Author Topic: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys  (Read 25122 times)

Offline EdSolo

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Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« Reply #270 on: March 20, 2024, 06:22 AM »
TFSB webpage has now expired.  Not that big of a shock, but I guess that finally ends things.

Offline Rob

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Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« Reply #271 on: March 20, 2024, 09:15 AM »
Yeah no surprise, but he’s a thief and a liar and hopefully never shows up again.

Offline EdSolo

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Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« Reply #272 on: April 23, 2024, 03:38 PM »
And the page is back, with a promised update coming soon.

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Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« Reply #273 on: April 23, 2024, 04:36 PM »
Gotta say, THAT is the biggest surprise over the last four years of this mess.

Offline EdSolo

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Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« Reply #274 on: June 5, 2024, 02:03 PM »
The "update" is up.  Same old BS.  TFSB is a third payment processor, doesn't make the toys, etc.  Money is with the place in Texas, but don't bother contacting them because they don't respond anymore.  Call the BBB or state AG in Texas.  Banthas were supposed to be finished in May 2023 per their last contact.  No info on the wave of 13 yet, but that should be coming.  Can't wait to hear how the Chinese factory has the money, has had distribution problems, and hasn't communicated with TFSB.

Offline Rob

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Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« Reply #275 on: June 5, 2024, 03:15 PM »
Yeah I’m actually mad that he came back and is setting people up to give him more money while throwing his hands in the air and blaming “factories” when he fails to deliver.   If enough people are interested to make it affordable, I’m toying with the idea of talking to a lawyer.  I don’t expect to be repaid or get a bantha, but I want him to stop. 

More group discussion here.
« Last Edit: June 5, 2024, 06:48 PM by Rob »

Offline McMetal

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Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« Reply #276 on: June 5, 2024, 05:58 PM »

More group discussion here.

Thank for posting, that thread is…yikes. When I started reading it took an immediate left turn with the whole “jailed for kidnapping” tangent.

I will def check out that eBay store for Thrawn and Han though.
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Offline EdSolo

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Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« Reply #277 on: June 6, 2024, 07:07 AM »
It is a bit crazy that this is still going on.  The BBB page from the RS page only had four complaints.  I'm trying to think of all the things I actually received from TFSB.  I think it is the following:

Han ST, Thrawn, Black R2 droid with pop up red lightsaber, Shadow Trooper, Slave Leia, Set of three Boba Fetts in different paint schemes, two coins, replacement trash for vintage Death Star (still vacuum sealed, haven't opened it).  Of those, I believe Shadow Trooper and R2 were left over from the days Stan Solo was involved.  Han and Thrawn are ok, Fetts are ok, Slave Leia is blah.  None of the non-Stan Solo involvement items are as good as what SS puts out.

At this point, I wouldn't be surprised if SS makes all the wave of 13 stuff eventually.  From some old FB chat with Krahn, he supposedly had ideas for a second ANH wave as well as ESB and ROTJ waves.

I have to wonder at this point was this his idea to scam people all along, or did he just get in over his head and cut and run?  Did he inherit/buy the business from SS, then couldn't figure out what to do, got caught up in other legal troubles and then just used TFSB as his slush fund to get out of other legal trouble?

I guess I will have to wait for the Netflix documentary.

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Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« Reply #278 on: June 6, 2024, 11:30 AM »
There's another unhinged update this morning and I want these memorialized for when the website inevitably goes off line again...


Hey everyone,

We missed you guys! We have a bunch of stuff to catch you all up on, let’s get right into it…a lot of the questions have been common and similar, so this is will be in the Q&A format to answer the most often asked ones:

“What’s going on with the website?”

 -We are redesigning the site and will be relaunching hopefully relatively soon. Please bear with us during this period until everything is tested and running smoothly.

“What is happening with the 13 figure set?”

 -Sadly, we have to announce the 13 figure set is no longer a reality. Let’s go over how and why we ended up here…

When we announced the 13 Figure Set of unproduced vintage figures, we set out to make a lifelong dream come true. This was only (finally) possible because we had recently acquired SLC, and the exclusive rights to the associated factory already producing high-quality action figures. Luke Trooper, Yak Face, Blue Snaggletooth, R2-D2, and more had proven to us and customers alike that the settings were in place to make our vision of never released Kenner Star Wars figures a reality.

