I present you my
Death Star II Docking Bay Diorama Diorama:
Made in 1 day, And I got help from a talented buddy, with lots of Painting experience (Warhammer and such). He also created a VERy nice droid, made out of a pepper mill. An Imperial droid called the
PJ-17. It is painted all black, with some yellow stripes on it, where in the original peppermill where some cut-outs. It looks really cool and effective ! The only parts needed where a peppermill and 2 paint colors. I got the peppermill when my mom needed a better and bigger one. I saw that they where about to trow the old one away, and I snatched it up to my room figuring a use for it. I think I found it.
VERY BIG THANK YOU to my classmate
Steven Erna, for helping me out with this, and Dexter's Dio !
Also featured will be the Dignitaries released by Hasbro, but aswell as some custom dignitaries, spotted in following picture :

I will ad the 2 Dignitaries released by Hasbro so far, and make a
Third one, from a Recipe from Daigo-Bah.
The construction proces has been made on a basis of
Making Of and
Downloadeble Textures. You might see htere are some differences. When I printed the foot textures, I saw that that one foot would be the size of half my diorama ! So I scaled the beam back 50%. While I kept the normal textures 100% to spare work. Yet, after I found out I printed, turned out that I am pretty much out of Black printer inkt. So, all had a kinda blue shine to it. So I decided to use the blue decals, to save paper and even more inkt.
The floor I found in a
Sleiper, an Art supply store. It costs 1.75 Euro for an A2 sited Glossy Black paper. I tried a way to ad the floor paterns like on the floor pieces of the Dignitarie figs, yet, found no good way to do it .. .The bigv white bordder around the opening of the bay is Hugely Underscaled, yet, the best way to make it that way. It was made by cutting foamcore to the size, and is 2 cm high. Also in there, is a small black box. It was also made with foamcore, and originaly created for my Hoth Diorama. Yet, more "real" boxes will get to there anyhow, so I decided to give it a pure black repaint, and use it in this diorama. It is partly an optical illusion that it is a box, as it is "missing" it's back panels.
Tough it may be a "little" inacurate, and Scale issues a "bit" wrong, I stil Like it VERY much. Tough .. Now, to find a place for it :lol:
Yet, I will get the Dignies later, I can't deny the pictures to you.

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