Trades and Sales > Feedback
Feedback Directory by Member - as of 10/22/09 ***UPDATED***
Below is a complete alphabetical list of all of the JediDefender members who have garnered feedback for transactions here in our Trading and/or Classifieds Forums, which will be updated regularly. We strongly suggest that you use this directory to both verify the feedback of a fellow member you may potentially want to deal with, as well as to leave feedback for members with whom you've recently completed a transaction so others will know how it went. Also, you're welcome to post a link(s) in your own feedback thread to any additional feedback you may have on eBay, Galactic Hunter, Rebelscum, or elsewhere, and feel free to post feedback here for transactions completed with other members at those sites too!
Please take the time to search for a member's prior personal feedback thread when leaving feedback, before starting an all-new one only if necessary! Any duplicate member threads will simply be merged by the moderators for your convenience. Next to each JD member's consolidated feedback link, you will also find their respective cumulative positive feedback total for your reference. Please see the Bad Trader Thread to post any bad trading experiences you've had here or elsewhere, or to review the nafarious rip-off artists to steer clear of. In the post immediately following this one, we have also organized the positive feedback numerically as well.
Thanks, and have fun buying, selling, and especially trading, here at JediDefender!
Alphabetical Feedback Directory:
12 in Goldenrod +1
AdamSolo +6
Adrian +2
aliasjcb +6
amarsella +7
AndyG +1
Angry Ewok +6
Anonymous01 +1
Arctic Ackbar +16
Arizona +2
ars30 +9
artooa6 +6
Bamaker +1
Bantha5 +2
BigDumbWookiee +28
bigj22 +1
bikeridetony +6
bikerscout1 +6
bjardkerr +1
blariv +1
blaster_e11 +1
bluesnaggletooth1 +3
Boba Binks +5
boba-cop +2
Bobafett77 +21
BobaMOTSU +1
Bobby Fett +5
bocrebjedi +12
Bosskmr +15
BrentS +55
Brian (pka mosnab) +41
Brian Yoon +1
buffet1fan +2
BushiFox +2
Captain Piet +1
CaptainYoda +1
Carbon Freeze +1
catalizm1 +1
Chad Anderson +1
chap +2
CharWars +2
Chlorophyll +1
Chris Berry +4
Chris M +11
Chris Morin +1
chuckles +68
Cine/Cory H./Jango Fettish +14
Clone Hunter +1
CloneCommander1 +24
CloneF13Y35 +2
cohens4 +12
commander smelly +8
CommanderKorbra +1
Cookieemonster +1
CorranHorn +9
cosmos +2
Crackbrick +12
CrunchyNug +6
ctornra +15
CuDa033 +1
CyberScout +13
DaBigKahuna (pka FishEyedLouie) +34
Daigo-Bah +10
Dain_Bramage +1
Dale R Superstar +3
Dan (pka Bob Dylan SW fan) +109
Darby (pka Spuffy) +13
DaRk_ JeDi BeN +1
Dark_Jedi_21 +4
DarkKnight2k4 +14
Darth Berger +1
Darth Bonk +7
Darth Broem +1
Darth Cycy +3
Darth Gamboa +23
Darth Kenobi +26
Darth Paul +11
Darth Simmons +3
Darth Vlad +73
Darth_Anton +85
Darth_Ice (see Bad Trader thread)
darth_ripley +2
darth_sidious +10
darthmac +2
darthmaul94 +1
Darthshader +12
Dash Rendar +2
Dave (pka davenuthals) +15
David (pka Robo-Quack) +60
ddschneider1972 +1
Deanna Rash +3
Deanpaul +1
deathbird +1
Depmode +5
Desfiy (pka Captain J Sparrow) +18
Diddly +7
Dimetrodon +5
DmG +2
DoctorPadawan +72
Dressel Rebel +2
drewlam +4
drizzit +2
DSJ +159
DualSaberMaster +64
dustrho +35
E.Z. (pka Emperor Zuckuss) +21
ecrofefil +1
EdSolo +13
efranks +2
eglew88 +17
EUCustomMan +6
evenflow +28
Famine +9
fandango-jango +1
findswoman +11
fongtrooper +1
francois_fett +2
franticjedi (see Bad Trader thread)
Fritzkrieg +5