After the unveiling/announcement, we shortly hit our sales goals, and moved right from the funding phase into production. Then, despite a barrage of setbacks including COVID-related factory shutdowns, having half of our pre-production samples lost in the mail to China (and therefore having to be completely resculpted—-costing us around 7 months alone), and other production challenges beyond our control…the moulds for the entire line were finished (as seen in the YouTube factory production videos, and prototypes of the entire complete line) and the factory finally began to crank out the figures. Thrawn, Han Trooper, Sandtrooper, Rebel Fleet Trooper…with Biggs and Wedge to be next, followed shortly by remainder of the line. The goal line was in sight…

Then, the factory impasse.

Some background: from the very begining, re-ordering existing figures and creating all new ones based on customer requests was a vital part of the business. 96% of our customers did not purchase the Bantha or the 13. We also never wanted customers to come to the site and everything is “SOLD OUT”. The only way to run things was with reorders and new figures alongside our major projects like the Bantha and the 13. (This also provides additional funding to cover things on the major projects like cost overruns, or reinvesting in the Bantha by buying additional ones during slowdowns to help it get across its funding goal-line——which we often did)

Just before this point we had released and shipped Slave Leia, and a Stormtrooper reorder. We had also begun pre-orders for a Blue Snag re-order and production on that had just started. But there were major issues going on with the factory behind the scenes…

Customers had already taken issue with Slave Leia, and they were right. She had a translucent appearance, and a terrible face paint-job. Problem is, that wasn’t what we approved.

More backstory: early in development of the 13, our team correctly thought ahead and implemented procedures to ensure problems like this would never happen. We knew we couldn’t get to the finish line of the 13 unless they were ALL spot-on perfect. We were not going to ship a set of 9 good figures and 4 poor ones. It’s not the quality you paid for and it would only ensure the ESB or any future sets have no chance. So the factory AGREED to, and we implemented a very rigid 3-step approval process. Step 1 would need approved before 2, and 2 before 3, then the final. Sculpt (prototype), paint, cardback. This went right into effect and not only covered the 13 but all our figures (Boba Fett, EV9D9, etc).

The Leia we approved was NOT what they’d produced and shipped to us. We would never have, and didn’t approve (and the prototype confirms this, it’s perfect) the translucence or the sloppy paint. That was purely 100% factory error.

Then, the Stormtrooper order shows up and is riddled with issues as well. The first customers receiving troopers began reporting limb problems. A check of all the figures sent confirmed arm joints so stiff that if you rotated the arms they would snap off. We then had to pull orders, and ended up refunding many customers. We didn’t approve figures with joint problems. Another 100% factory error.

In ensuing conversations with the factory, they never took financial responsibility for almost 20k defective figures that we had to dispose of or refund for, ignored our requests, and instead demanded payment for the next re-order (Blue Snag). Our position was we should at least be given a credit based on it being 100% a factory error, and was outside the approval process they agreed to.

The conversations then went nowhere, production stopped, and all figures, sculpts, prototypes, weapons, and coins stored at the factory are being kept from us. (sadly, this also effects the Blue Snaggletooth order) We reached and passed the point of being able to bridge this gap, and so unfortunately that kills any hope for the 13. This is where things stand.

“What about another factory?”

 -We are indeed shopping for another factory, but that would only be for new individual figures, weapons, and coins—-the 13 still wouldn’t be possible there. Why? Moulds don’t transfer, factories retain all of them. This is the case not only in China, but here in the US and everywhere else. We would literally be back at square one.

“Where did all the money go?”

 -To the factory, for production, as we stated repeatedly. But more on that in a second…

“Is a refund possible?”

 -Despite regularly detailing why refunds are not possible, this oddly still gets asked. Yet, we still would have loved to refund every 13 customer even a partial amount from the sales of other TFSB products or the profit from the 13. But sadly, this is also not possible. Here is why…

A while back, a social media video was posted instructing our customers to attempt to force refunds by contacting the government of the state our business is located in. The video was produced by an individual (Analog) acting as an agent and pawn of our biggest business competitor. As a result, some customers filed complaints with the state of Pennsylvania. The complaints were investigated by the State and the matter was adjudicated, finding no wrong-doing. (of course) The legal costs incurred by these actions eliminated the profit our business generated from the 13.

