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Messages - Quazar

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So the plot thickens!


Actually, the plot CAN'T thicken until we get a few more votes!!  :)

So this would be the great time for all you lurkers, bench warmers, wall-flowers, Monday-morning quarterbacks and back-seat drivers to put on your dancing shoes and stand up and be counted!

I only have one request:  (gee, how to say this without sounding like an elitest snob....)

The current deadlock in the game features, as always, some really terrific posts by our longtime players. 

All I ask is that any newcomers try to give their votes some real consideration before they are cast.  Some compelling arguments have been made on both sides.

Now this isn't to say that everyone needs to write a lengthy, multi-paragraph disseration explaining their reasons, but it would be a shame if this fascinating nd well-reasoned debate were settled simply by a one or two casual, hastily-written phrases.

As always, though, it is always delightful to welcome newcomers or returning vets to the game!  So don't be shy!  Get in the game!

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: In Rem's Customs - as of 10/27/05
« on: October 27, 2005, 02:30 AM »
I like the clones, too, but, after a while, I tend to have a hard time remembering all the different ones, if only because there are so many.  But the weathering and custom paint jobs look very, very good.

I really like the Neimodian...Extremely clever creation.  My only criticism - paint the helmet grey or something to make it look less like a trooper helmet.  Other than that, great work!

Welcome to the boards!!

Clever use of parts here Lance. 
Is that a Grand Admiral Thrawn body or did you paint a Tarkin figure white?

Unfortunately I have not yet checked out your photonovels, however after seeing this crazy mix of characters, I think I might have to!

Thanks for stopping by!  Hopefully new customs will follow soon (I'll need 'em for the story.)

Colonel Draven is a simple custom, made from a Thrawn body and an Imperial technician head.

Please check out the story!  We're at a critical juncture, locked in a dead heat about which move the hero should take!

Thanks again.

Uh oh!  Deadlock time!

Guys, we're tied up 4 to 4!  Come on folks, we need some tie-breakers here!

Or maybe some defectors....what to do, what to do???

Darth Delicious

Sith Lord Chaos aka Ryan
Clone Commander Gree

Okay, folks, here's where the voting currently stands.

Compelling cases for both decisions have been made, but a clear front runner has begun to emerge.

Here's the breakdown:

Darth Delicious

Sith Lord Chaos aka Ryan
Clone Commander Gree

So it's by no means over yet!  And anyone is free to change their mind at any time. 

All you johnny-come-lately's....get your votes in before polling closes!

DO NOT HIT THE DRUNK!!! If gaming has taught me anything, all that will accomplish is us getting "Dark Side" points.  ;D

I say toss the comlink down the busted control panel. I highly recommend avoiding Imperial entaglements. Even if the Stormie's do buy that you found it, you're likely to face lengthy questioning, and if they search you, which thay are likely to do, you'll have a heck of a time explaining why you have a dead troopers belt with you.


You've already accumulated 57,302 dark side points for killing the first stormtrooper and for shamelessly hitting on Callie.  One more won't make a lick of difference.  You're going straight to hell!

To clarify, do you want to put the belt in the panel, too, DD

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Darth_Nirvana's customs
« on: October 26, 2005, 05:34 PM »
One thing that would be cool is if you could design a WWII style picture for the side of the ship. Maybe a twi'lik dancer in some erotic pose? Someone did this on a gunship and it came out really cool.

Wow?  Really?  I designed something similar for my Falcon, before realizing there's no place to put it!  Almost all the surfaces of the Falcon are full of bumps and textures.

Don't have a gunship, obviously (damn you, Hasbro!  Where are the ROTS gunships??!?!), but I would seriously consider this.  I LOVED the gunship from Clone Wars

Just thought I'd repost some of Ryan's insightful comments from FFURG over here to add to the discussion -

Putting the commlink in the panel won't work if there is someone waiting for us at the bottom. They know it was activated in the elevator and it hasn't left the elevator, at that point it is go straight to jail, do not pass go, do not collect 200 credits. Besides they wouldn't even have to be wait ing for us at level 79. They could stop us at one of the other 77 levels between us and our destination knocking out the drunk is the best option, as mean as it is. And if there is no one at the bottom, we can pull his body off the lift and send the commlink farther down with the lift.

Hey, I love the Aqualish guys!  Is that a Ree Yees body?  Excellent choice of parts and painting.  I wish I had these two.

Also, extremely clever idea to repaint the "tusks" on the 2nd one to give a little more variety!  I would never have thought of that.

The clone is cool, too, even though custom clones aren't my forte (I can never tell which ones were made by Hasbro and which weren't - some consider that an insult, some a compliment!  ;)

I guess the custom ones are weathered and the Hasbro ones ain't.  Still, nice work.

Great preview pic!!!  Please post a picture of the "unaltered" base!  :)

By the way, what do you use as your source images for the "ground".  I loved seeing the "Before and After" FX pics....but where are you getting those cool images of dirt, leaves, etc?

Thanks, Ryan.

I have a few more characters to spotlight in the next couple of days.

And I hope to make some more in the very near future!  Need more characters for the story!

My problem is I lack good torsos.  I spent months collecting various heads, but have so few bodies...alas.

(Lance, I get the feeling that one reason for all these interim scenes is to give yourself time to finish the Blondie set... am I right?  ;) )

...  the Findswoman

Well, originally, that was part of my motivation, yes.  But now I'm not sure whether I need to finish making the Blondie set or the inside of an Imperial gulag....time will tell.  ;)

Hey, everyone...

There's a lot of great discussion going on here with all kinds of suggestions and ideas floating around, but I need to try to clarify everyone's opinions on the next move before I can proceed with the story.

So if everyone who has posted so far (and anyone else who wishes to chime in) could clarify, as specifically as possible, their ideas for the next move, it would help me greatly.

Here's what you know for sure:

The comlink's transmitter is locked in the "on" position.

You cannot destroy the comlink by smashing it or shorting it out with liquid.

Putting the comlink in the elevator panel is certainly possible, but the comlink will then travel with you when you (presumably) proceed to Level 78.

Or you could just leave the comlink (and the belt, if you desire) in the elevator and just walk out of it when you've arrived at Level 78.

Many have suggested slipping it on the drunk guy.  If so, how?  Do you knock him out first, or just try to subtly slip it into his pocket (shouldn't be too big a feat for you.)

If you do knock him out, do you also slip on the belt, or just the comlink?

If you do knock him out, do you drag him out of the elevator on Level 78, or let him ride up to another level?


The quality of analysis, discussion and suggestions has been excellent, as always, but right now, things are a little too fragmented for me to form any kind of consensus.

At this rate, I won't be able to update until at least the week-end, so there's plenty of time for more conversation!

Thanks, as always, for your wonderful participation!

tykrazen, I sent you a PM!

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Darth_Nirvana's customs
« on: October 24, 2005, 08:55 PM »
Let me be the first to comment!

I like the figures, but I LOOVE the weather on the ARC 170!

Great job!

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