Ghost of QG (pka Qui-George) +3
gimpace +1
Glassman6 +5
Goldbug +1
gonk24 +1
Gorkoracing +5
Greg (pka mister_palpatine) +48
Gregorbian +17
Grobo +1
Gundam +5
habs98 +13
hannibalplan +1
hansel1 +1
Happy Noodle Boy +25
hasek3993 +1
Hashmanati +1
Hemish +18
Hes No Good to Me Dead +69
Hobbie +2
Holographic Elvis +21
Hothwampa +2
HSolo +2
I Am Sith +34
i4imperial +6
iFett (pka infinittifett) +103
inadvertent imitation (pka HMI) +8
IncomT65 +3
jadesfire +58
James D +1
Jared (pka SilverZed3/Tydirium) +61
Jawa the Hutt +1
JayDouble +50
Jayson (pka jedijaybird) +142
Jedi Hawk +1
jedi_master_sal +9
JediAmy +1
JediBeagle +1
JediDre +2
JediFirefly +1
jedijc +1
JediJman +111
jedikatarn +5
Jediknight760071 +14
JediKnight87 +1
JediMAC +248
jedimastere +1
JediMoses +118
JedioftheNorth +9
jedipurge +5
Jedirhino +8
jediscar +17
JediSearch +1
jedistyle +1
Jeff (pka Nataku) +402
jensen1969 +1
jerkytoys +13
Jesse James +87
JesseVader08 +120
JGordon24 +18
Jim (pka rebeltrader) +87
Jimsjedi +3
jjks +6
jkno (aka sergiu) +6
Joerhyno +1
joewhite +2
JohnH +5
jokabofe +90
Jon (pka "Darth Slothus" "Sloth" "Slothus") +115
JoshEEE +10
J'Quille +1
jr87mustang +3
JuvyD +13
Karma +18
keisman +3
Kellerdweller +1
Keonobi +5
King_Maul +19
Kit Fisto +2
knashdx +107
konokazi +1
LandotheScoundrel +16
Lemon-Viper +3
Lestat +3
Logray2776 +1
Lubovgeorge +1
Madcow +21
Makillops +2
Marshallmario +5
Master_Phruby +18
MasterJedi666 +3
Matt (pka Virex) +12
Matt Brand +3
Matt_Fury +5
mawhonic +4
mec +3
Membraneman +19
MetalJedi +109
Mikey D +113
miscus555 +1
MisterPL +2
Mitsukara +8
modoka +1
mondocoyote +2
Morgbug +186
moroni_130 +2
mousedroid +1
Muftak +1
Nathan (pka Valin Kenobi) +37
Nicklab +13
NoMercyJoe +1
obi 1 L kenobi +1
obi-dad +2
Oboewan +1
OlBenKenobi +6
Ook +12
Outkast34 +3
Outrider +1
Padawan +29
Padawan Wagaboodles +7
pakledjim +4
patm +1
Paul (pka pmundheim) +31
PenDragon +1
Pete_Fett +10
Phatty +1
Phoenix +1
Pistol Pete +1
Playgirl +1
Pongoo +6
poopylewis +1
primal23 +1
Prozac +2
psu189 +1
Quazar +14
Quinn Mallory +1
Rabid_Bantha +1
ravenjack +8
rdm5777 +7
Real Scooby +2
Reconsgt +27
Red5sixx +6
Resurrection Bob +1
Rob (pka Kneel Before Zod) +55
robmob +1
Rogue Jedi TJ +11
RollaJedi +4
roron corobb +49
ruiner +17
Ruprecht +1
Ryan (pka Sith Lord Chaos) +70
Scott (pka OCB) +108
Sentinel +4
SilverSaber77 +4
SilverSpyder (pka Silver) +2
SiteC +4
Sith Herald +5
Sithbaker +8
SithLordCptnWinkee +2
skywad72 +2
smileyfaceguy :)
sofa-king (see Bad Trader thread)
soggybottomboy2469 +3
solrac +12
soulydyes +1
sp00ky +1
spacemantis +9
Spacey +1
spec_spidey +1
Spectre +3
speedermike +2
Spiderpumpkin +2
Sprry75 +1
SpudTrooper +30
sputnik +3
stan +1
stap1138 +2
starwax137 +16
Steve 1138 +1
steve32100 +1
Stewbacca +1
Stim +18
stocos28 +5
stormie +12
Stormtripper +7
stormtrooper213 +3
swkubfan +1
T16skyhopp +1
Talon_Karrde +32
tangfoot +1
TBK (pka T-Bone Kenobi) +4
Texican +1
The Stolen CCG License +1
The_Tin_Man +2
TheBlackDog64 +5
thelaw +1
Thomas Grey +26
THX1138 +1
TK2320 +10
tonphanan +4
TopJedi +1
TR1ER +1
Tracy (pka tamidala) +6
tykrazen +3
Vader0519 +2
vader419 +1
vader8080 +1
Valtar +2
vardcore +1
-Vator- +2
Venik +1
Victor_Von_Doom +2
vupa0101 +7
wai +5
weequay +1
whojedi +1
wolverine777 +1
wyldaxe +6
x-Jango-x +1
yodafan2 +2
zachmoe +9
Zodach +10
Feel free to check out the following post below this one for a complete feedback listing sorted numerically, by total positive feedback tallies for each member...