Other similar videos followed, (from Retro, AT8, Obsessed) making absurd, fact-free, and unfounded claims about our business, the production process, and me personally. All while not even one had any contact ahead of time to ask any questions or seek information from our business for clarity. This evidently didn’t matter to anyone. When they had missing or incorrect information or holes in their story—-they just flat made **** up. In a mad rush to “end (our) business” and “force us out of the hobby”—-their words, not ours—-all their campaigns did was hurt customers of the 13 and the community itself. (the very people they claim to be protecting by their actions) They tried to force refunds, but in the end they ended up eliminating the possibility of partial refunds or any chance of completing the 13 from another factory. Ruining the 13 for everyone.

“What about refunds from proceeds of other products?”

 -Great question. But they ruined that possibility  too. As soon as Stanley Stupid Creations began selling TFSB/SLC products in late 2019 (in violation of the business contact we signed) we began telling anyone and everyone…”be careful who you buy from.” “Those are our items being sold without our permission.” “Integrity matters.” I was basically told to sit down and shut up. No one listened or cared. Hundreds of thousands of dollars was lost to a competitor. We would have had the funding to eat and cover those factory mistakes. Or finish the 13 at another factory. Or issue refunds. But we don’t.

Actions have consequences. So ask those YouTube channels (who produced MONETIZED,  premeditated attack videos) where your refunds and/or 13 set is. Or ask CFCB, who tried to profit off of you by trying to sell you low grade, 3D-printed 13 set knockoffs. Or ask the convicted felon in the UK. Im sure they’ll be the advocate for the consumer they all tell you they are, own up to it, and promptly send you some money for the role they played.(Yeah, right!) All of these individuals personally profited at the same time they ensured any hope for the 13 was eliminated. Again, they ARE NOT the reason the 13 didnt work out at our factory. But they ARE ABSOLUTELY the reason the 13 couldn’t get finished elsewhere or why partial refunds aren’t possible. Actions do indeed have consequences, and these consequences are a direct result of those actions.

“When will I be able to buy more (figures/weapons/coins/stickers/bags/foams/backdrops) again?

 -While we have no figures in stock currently, we do have weapons, coins, stickers—-and everything else mentioned above. We hope to reopen the website store and relaunch our ETSY page shortly.

“Is TFSB contact information still the same?”
 -Yes, we can be reached at:

That’s all for now, but we’ll be back shortly with more toy news. Here is to a great rest of 2024 and beyond!

-The Fans Strike Back

And the update from earlier this week:


---Statement on the Bantha:

Hello everyone,

We will be updating everyone on where we are at with the Bantha and the 13. First up, the Bantha…

Unfortunately, Ravenstar Studios has not been able to complete the job they were paid for, has repeatedly lied and missed their own promised ship dates and timeframes, and have completely gone cold on all things related to the Bantha. Oct 14th 2022 was the promised delivery date by Ravenstar Studios in early September 2022 when they were paid to manufacture Banthas. Immediately, the claims of “taking longer” and “delays” started. Those excuses were given in late September, October, November, and early December.

Then in late December 2022 they stated the Bantha was “slated for May 2023” and “6 month job”. If it was a 6 month job why did they promise only 6 WEEKS in September when they quoted Oct. 14th? Also, if it was indeed a 6 month job products would have been finished at the beginning of March. Then May came and went, and still nothing. In communication with the Texas Better Business Bureau something possibly in June or July 2023 was mentioned, but those came and went also with nothing, and nothing has happened since. The only thing issued by that company is lies, excuses, and delays.

We still get asked “are refunds possible?”, despite repeatedly clarifying why they are not. Quite simply, your money is with the factory, not us. If you would like to enquire about a refund, you would need to with Ravenstar Studios. That is where your funds are. TFSB can not send you something they do not possess. Banthas or Bantha funding.

