Collectibles > Rogue One
Any of you scruffy looking nerf herders try out the "glowstrike" feature on some of the newer Nerf guns? Just curious if the glow in the dark feature works well or not.
I got a couple of the glowstrike blasters (Death Trooper, Jyn Erso) in one of the Hasbro loot boxes.
They glow very well and actually are pretty cool if you shoot them in the dark... there is a bit of a "laser bolt" look to them flying through a dark room. Kids preferred the electronic auto-fire Jyn Erso blaster to fling 6 darts in a row, but I was more partial to the manual Deathtrooper blaster.
I have the Jyn Erso blaster. I need to find a high capacity magazine for it!
I sprung for the Stormtrooper glowstrike blaster. The kids and I love it! Its really pretty cool how the light charges up the bullets to create the glowing laser effect. Fun times, but it makes it hard to put the kids to bed when we're busy blasting each other with glowstrike nerf bullets.
Only $26 at Target.
As an early father's day gift, my wife picked me up the Cassian Andor blaster. It's basically the Jyn Erso blaster, only blue and comes with a collapsible stock, extended barrel and a sight. Plus it holds double the darts!
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