Collecting > Collector's Tips

Opened Cards... what to do with them?

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I cut off and throw away the bubbles as well, but for some reason I've kept the cardbacks.  I especially want to keep the more recent OTC/VOTC and TSC/VTSC cardbacks because they really look nice, but I have some from past lines as well.  When we moved a few years ago, I purged some of them and just kept things that were unique.  For example, I got rid of quite a few of my POTJ cards unless the cardbacks/checklists were significantly different.  I tried to get where I just had one example of each cardback, but that went out the window once the OTC line came around.  Now the bottom of one of my bins is stacked full of cardbacks - most of them from OTC, ROTS, and TSC.  I also really like the Unleashed cardbacks (with the artwork), and will always keep those.  However, I have cardbacks from Galactic Heroes and other miscellaneous crap as well, and I really don't know why :).  It might be time for another purge.


--- Quote from: Brian on August 23, 2006, 11:21 AM ---  However, I have cardbacks from Galactic Heroes and other miscellaneous crap as well, and I really don't know why :).  It might be time for another purge.

--- End quote ---

I agree, purging has become a necessary part of our managing our collections. Whether it be focusing the items bought, thinning the herd, or letting go of packaging. I find myself doing it more and more.

If you are part of a local collecting group, check with others to see if they might want it. I have given quite a few boxes from ships to fellow local collectors.

I also had all of my cards going back to 95, but I threw them all out in one big heap.  At first, it made me sick to my stomach, but a few hours later I felt good about doing it.  And I still feel good about it. The thing is, I kept them so that I could some day look at them again, but with the Internet, there's really no need.  I can look at any card from any collection in a matter of seconds.

Granted, I still have my vintage cards from 1978-85.  Those I kept.

Thank you! I never realized that so few people seem to keep the bubbles from opened cards.

I think I'm going to keep any VOTC cards I get (currently still just one...), but on all the old cards I'm going to remove/throw away the bubbles and stick them all in a box somewhere. If it's still unmanageable I might selectively throw some out, or maybe cut out the backgrounds on my TSC figures to use for backgrounds for displaying the figures.

Basically the newer and more common it is, the less bad I feel about mangling it. :)

I keep the card of the figures too. Not the bubles because those take up too much space but the cards are in a special drawer in my room.


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