Author Topic: Pittsburgh's "Steel City Con" Toy & Collectible Show  (Read 80564 times)

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Re: Pgh toy show
« Reply #15 on: May 12, 2005, 12:11 AM »
Yeah, I definatley think I'll try and make this one. I'll talk to my friends in Jersey and PA, and see if they want to meet up for this event. :)

The picture kept, will remind me...

Offline Jesse James

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Re: Pgh toy show
« Reply #16 on: June 7, 2005, 11:50 PM »
The Toy Show returns in late July...  As per our front page.

If you're in Pittsburgh, pop on by!
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Re: Pgh toy show
« Reply #17 on: July 26, 2005, 01:12 AM »
I'll be there Sat. around 8AM as usual, hit the show, hang out for a few hours, and we'll probably start to head on over to John Harvards for a few drinks around 11:00ish.

Usually everyone starts showing up around then, and then one by one the guys join us as they finish thier "shopping".

Also, Vaughn and I are heading to Tom's Run to squeak in 18 holes Sunday Am if anyone wants to join us!!!! :^)

Also, the 501st will be there, and the first 1,000 people in the door will get a free SW action figure.

(hey, even if it is an EPI Jar-Jar, hey...its SW and it's free!)

Star Wars and toy Collector since 1978(age 7).  currently over 6,500 SW items in my personal collection. Collect modern/vintage and everything in-between ;^)

Offline Jesse James

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Re: Pgh toy show
« Reply #18 on: July 26, 2005, 02:24 AM »
I'm planning to get there earlier this go-round...  May as well I figure.

Every damn time there's a funk throughout the show though...  distinct body-odor smell.  Damn scalpers.  :)

Should be good though...  I always look forward to the Toy Show.  I just hope it gets a big turnout.  I've got some things I'm on the prowl for this outing so that should be cool.

If I golfed, I'd be all about going out golfing with you and Vaughn, Bob.  I wanna golf, but it's a hobby I can't afford. :(  And I ain't gonna be the one dragging you guy's game down.  You wanna show me how to play sometime at a driving range though, and I'm there!  I'd love to try.
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Offline Jesse James

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Re: Pgh toy show
« Reply #19 on: July 27, 2005, 12:19 AM »
It's just somethign I look at as relaxing I would think...  It wouldn't hurt my networking abilities either...  :)

I'll chitchat with ya some at the show about it Bob...  Can't wait for Saturday to get here...  I'm anxious for just a get-together.

If anyone's in PIttsburgh this weekend (hey, ya never know right?) hit up some of us at the show...  It's always a good time to get together.  Out-of-towners are very welcome, of course!
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Re: Pgh toy show
« Reply #20 on: July 27, 2005, 10:02 PM »
I think one or two of the newer PA Star Wars Collecting Society members will be there too, should be thier first go-round at a toyshow with us.

Hope they are up for some brews...and I hope they have the raspberry brew this time around.  ;^)

See you there!  Vaughn is staying, so if you want to head back to the house on your way home for a few drinks, feel free!  Unfortunately I won't have my vintage prototype Skiff in time.

Star Wars and toy Collector since 1978(age 7).  currently over 6,500 SW items in my personal collection. Collect modern/vintage and everything in-between ;^)

Offline Jesse James

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Re: Pgh toy show
« Reply #21 on: July 27, 2005, 10:12 PM »
I'm likely going to the gf's afterwards, but your place is on the way...  sorta.  Beers it be then.

I'm hoping for some good brews at John Harvard's too...  Good to see new people as well.  I just hope the show's good since this is the first Summer show in a long time...  And it's been known to be dead at times.
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Re: Pgh toy show
« Reply #22 on: July 31, 2005, 08:41 PM »
Fun time as always, just a few pics up on:

501st wer in attendance, not as much vintage as usual, I think much of the vintage has been picked over through the years.  Now a lot of more "affordable" stuff has been gone.  More high end or pricey stuff.  Vintage boxed Skiff in great condition for about $450.

