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Messages - Nicklab

Pages: 1 ... 443 444 445 446 447 [448] 449 450 451 452 453 ... 783
The Vintage Collection / Re: 2011 "Vintage" Collection Wave 7
« on: August 6, 2011, 11:26 AM »
I really think the sculpted-on jackets/vests these days are a BIG step back aesthetically.  That now means paint aps, and paint aps usually screw up any good sculpting that was done because they're never perfect.

I miss removable vests and separately sculpted jacket pieces.  That stuff gave not just visual depth, but it was actual physically separate so there was just a higher quality there.  People have overlooked that on these two figures, a lot.  It's as big a step backward as not including thigh-straps on holsters and things.

Some folks disagree, but to me you're paying more and the figures are getting more and more corners cut.  Hasbro shouldn't be doing that.

I miss the seperate vests, too.  It was a great feature on some of the older figures.

But I think the tooling costs for this new Rebel Fleet Trooper were already running to the high side.  There's a significant number of accessories:  helmet, hat, blaster, range finder & ammo strap.  Plus there's all of the articulation.  So in this case it appears that Hasbro made a tradeoff.  Sculpt the vest on and get more value elsewhere.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Republic Attack Shuttle
« on: August 4, 2011, 11:22 PM »
So, I saw this yesterday.  The box is plenty big.  But that front opening flap may play havoc for some MIMB collectors.  I didn't feel any sense of urgency to pick this up when I first saw it, and I'm not in a terrible rush.  I'll get around to it soon enough.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Extreme Makeover - MY home edition!!
« on: August 4, 2011, 11:15 PM »
It's tough to top IKEA's Billy bookcases for storage and value.  I've got a few and they're pretty good.  But you really do need to fasten them to the wall for stability.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Extreme Makeover - MY home edition!!
« on: August 4, 2011, 02:35 PM »
I've been following the progress bit by bit, but WOW!  I didn't realize you were doing a complete renovation.  The house looks awesome.  When do you think you'll be done?

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars General Battle Pack Thread
« on: August 4, 2011, 12:39 PM »

I've seen reports of literally like 5 or 6 different things popping up at Target that I really want in the past week.

I saw quite a few new items at Target over the past few days:  Republic Attack Shuttle, new electronic lightsabers, smaller SW Transformers, Blu Ray commemorative packs, the R/C Republic Fighter Tank, the Rapid Strike Vehicles and yes, the new battle packs. 

Frankly, I am unimpressed with the new battle packs.  I only saw the Geonosis set with Obi-Wan, ARF Trooper & Geonosian plus the Ahsoka, Anakin & Cad Bane in Clone disguise.  Meh.

The packaging on this thing was nothing short of ridiculous.  I wanted the figures, but I did not need that much packaging.  I get the feeling that with the shipping box, Hasbro was expecting people to order both the Indy set AND the Death Star and they wanted to be prepared for that.  But the Indy set alone in that shipping box seemed silly.

Something that I've seen numerous times at conventions is dealers getting in line for exclusives along with attendees.  Brians Toys expressly comes to mind here.  Some conventions and companies have explicit conditions about whether or not they allow people with exhibitor badges to purchase exclusives.  In the case of SDCC and Hasbro, they may not have any such conditions.

In the case of BBTS, I get the feeling that they had people buying a number of exclusives for their store at the show.  Is it fair?  Far from it.

Shadows of the Dark Side / Re: 2011 TRU Force Unleashed Box Set
« on: August 2, 2011, 03:12 PM »
Hasbro made statements around the time of the release of TFU II that they would be looking to do something from that game in 2012.  There hasn't been much beyond that.

Star Wars Universe / Re: Boba Fett: The Movie
« on: August 1, 2011, 08:55 PM »
If they really want to do this, they'd better get moving.  The last couple of things I've seen Temeura Morrison in, he's looked a little haggard.

I just noticed him in Couples Retreat which was running throughout the weekend on HBO and he didn't look too bad in that. How old is that movie, 2 years old?

True.  I just remember seeing him in the STARZ series SPARTACUS - GODS OF THE ARENA and he looked pretty beat up then.  I guess some of that may have been the character.

Star Wars Universe / Re: Boba Fett: The Movie
« on: August 1, 2011, 05:58 PM »
If they really want to do this, they'd better get moving.  The last couple of things I've seen Temeura Morrison in, he's looked a little haggard.

The Vintage Collection / Re: New York Comic Con 2011
« on: August 1, 2011, 05:51 PM »
I'm almost definitely attending.  Hasbro's Star Wars team being there sealed the deal for me.  I've passed on this show the past few years but that's been due much more to scheduling conflicts than anything else.  It's nice to have a show of this magnitude that's local.

And yes, the show begins on Thursday, October 13th, and runs through Sunday, October 16th.

I've been seeing more of TVC wave 7 lately, but no stickers or mailaway forms for this Boba Fett yet.  Once those turn up I will not be procrastinating on this mailaway.  I still haven't received my Sgt. Bric's yet. 

I would have to think that the mailaway forms might start showing up with the REVENGE wave.  And in a way that's incredibly ironic, since the whole purpose of that wave seems geared much more towards carded collectors who will not be opening their figures.

The Bullpen / Re: Captain America: The First Avenger: The Toys!
« on: August 1, 2011, 09:45 AM »
I honestly think they're following the model that lines like Power Rangers established.  What else could their reasoning be?

The Bullpen / Re: Captain America: The First Avenger: The Toys!
« on: July 31, 2011, 05:01 PM »
I saw the same thing today.  I got the more muted, movie version.  The brighter green & yellow is definitely a nice homage to HYDRA in the comics though.  But Jungle Mission Cap?  Please Hasbro, don't make the same mistakes with this line that were made with the Iron Man and Thor lines.

I got a notification today from HTS that my Raiders wave has shipped.

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