One point will be rewarded for each positive transaction, and a running tally for all JD members will be kept here and updated regularly. See the post immediately above this one for the Alphabetical Feedback Directory (with everyone's actual feedback links).
Numerical Positive Feedback Tallies:
Jeff (pka Nataku) +402
JediMAC +248
Morgbug +186
DSJ +159
Jayson (pka jedijaybird) +142
JesseVader08 +120
JediMoses +118
Jon (pka "Darth Slothus" "Sloth" "Slothus") +115
Mikey D +113
JediJman +111
Dan (pka Bob Dylan SW fan) +109
MetalJedi +109
Scott (pka OCB) +108
knashdx +107
iFett (pka infinittifett) +103
jokabofe +90
Jesse James +87
Jim (pka rebeltrader) +87
Darth_Anton +85
Darth Vlad +73
DoctorPadawan +72
Ryan (pka Sith Lord Chaos) +70
Hes No Good to Me Dead +69
chuckles +68
DualSaberMaster +64
Jared (pka SilverZed3/Tydirium) +61
David (pka Robo-Quack) +60
jadesfire +58
BrentS +55
Rob (pka Kneel Before Zod) +55
JayDouble +50
roron corobb +49
Greg (pka mister_palpatine) +48
Brian (pka mosnab) +41
Nathan (pka Valin Kenobi) +37
dustrho +35
DaBigKahuna (pka FishEyedLouie) +34
I Am Sith +34
Talon_Karrde +32
Paul (pka pmundheim) +31
SpudTrooper +30
Padawan +29
BigDumbWookiee +28
evenflow +28
Reconsgt +27
Darth Kenobi +26
Thomas Grey +26
Happy Noodle Boy +25
CloneCommander1 +24
Darth Gamboa +23
Bobafett77 +21
E.Z. (pka Emperor Zuckuss) +21
Holographic Elvis +21
Madcow +21
King_Maul +19
Membraneman +19
Desfiy (pka Captain J Sparrow) +18
Hemish +18
JGordon24 +18
Karma +18
Master_Phruby +18
Stim +18
eglew88 +17
Gregorbian +17
jediscar +17
ruiner +17
Arctic Ackbar +16
LandotheScoundrel +16
starwax137 +16
Bosskmr +15
ctornra +15
Dave (pka davenuthals) +15
Cine/Cory H./Jango Fettish +14
DarkKnight2k4 +14
Jediknight760071 +14
Quazar +14
CyberScout +13
Darby (pka Spuffy) +13
EdSolo +13
habs98 +13
jerkytoys +13
JuvyD +13
Nicklab +13
bocrebjedi +12
cohens4 +12
Crackbrick +12
Darthshader +12
Matt (pka Virex) +12
Ook +12
solrac +12
stormie +12
Chris M +11
Darth Paul +11
findswoman +11
Rogue Jedi TJ +11
Daigo-Bah +10
darth_sidious +10
JoshEEE +10
Pete_Fett +10
TK2320 +10
Zodach +10
ars30 +9
CorranHorn +9
Famine +9
jedi_master_sal +9
JedioftheNorth +9
spacemantis +9
zachmoe +9
commander smelly +8
inadvertent imitation (pka HMI) +8
Jedirhino +8
Mitsukara +8
ravenjack +8
Sithbaker +8
amarsella +7
Darth Bonk +7
Diddly +7
Padawan Wagaboodles +7
rdm5777 +7
Stormtripper +7
vupa0101 +7
AdamSolo +6
aliasjcb +6
Angry Ewok +6
artooa6 +6
bikeridetony +6
bikerscout1 +6
CrunchyNug +6
EUCustomMan +6
i4imperial +6
jjks +6
jkno (aka sergiu) +6
OlBenKenobi +6
Pongoo +6
Red5sixx +6
Tracy (pka tamidala) +6
wyldaxe +6
Boba Binks +5
Bobby Fett +5
Depmode +5
Dimetrodon +5
Fritzkrieg +5
Glassman6 +5
Gorkoracing +5
Gundam +5
jedikatarn +5
jedipurge +5
JohnH +5
Keonobi +5
Marshallmario +5
Matt_Fury +5
Sith Herald +5
stocos28 +5
TheBlackDog64 +5
wai +5
Chris Berry +4
Dark_Jedi_21 +4
drewlam +4
mawhonic +4
pakledjim +4
RollaJedi +4
Sentinel +4
SilverSaber77 +4
