I'm on as bobafett14 (pretty creative huh?)
Some tips(mine anyhow, as I'm sure everyone has thier own):
My fav character is the jetpack Trooper, has a missle launcher and grenades.
Vehicles are a must-you can rack up 30-40+ kills a game easy in the larger vehicles. Much harder to do as a single trooper. Also the jetpack trooper helps here becuse if you start a game and 10 others spawn with you, you can fly over them and get to a nearby vehicle quickly.
Get to know the spawn points-I just jumped into an AAT on Tatooine, sat in front of a spawn point and racked up like 42 kills in about 2 min. Not a lot of fun (and I'm sure they'll have to change this-I was on the opposite side where I tried to spawn and was killed everytime by those camping out-litereally got killed like 10 times without taking a step, and never got to play
X-Wing/Tie/starfighter are kinda difficult to control and honestly to me(while fun to fly) aren't worth getting into especially with the cramped quaters in a very small playfield.
Droidekas are REALLY fun to roll around in, and hard to kill, grenades seem to disable the shields.
Right now I;m having lots of fun on the higher rooftops, setting the sights to first person and sniping, lots haven't caught on yet that they also need to look up ;^) easy way to rack up some points.
See Vader, or Luke or Mace.....just pull a monty python and RUN AWAY!
FAV planets: Hoth and the kashhyyk Docks-I like the wide openess. Least Fav-Rhenn Var temple-tight quarters too tight for as many people that are crammed in there battleing.