I grabbed:
*SDCC Yoda .45 scale saber and the 3 latest star tours figs from a fellow PSWCS'er. 
* A Saga Padme $5
* A tri-0logo Nikto card is unpunched and in great shape, bubble slightly "pushed in" at 2 corners - $15
* OTC Luke Bespin w/star case $12 (yes I bit the bullet)
* Luke Hoth and Slave Leia fig/cup sets $10ea.

That's about it.  Nothing real spectacular this time around.  Nice to hang with Jesse as always, drinks/food after was fun, hung out with some guys into the eve. and golfed Sun AM as well.  Great weekend.

POTJ Duros was the fig most seemed to recieve as the free figure for attending.
* New Unleashed was about $25+, older Unleashed were all over the board, Yoda was about $90.
* New basic figs were about $10+ for the most part, I think charred Anakin was a bit higher.
* I choked when one vendor wanted $35 for the OTC Vader, and $35 for the Luke Bespin.
* New clone 3 packs were about $25+ (I think I saw a set for about $20
* I noticed some 12" (common) prices seemdd to jump, they used to have a bunch for about $12+ now seemed common 12" were about $20+.  Saga 12" Padme $50, Anakin $40 *GASP*
* Not as much modern stuff as usually is being scalped in the area.
* SDCC Leia figs were about $25+
* one vendor had ROTS, Batman, War of the World bootlegs all about $10ea.
* of note, BK toys varied in price, but some vendors had the BK toys for about $2-$3ea. some like the Maul were $5, Fett was $7, Vader $10.  A few full sets were floating around, but again not as plentiful as I expected.

I think it's more of a good sign that Hasbro and other vendors maybe hadn't flooded the market this go-round like the last two movies ?  I don;t think it's a sign of demand slowing or anything, becasue I've seen more SW collectors, and more SW talk than ever at the show.

About the best recap I can give, should have written some prices down.

Star Wars and toy Collector since 1978(age 7).  currently over 6,500 SW items in my personal collection. Collect modern/vintage and everything in-between ;^)

Offline Jesse James

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Re: Pgh toy show
« Reply #23 on: August 1, 2005, 01:27 AM »
The show sorta bit...  It wasn't a wash, just saw a lotta disappointing things throughout the day.

First, I kicked the day off with 2 Hotwheels nimrods up my ass at Target waiting for the store to open before I popped over to the Toy Show.  I can't say I've ever had to deal with guys like this, even in our hobby, but what a couple of douchebags!  I felt like backhanding the one for being RIGHT behind me. 

The second I pulled into the lot and got out of my car to go in the store (I thought it was open), I see these maroons JUMP out of their cars and practically run to the store's door.  I was closer, so I stood there waiting on them to open it up so I could just run in and leave, but man they acted like they were 10 years old wanting to push past me.

There were only the three of us there!  How dumb is that?

Anyway...  Oh yeah, the show.

I got random junk bits and pieces.  Vintage was sporting some ok boxed stuff I saw...  Carded stuff I'm always diappointed in though as it's always damaged in one way or another.  Boxed I'm more relaxed with though so there's stuff I considered picking up.

What was really disappointing was the modern and what people wanted for basically junk.  Episode One figures for $6 or $7 that were $1.99 clearance at one point.  Lame.

I basically got none of the E1 army builders I wanted because people just wanted outrageous money for stuff. 

Second disappointing thing I witnesses was where basically every new figure in the area went if you didn't get to the stores in time.  TONS of new modern stuff.  One guy had a box about half the size of the folding tables FILLED with modern figures that were just released.  AT-RT Drivers, Obi Pilots, Tarkin, Ask Aak, Mena Tills, Zett, etc., etc... 

And Clones.  Guys with SA Clones for $15 and $20...  Target Clones for $35 and $40...  Clone paint variants (Green Commander, etc.) for $25 or more...

I just hate those ********, plain and simple.  I have nothing but snide remarks for them when they try making their deal with me while I look at their stuff.  One guy said, "I'll sell you that for $20" (about a Green Commander), then went on his schtick about it being an exclusive and limited edition item.

I looked at him, laughed, told him he was wrong and that I'd pick it up for $6 when I see it at the stores, and simply walked away.  I have such an urge to bitchslap some of those guys though, seriously.

