Collectibles > Rogue One

Rogue One "Value" Vehicle Assortment

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Much like that scaled down Millennium Falcon from last year for TFA, Hasbro is releasing a TIE Striker and an X-wing in this budget line of vehicles. Again, most/all of the functionality of these ships are stripped out and the vehicles are smaller but, for kids that may want something to thrash around and not be concerned about losing pilots and pieces, they are a nice alternative.

That value Falcon never even showed up here. I'm assuming these won't either.

Are these made of actual Nerf foam?

Qui-Gon Jim:

--- Quote from: Diddly on September 17, 2016, 12:31 PM ---That value Falcon never even showed up here. I'm assuming these won't either.

--- End quote ---
I found it at Dollar General. It seems to be made from scaled down molds from that hero series Falcon. I'll get the TIE Striker for sure.

These are still readily available here at DG in Iowa, at least. I've seen them on the top shelf in out of the way aisles - don't ask me why.


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