Collectibles > Rogue One
Rogue One 3.75" Wave 3
Does anyone have a line on when these might ship. I would think they could arrive by Christmas if Hasbro wants to avoid the debacle they had last year with the trifecta of only Goss Toowers, Sarco Plank, and Zuvio on the pegs.
Do we even know what figures are in wave 3?
Rogue One - Bohdi Rook
Rogue One - Sergeant Jyn Erso (Imperial Ground Crew Disguise)
Rogue One - Death Trooper (Specialist)
Rogue One - Scarif Shore Trooper
Rebels - Grand Admiral Thrawn
Rogue One - Admiral Raddus - bumped to Wave 4?
Rebels - Fenn Rau - bumped to Wave 4?
I'm waiting for wave 2 to hit yet to worry about this. ;D
Seeing some reports around the internets with a case breakdown for this wave that doesn't seem to have Fenn Rau in it.
WTF is my Fenn Rau, Hasbro?!?
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