Author Topic: No new Clone Wars figures past 2003. Disappointed?  (Read 8367 times)

Offline Snively Bandar

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No new Clone Wars figures past 2003. Disappointed?
« on: July 21, 2003, 07:38 PM »
So Hasbro apparently announced at the Comic Con this weekend that the Clone Wars line would be coming to a conclusion at the end of this year.  Aside from a few stragglers like Kit Fisto and the Durge on Speederbike, we've pretty much seen all that will be offered for the line.  So are you disappointed to see that this line is ending so quickly, or are you happy to see it go?

Personally, I say good riddance.  Though it sounds like the cartoon shorts will be pretty cool, I don't care too much for the actual figures from this line.  The only good that I think that's come out of this line are some of the currently shipping multi-packs, that are pretty much cross-collateralizable against the regular AOTC line (where they fit in quite nicely).  Though the quality and articulation of the 3-pack figures are slightly less than those of their single carded counterparts, I think for the purpose of army building or customizing, the sets of Clone Troopers, Jedi, and Droids are indeed a most welcome addition to our collections.

Other than those though, I say "yippee" to the demise of the less than attractive CW line.  So does anyone else care one way or another about the brief life of this sub-line?

Offline dustrho

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Re: No new Clone Wars figures past 2003. Disappointed?
« Reply #1 on: July 21, 2003, 10:19 PM »
I'm not going to really be disappointed about the line ending, because they'll probably continue something relating to the Clone Wars once Episode 3 comes out in 2005.  I love the new Clone Wars vehicles and the army builders, but the Mace Windu and Yoda are ones I don't really care for.

Offline Vator

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Re: No new Clone Wars figures past 2003. Disappointed?
« Reply #2 on: July 22, 2003, 12:05 AM »
I have the line will live like all the old lines,in the new unified line,the theme for the month can be CLONE WARS,and come with Quin Lin Vos,Jaambinite Rebel with speeder,the nikto jedi that fell from grace in MACE WINDU(JEDI),Master Antilles,Mon Calamari,and many more!

:steps down from chair:
- June 22, 2004 12:13 AM -

Offline Darby

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Re: No new Clone Wars figures past 2003. Disappointed?
« Reply #3 on: July 22, 2003, 01:27 AM »
I'm not disappointed at all.  The only place this could have gone is deeper into EU, which Hasbro can do in a basic SW line.  I am surprised however that they're not planning on taking it further.  

Offline Jim

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Re: No new Clone Wars figures past 2003. Disappointed?
« Reply #4 on: July 22, 2003, 03:25 PM »
I am definitely not disappointed.  I dont mind EU, but I think it should be limited.  That way people dont get too overwhelmed with material that never made it into the movie.

Offline Chris

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Re: No new Clone Wars figures past 2003. Disappointed?
« Reply #5 on: July 22, 2003, 03:46 PM »
I am very, very happy to see this line end. Nothing special to it at all, a bunch of re-released vehicles with weak EU figures added in. As stated earlier, the 3 Pack items are the ONLY good thing about these as they fit in with the Saga line much more. Poorly, poorly done IMO and I will be very happy to see the end.

Offline dustrho

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Re: No new Clone Wars figures past 2003. Disappointed?
« Reply #6 on: July 22, 2003, 03:47 PM »
Chris, you have to admit though that the new "blue" Jedi Starfighter is sweet!  I don't care what anyone says... I love it!   8)

Offline Chris

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Re: No new Clone Wars figures past 2003. Disappointed?
« Reply #7 on: July 22, 2003, 03:52 PM »
I did overlook that item, it does look neat. But that's the extent of it. :P :-*

Offline roguestormtrooper

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Re: No new Clone Wars figures past 2003. Disappointed?
« Reply #8 on: July 22, 2003, 06:34 PM »
Chris, you have to admit though that the new "blue" Jedi Starfighter is sweet!  I don't care what anyone says... I love it!   8)

I agree.  I went over a year without buying the original one,  but  just had to get the CW version.  Crazy,  huh?

Offline CHEWIE

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Re: No new Clone Wars figures past 2003. Disappointed?
« Reply #9 on: July 23, 2003, 12:30 AM »
Well, I am a little disappointed because I was hoping to see at least one more wave of figures, perhaps a cool EU Clone Wars version of Amidala, Dooku, another red Battle Droid, and perhaps a couple of all new Jedi.  I'm sure the red Battle Droid will continue to be repacked though.  

The 3-pks look awesome, but with the end of the CW line in December, just how many of those Clone pks are really going to be available?  Think they will ship solid cases of them?  They really should!!!

The vehicles aren't too shabby, I do question the Gunship though.  Wouldn't an AT-TE have been better?


Offline dustrho

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Re: No new Clone Wars figures past 2003. Disappointed?
« Reply #10 on: July 23, 2003, 10:35 AM »
Wouldn't an AT-TE have been better?

I'm thinking the reason why Hasbro didn't go with the AT-TE is because of cost.  It would cost a lot to make it, and they'd probably sell it anywhere between $100-150.  They were probably thinking not too many people would dish out that kind of money, so they probably just won't make it.

OR... Hasbro might be having a hard time actually trying to make one of them.  Six legs instead of four (compared to the AT-AT) might be too hard to design for Hasbro.

Who knows!?

Offline Darby

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Re: No new Clone Wars figures past 2003. Disappointed?
« Reply #11 on: July 25, 2003, 12:26 AM »
I think they could do the AT-TE for around the same price as the Gunship, $40-50 or so.  I also wonder how distribution will be for these three packs, considering Wal Mart isn't carrying them.  The Jedi pack (the one I want most) is shortpacked, and essentially so are the color Clone variants.  Could get ugly unless they ship the bejebus out of them.

Offline Jimmy

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Re: No new Clone Wars figures past 2003. Disappointed?
« Reply #12 on: July 25, 2003, 01:39 AM »
The AT-TE has been considered but the price range isn;t cost effective right now. I can tell you it was no way near the $40-50 range.

We'd have seen much closer to the AT-AT range of $100... and from what I have heard Hasbro doesn't want to risk going for it in this economy.

Granted some parts might've been kit bashed but a good majority of it was going to be new and that was a big risk for Hasbro's wallets at this point...

Maybe someday? Who knows...
Gotta love me or leave me alone....

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Offline Dimetrodon

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Re: No new Clone Wars figures past 2003. Disappointed?
« Reply #13 on: July 26, 2003, 04:16 PM »
I am dissapointed.

this line brought about the opprtunity of making sme EU characters.
the Durge, ARC Clone, and Asajj.

the ARC being my fav of the bunch. he is just great int he comics.

Durge is too invincible, and Asajj is a one dimensional  static character.
but i am pleased to have figures of them.

if only we had a Quinlan Vos.

This Line brought about many opportunities, but i guess the regular lien can have stuff too sometime.

Offline roguestormtrooper

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Re: No new Clone Wars figures past 2003. Disappointed?
« Reply #14 on: August 2, 2003, 09:32 PM »
I'm not really that disapointed,  I think that this is just a start to the Clone Wars line.  With Ep III yet to come,  the potentials are endless for new CW figures between now and EP III and then beyond that...