I love seeing the old GIJoes and stuff though...  I like checking out vintage, though I didn't pick anything up this time, and I like getting deals on older modern stuff or loose stuff.  I picked up a couple loose ROTS figures for as low as $2 each, and I nabbed a bunch of droid customs fodder in a "3 for 10" table.

Got some Army of Darkness fig sets for 3 for $10 also, and wish I'd bought at least 3 more now.  :(

Got my Vader w/Med Table (also selling for $30+ at the show) from Dave for $10, and a bust-up of Leia I'd been wanting.  Nabbed the 3 plush BK things from Todd that he's been holding for me forever...

Drank some good beer, had a nice cup of soup, and that was the day...  Got some sun on the way home with the top down, and the gf made me shishkabobs!

Not a bad day, other than the scalpers/dealers leaving a sour taste in my mouth.  Seemed like more than ever.  Riding the ROTS wave I guess.

Never saw Eddie Munster or the Soup Nazi...  Saw the Batmobile though.  Yippy ****.

Oh!  I did get a couple ornaments (Destroyer/TantiveIV, and a nice see-through one of the ANH Poster) for cheap.  Love that poster too, that's a sweet little item.

Fun fun fun!
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Re: Pgh toy show
« Reply #24 on: August 1, 2005, 01:42 AM »

Hey, I have a shirt just like that Jesse.   

Offline Jesse James

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Re: Pgh toy show
« Reply #25 on: August 1, 2005, 01:54 AM »
What, a PSWCS Shirt?  *whistles innocently*  Yeah, that's just me in my PSWCS Shirt.  *whistles innocently*
2011 Rebel Fleet Trooper Gets My Seal Of Approval!  But Where's The Friggin' Holster On Him!?
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Offline Jesse James

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Re: Pgh toy show
« Reply #26 on: August 2, 2005, 01:06 AM »
Sounds like it was fun down that way... 

Apparantly some guy bit off some guy's ear at a bar called Carnivore's down there too (I've never even heard of that bar though).  I thought that was funny.  Glad it wasn't you Vaught or Tronz doing that.
2011 Rebel Fleet Trooper Gets My Seal Of Approval!  But Where's The Friggin' Holster On Him!?
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Offline bobafett14

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Re: Pgh toy show
« Reply #27 on: August 2, 2005, 09:32 AM »
Hehe, I've been there, kind of a step down from the Tavern.  A little shadier place. 

Thier food isn't all THAT great, and they don't give large portions, so maybe the guy was just really really hungry.  :P
Star Wars and toy Collector since 1978(age 7).  currently over 6,500 SW items in my personal collection. Collect modern/vintage and everything in-between ;^)

Offline Blue_Harvester

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Re: Pgh toy show
« Reply #28 on: August 2, 2005, 03:06 PM »
Got my Vader w/Med Table (also selling for $30+ at the show) from Dave for $10, and a bust-up of Leia I'd been wanting. 
Fun fun fun!

hey JJ (j2),  Glad to help you out wit dat Leia Bust-up, but I dont think
you got that Vader-on-table from me, did ya?  Whoever you got it from deserves
the props...

 And we were talking about the EU-only ROTS model kits... did you want in on
that deal?  Which ones? and for what (max) price points.  My friend in Paris
can get us all we want, but we gots to add on the kinda pricey shipping costs.

 Lemme know.

Han shot FIRST. Luke threw TWICE. And it was THX-1138 who wasn't at his post on the big screen back in '77. And I first learned that Vader was Luke's dad in the cinemas at the Tampa Bay Mall in 1980.

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Re: Pgh toy show
« Reply #29 on: August 2, 2005, 09:50 PM »
You're right Dave, I got the Vader w/Table from Scott actually...  I barely got to talk to him at the show and remembered talking to you and Todd about stuff, just got confused.  Lots going on around me + beer = confusion.

I'm definitely interested, but I gotta figure out what they even have.  You were showing us something too, I forget what, that was from Paris's convention?  It was neat though, I remember that.  Very unique.

I'll PM you at the Pittsburgh site about it Dave...  Thanks for the reminder!
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