Helmets
« on: April 7, 2003, 03:30 AM »
Updated for the C-3PO helmet that's now available over at (cruise to end of the thread)...

For anybody who's been contemplating collecting this line of Riddell authentic miniature helmets (only 5 in total), currently has the Darth Vader helmet in stock, and on sale for $30.  If you're interested in ordering or just checking it out, click on over:  Riddell Vader helmet at KB

Feedback / jerkytoys' feedback
« on: April 4, 2003, 02:12 AM »
Just received my loot from my trade with jerkytoys.  Everything was just as advertised, and arrived safe and sound.  Super FAST shipment as well!  Thanks for everything Brian!  Hopefully we can do it again some time.

I highly recommend jerkytoys to all of you for your SW trading needs!   8)

JD Sports Forum! / Batter up! The 2003 JD Baseball Thread...
« on: April 1, 2003, 09:01 PM »
Well folks, it's time to Play Ball!

After months of basking in post World Series glory, it's time for another baseball season to begin anew.  Here's to hoping I finally get that Freeway World Series I've so desired for nearly 30 years:

But if that doesn't happen, I'll settle for another Championship from the Angels over someone else instead...   :)

As always, I think the Yanks are going to be the team to beat, even with Jeter already going down for at least a month and a half.  I'm sure the A's, BoSox, and Twins will be up there as well in the AL.  I'm expecting the D'backs, Cards, Mets, Astros and Braves to have a good showing in the NL.  But my prediction is the same one I've been making since I was 5 years old:  Angels vs. Dodgers in the World Series!

So who are your picks and favorites...?

Feedback / Lubovgeorge's feedback
« on: March 31, 2003, 02:26 PM »
Wow.  Just wow.  What can I say about my new trading best friend Lubovgeorge?!  George just sent me the highly coveted VHTF Masters of the Dark Side 2-pack (MOTDS), which now puts me at one final piece to totally complete both my carded and loose collections (1 Battle Amidala).   8)

Not only that, but this was THE FASTEST trade package I have ever received.  EVER.  We were still working out the details on Friday morning, and his package already arrived at my office this morning (Monday).   :o   Insane!

It goes without saying that Lubovgeorge gets my absolute highest trading recommendation!  Thanks a TON George!  I really appreciate it!

Watto's Junk Yard / How many hours do you sleep a night?
« on: March 29, 2003, 05:15 AM »
I'm an absolute night owl, and can rarely put myself to bed before 2:00am in the morning.  I usually get up around 8:45am each morning for work (I go in around 9:30).  So I'd say that I probably get an average of a little over 6 hours of sleep per night, with usually an extra hour or two on the weekends.

Not nearly enough though!  It's really starting to catch up to me and wipe me out now that I'm 32.  I'll get tired at work around 3-4 in the afternoon, but as soon as I get home later in the evening, I get my second wind and can't nod off for hours.  When I was in college, on my own schedule with very few obligations I'd sleep about 10 hours a night.  I definitely need a minimum of 8, but probably more like 9 to be a tad more "perky" throughout the day...  Guess I really need to hit the warm milk, or sumthin'...!   :-\

So how many hours a night do you guys (and gals) usually crash out for?  Do you get enough sleep...?

The Prequel Trilogy / Is Mace Windu a "bad egg"...?
« on: March 27, 2003, 07:41 PM »
Some folks out there in Star Wars land are speculating that Mace Windu may have the makings of a "not so nice" Jedi Master after all.  Might even be playing both sides of the Force fence...  There's been some interesting hints and tidbits throughout the Prequels so far, along with some behind the scenes footage, dialogue, and story line that may lend credence to this theory.  Anyone have an opinion on the matter?

Do you think Mace might be assisting the bad guys, or might be a Dark Side plant in the Jedi Council, or may wind up turning to the Dark Side in Ep. 3?

I know someone who's got a whole slew of interesting (and compelling) evidence compiled on the subject.  Maybe he'll chime in here...   ;)

Watto's Junk Yard / How long have you collected SW?
« on: March 26, 2003, 03:03 PM »
So how long have all of you been into collecting Star Wars "stuff"?

Me, I'm pretty much a "lifer".  Ever since that opening scroll of STAR WARS with John Williams majestic theme trumpeting, I knew I had to start snatching up anything and everything related to this Saga!

Going on the better part of 26 years now, with an obvious break during some of the downtime for SW in the late 80's.  I missed out on the Vintage Early Bird set, but was definitely snagging those original Kenner 12-backs the moment they first hit retail way back in 1978.  Actually my parents were the ones doing the actual buying, since I wasn't making too much money when I was 7 years old...  :P  Continued on with the obsessive compulsive completist collecting through the ESB and ROTJ releases, right up to the release of the Vintage POTF wave, when we moved out of the country for several years and I was pretty much forced out of the hobby.  I returned back to the States for college in the late 80's, but still took another couple years off.

But then around 1990, when I discovered the existence of that coveted Vintage POTF line which I never even knew existed to that point, I hit the collectibles convention circuit pretty hard in an effort to track down the rest of these Vintage figures I was missing.  Fortunately the POTF prices weren't too bad in the early 90's.  I spent several years doing this, up until the initial Galoob offerings started to trickle out around 1993/94.  Jumped into that scene, which led right up to the release of the modern line in late '95, which I've obviously been collecting hardcore ever since!

So I guess since I got my first SW T-shirts and lunch box back in 1977, with the exception of a 5 year hiatus from 1985-89, I've been collecting SW non-stop.  So around 21 years of really solid collecting for me!   :o   8)

How about you guys?  Who's a Star Wars collecting "lifer", who's a "Prequel Newbie", who's just been "off and on"...?  Let's all keep in mind that no matter how long (or briefly) we've been in this hobby, what's most important is just that we're in it and enjoying it right now.  Nobody's "better" than anybody else just because they've collected longer...   :)  So with that in mind, what's your tale?

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