(reminder: TFSB is a 3rd party payment processor in the transaction between you and the manufacturer of your toy products. TFSB does not make Banthas, action figures, coins, stickers, or products of any kind, and does not own our own factories)

So what recourse do you have against Ravenstar? Some have asked about potential legal action. We are not lawyers and not licensed to disperse legal advise, but you always have that option. The only individual Ravenstar Studio responded to, opened a case thru the Texas BBB. We would recommend first filing consumer complaints thru the Texas Attorney General first, with legal action as a second option. At this point we cannot recommend continuing to contact the company directly, as they have repeatedly not responded to countless consumer calls, emails, etc…

We know this is not the update anyone wanted to hear.

-the team @TFSB

Offline EdSolo

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Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« Reply #279 on: June 6, 2024, 09:09 PM »
Just wow.  We can't give refunds because you guys sued us and exposed us for being frauds, but don't worry, we will be back with new product.  Stan Solo stole my ideas and makes crap figures.  Our Leia was crap, but that was because of the factory, however, it didn't stop us from shipping it to customers.  Same thing with ST figures where arms would break off.  Disregard my many multiple civil rulings against me, because the other Chris is a convicted felon. 

I think I'm up to like 37 SS figures, plus the speeder and the Bantha.  Only thing I haven't received are the Tonikka sisters and one droid, because they aren't finished yet.  Krahn hasn't even come close.  The few things I received from him were older items leftover when SS was still involved.  I wish I had these posts when I did my credit card dispute.

Offline EdSolo

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Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« Reply #280 on: June 7, 2024, 08:56 AM »
They are actually replying to customer service emails.  I have emailed him demanding my money back.  First email I called them a thief and his reply was "not even close".

Offline Muftak

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Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« Reply #281 on: June 7, 2024, 09:30 AM »
At this point it seems to me like he has some kind of mental illness. This is not healthy rational behavior.

Offline McMetal

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Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« Reply #282 on: June 7, 2024, 10:45 AM »
🍿🍿🍿🍿  :D

Dude is keeping all the receipts, isnt he? What a nutbar.

It’s hard to imagine anyone ever being stupid enough to send this guy money again but I guess it is possible.
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Offline EdSolo

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Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« Reply #283 on: June 7, 2024, 11:12 AM »
You are pathetic.  You NEVER stated these were crowd funded projects until after you started missing date after date.  Surprising how the guy you claim to be a convicted felon actually puts out product again and again.  You on the other hand, have a few dozen civil suits against you where you have lost the cases.  The fact that you are attempting to scam people out of money again saying that you are bringing your site back to "sell" stuff is beyond the pale.  The only stuff you sold was leftover product from the previous owner, who actually knew what he was doing.  You are nothing more than a common thief and a scammer.  You made promises you were incapable of keeping.

As for your "crowd funding" nonsense, I have never seen a project where someone takes the money and then says, well we can't make it for a bunch of bs reasons, so we are just keeping your money.  That is called theft, and at this point, I would hazard to guess you could be found guilty of grand larceny.  Trust me when I say there are many members in the collectors community that are quite upset with you.  You will never produce another item again.  Your reputation in the Star Wars realm is trashed.  The fact that you had the audacity to post what you have to paying customers shows the character that you have.  You have essentially admitted you grifted all of us.  You have made it much easier for all of us to pursue legal recourse.

Customer Service<>

It’s actually quite simple.

There are different types of pre orders. Crowdfunding is one.

All crowdfunded orders are all pre orders, but not all pre orders are crowdfunded.

And you can choose to view this however you want, but the simple fact is your opinion on what this is doesn’t change its inherent nature. These projects were crowdfunded. Everything thing else we sold was not. The size and scale (meaning cost to produce) of these prevented them from being regular pre-orders. There was even a period of YEARS where it didn’t look like the Bantha would even get made. If they were in line with regular single figures, they would have just gotten made. In a matter of months. Not years.

This is why we repeated the phrase “if this wasn’t the case, we just would have made them”

It’s common sense. But in the end I can’t explain using common sense to a moron.


the team @ The Fans Strike Back

His reply to one of my messages at the bottom, with my reply at the top.  I can't fathom why the PA AG doesn't give two ***** about this guy.
« Last Edit: June 7, 2024, 11:13 AM by EdSolo »

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Re: 3rd Party Kenner Retro-Style Toys
« Reply #284 on: June 7, 2024, 12:31 PM »
There was even a period of YEARS where it didn’t look like the Bantha would even get made.

Some say that period of years continues to this day.