Collectibles > Rogue One

Rogue One Class II Vehicle Sets

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Some of the info that's been coming out has me wondering in which class of vehicle the REBELS A-wing is going to slotted.  It seems a little big for Class I, but is it big enough to be part of the Class II line?


--- Quote from: Nicklab on September  4, 2016, 02:07 PM ---is it big enough to be part of the Class II line?
--- End quote ---

Yes, it is supposed to be in the $30 Class 2 assortment, with repacks of the two TFA Class II ships apparently.

So, there was a Hasbro live hangout Q&A today that I took part in...  posting in here to tell you all that sadly, what we've seen so far is most likely it for Vehicles for the year.

In other words, this assortment is pretty much Hera's A-Wing and repacks - zero chance for a 3.75" scale Imperial Hover Tank appearing in the line this year.

Mentioned this in the rumors thread but - no Hover Tank? Very odd. Hoping they mean not this year and we see it next year some time.

What about the Ghost???  :D

just kidding, I like to tease myself...


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