Collectibles > Rogue One
Rogue One 3.75" Wave 2
No pics yet, but at the rate things ar being leaked/announced it's probably only a matter of time. Guess it's time to start a thread then...
Rumors/info are firming up and it seems these are your Wave 2 figures (with UPC numbers, thanks to Yakface):
630509 420421 – Chirrut Imwe
630509 420476 – Director Krennic
630509 482771 – Cassian Andor (?)
630509 482764 – Rey (Headwrap)
630509 482757 – Darth Vader
630509 482733 – Princess Leia (Rebels)
630509 482726 – Jyn Erso II
Cassian is the Eadu/blue coat version
Wave 2 images 8)
--- Quote from: Jayson on September 1, 2016, 03:26 PM ---Cassian is the Eadu/blue coat version
--- End quote ---
In the clip I'm sure that coat is brown...
Krennic looks awesome. Might be a rare case where I get the 5POA AND Black Series (if it's coming).
Is that a removable hat on Andor?
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