SiteC +4
TBK (pka T-Bone Kenobi) +4
tonphanan +4
bluesnaggletooth1 +3
Dale R Superstar +3
Darth Cycy +3
Darth Simmons +3
Deanna Rash +3
Ghost of QG (pka Qui-George) +3
IncomT65 +3
Jimsjedi +3
jr87mustang +3
keisman +3
Lemon-Viper +3
Lestat +3
MasterJedi666 +3
Matt Brand +3
mec +3
Outkast34 +3
soggybottomboy2469 +3
Spectre +3
sputnik +3
stormtrooper213 +3
tykrazen +3
Adrian +2
Arizona +2
Bantha5 +2
boba-cop +2
buffet1fan +2
BushiFox +2
chap +2
CharWars +2
CloneF13Y35 +2
cosmos +2
darth_ripley +2
darthmac +2
Dash Rendar +2
DmG +2
Dressel Rebel +2
drizzit +2
efranks +2
francois_fett +2
Hobbie +2
Hothwampa +2
HSolo +2
JediDre +2
joewhite +2
Kit Fisto +2
Makillops +2
MisterPL +2
mondocoyote +2
moroni_130 +2
obi-dad +2
Prozac +2
Real Scooby +2
SilverSpyder (pka Silver) +2
SithLordCptnWinkee +2
skywad72 +2
speedermike +2
Spiderpumpkin +2
stap1138 +2
The_Tin_Man +2
Vader0519 +2
Valtar +2
-Vator- +2
Victor_Von_Doom +2
yodafan2 +2
12 in Goldenrod +1
AndyG +1
Anonymous01 +1
Bamaker +1
bigj22 +1
bjardkerr +1
blariv +1
blaster_e11 +1
BobaMOTSU +1
Brian Yoon +1
Captain Piet +1
CaptainYoda +1
Carbon Freeze +1
catalizm1 +1
Chad Anderson +1
Chlorophyll +1
Chris Morin +1
Clone Hunter +1
CommanderKorbra +1
Cookieemonster +1
CuDa033 +1
Dain_Bramage +1
DaRk_ JeDi BeN +1
Darth Berger +1
Darth Broem +1
darthmaul94 +1
ddschneider1972 +1
Deanpaul +1
deathbird +1
ecrofefil +1
fandango-jango +1
fongtrooper +1
gimpace +1
Goldbug +1
gonk24 +1
Grobo +1
hannibalplan +1
hansel1 +1
hasek3993 +1
Hashmanati +1
James D +1
Jawa the Hutt +1
Jedi Hawk +1
JediAmy +1
JediBeagle +1
JediFirefly +1
jedijc +1
JediKnight87 +1
jedimastere +1
JediSearch +1
jedistyle +1
jensen1969 +1
Joerhyno +1
J'Quille +1
Kellerdweller +1
konokazi +1
Logray2776 +1
Lubovgeorge +1
miscus555 +1
modoka +1
mousedroid +1
Muftak +1
NoMercyJoe +1
obi 1 L kenobi +1
Oboewan +1
Outrider +1
patm +1
PenDragon +1
Phatty +1
Phoenix +1
Pistol Pete +1
Playgirl +1
poopylewis +1
primal23 +1
psu189 +1
Quinn Mallory +1
Rabid_Bantha +1
Resurrection Bob +1
robmob +1
Ruprecht +1
soulydyes +1
sp00ky +1
Spacey +1
spec_spidey +1
Sprry75 +1
stan +1
Steve 1138 +1
steve32100 +1
Stewbacca +1
swkubfan +1
T16skyhopp +1
tangfoot +1
Texican +1
The Stolen CCG License +1
thelaw +1
THX1138 +1
TopJedi +1
TR1ER +1
vader419 +1
vader8080 +1
vardcore +1
Venik +1
weequay +1
whojedi +1
wolverine777 +1
x-Jango-x +1
smileyfaceguy :)
Darth_Ice (see Bad Trader thread)
franticjedi (see Bad Trader thread)
sofa-king (see Bad Trader thread)
You're welcome to post a link(s) in your own feedback thread to any additional feedback you may have on eBay, Galactic Hunter, Rebelscum, or elsewhere, and feel free to post feedback here for transactions completed with other members at those sites too!
The feedback tallies have been updated and the counts are current again. Let me know if there are any mistakes with any of your thread links/feedback counts.
Keep on trading! :)
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