
Collecting => Hey Hasbro! => Topic started by: EpicGon on July 18, 2008, 02:16 PM

Title: Action Figures with former actors head Bullock, Prowse, etc
Post by: EpicGon on July 18, 2008, 02:16 PM
It would be a challenge for HASBRO, imagine what will happen if they release a Darth Vader with removable helmet showing David Prowse or Bob Andersonīs head?
More, a Boba Fett with removable blaster and Jeremy Bullock's head?
They could bring the head of formers stormtrooper and sandtroopers actors, the original cast
as a variaton for stormies,
All could be playeable, wanted for collectors, good sculpted.....

Come on share your opinions gently. :)
Title: Re: Action Figures with former actors head Bullock, Prowse, etc
Post by: iFett on July 18, 2008, 02:27 PM
I think this was brought up in a QnA a looong time ago and they shot it down.
Title: Re: Action Figures with former actors head Bullock, Prowse, etc
Post by: jedi_master_sal on July 27, 2008, 11:56 AM
Yeah, it's been asked before.

People have also mentioned:
Peter Mayhew on Chewie
Anthony Daniels face on 3PO (but the back head armor attached)
Kenny Baker upper torso and head in R2

Personally I'd LOVE to see these, but it would be a nitch product. Nice online exclusive I think. This would also be a way to make a director Lucas! and as a pack in a movie camera!