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Spider-Man Joins the Marvel Movie Universe

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Super excited to hear this news.  I haven't had problems with the previous Spidey movies as many have (although Amazing 2 was a bit of a mess), and I liked Andrew Garfield in the role, but I'll trade it all to see Spidey in the hands of Marvel Studios.  So glad that this deal finally went down, and we can see Peter Parker alongside the likes of the Avengers.  Should be pretty cool, and can't wait to see what direction (casting, age, villains, etc.) they go.  Sounding like he may make his debut in Civil War, which would be fitting too.

--- Quote ---Looking forward to reading the next stupid idea that WB/DC offers to try to keep up with Disney/Marvel adding Spidey to the mix finally -

'Hey everyone, we're cramming The Wonder Twins into Batman V. Superman - Beginning of the Dawn of Justice League of America Superfriends Challenge'!!!   ::)

I still really, really hate that Batman V Superman movie title...
--- End quote ---

As for the DC side of things, I agree with you Jeff.  As much as I hope all their planned movies turn out amazing, they just seem so haphazard with how they are planning this out.  They want to do anything they can to not use the (successful) Marvel model and build towards Justice League and big events, and it seems like now they are just throwing anything that might stick.  Plus, it bothers me that they don't make things more cohesive and see the television Flash and Arrow in these movies as well.  I might be in the minority, and I understand it might be difficult scheduling wise, but personally I love the new Flash show (and Arrow as well), and would love to see those actors make the transition to the big screen alongside the other heroes.  It might be difficult to do, but I think it would be the right thing.

Maybe this Marvel news will spur WB/DC to release that Batman v. Superman teaser trailer now ;).

Maybe Disney will buy DC and let Marvel run it?   ;D


Wow.  This is definitely big news for the Marvel Cinematic Universe.  No doubt Sony is trying to right their own ship in the wake of the hacking scandal. Part of what came out in that affair was a good amount of bashing of Andrew Garfield's performance in the Spider-Man reboot films by Sony executives . Seeing how his name wasn't mentioned in that press release you have to figure that the role is being recast.

I Am Sith:

--- Quote from: BillCable on February 10, 2015, 10:01 AM ---We probably won't see any Sony Spidey spin-offs that were mapped out.  Disney won't want to oversaturate.  Sorry to all those who were looking forward to the Aunt May stand-alone feature film.

--- End quote ---

I may be in the minority, but I was actually looking forward to the Sinister Six movie.  Like Brian, I liked Garfield (much more than Toby McGuire) in the role, but am interested to see who they tap on the shoulder to take the web shooters.

Spiderman, X-Men and the Avengers were my favorite Marvel comics growing up, so I'm happy to see at least two of them will be together on screen soon enough.  Now if they could only get the X-Men in there too...


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