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Topics - EdSolo

Pages: 1 [2]
Modern Classifieds / WTB: Republic Command Gunship
« on: June 29, 2006, 07:30 AM »
This is the older Clone Wars version in the white box, not the new Toys 'R Us one, or the AOTC or ROTS ones.  Any help would be appreciated.  It doesn't have to be unopened, but I would like it to be complete.

Modern Classifieds / H: Hunt for Grievous Battlepack
« on: June 19, 2006, 04:36 PM »
I picked up an extra two sets of these today at Toys 'R Us since they finally came in.  They are $24.99 each.  I'll give priority to a partial trade for anyone who can get me either of the last two Tatooine wave figures I need.  I'm looking for a MOMC Sandtrooper and Luke Skywalker from that wave.  Otherwise, I'll just sell them for the above cost plus shipping.

Ed Solo

Modern Classifieds / Tatooine Wave Figures for Sale/Trade
« on: June 14, 2006, 07:19 AM »
Stopped by KB yesterday and they had their buy 2 get 1 free sale so I picked up a few figures that people had been looking for.  I have (2) R5-D4 and (1) Hammerhead.  $13.98 plus shipping gets you all three.  Otherwise I will trade the three for the last two I need from the wave:  Luke Skywalker and Sandtrooper.  Thanks for looking.

Modern Classifieds / H: Unopened Case of VTSC Figures
« on: June 2, 2006, 07:27 AM »
I have an extra case on route from a preorder I thought I had cancelled.  It should arrive mid next week.  It is $100 plus shipping if anyone is interested, please let me know.

The only items I currently need in trade our two of the Toys 'R Us Hunt for Grievous battlepacks and any of the Tatooine wave figures (two of each except for Luke and Han).

I have the regular version of the Sideshow 12" Luke for sale.  It is just what I paid for it, $57 plus shipping.  Let me know if anyone is interested.  The only thing that I need at the current time is the Tatooine wave.  Thanks for looking.

Ed Solo

Vintage Trading and Classifieds / Ed Solo's List
« on: May 4, 2006, 10:04 AM »

Luke Skywalker missing saber ($2)
Princess Leia missing cape and gun ($2)
C-3PO ($2)
Darth Vader missing all ($2)
Ben Kenobi missing all ($2)
Sandpeople missing all ($2) 
Walrus Man missing gun ($2)
Hammerhead missing gun ($2)
Death Star Droid w/ paint wear ($2)
Power Droid missing part on top of head ($3)
Han Solo (Hoth Outfit) complete ($3)
Princess Leia Bespin w/ broken neck and missing gun ($1)
Bossk both complete has broken arm ($2)
Lando Calrissian missing cape x2 one teeth/one no teeth ($2 each)
Yoda incomplete light green ($2)
Han Solo Bespin missing gun ($2)
2-1B missing staff and mouthpiece ($1)
AT-AT Driver complete ($4)
Lobot complete ($4)
Cloud Car Pilot missing communicator ($3)
Dengar complete ($4)
C-3PO Removable Limbs major paint wear ($2)
Ugnaught missing all ($2)
Luke Hoth Gear complete + 2 extra guns ($5 plus $2 for each gun)
Zuckuss (was 4-LOM) complete, one missing gun + extra harness ($6 complete, $4 missing gun, $2 for harness)
Admiral Ackbar missing staff ($2)
Ree-Yees one with gun, one without ($9 and $6)
Rebel Commando missing gun ($3)
General Madine missing staff ($2)
Prune Face missing all ($5)
Weequay one complete, one missing staff ($6 and $3)
Squid Head missing belt ($4)
Nikto missing staff ($3)
Bib Fortuna complete ($5)
Logray missing all ($3)
Klaatu missing weapon ($3)
8D8 complete ($5)
The Emperor missing cane ($3)
One IG-88 large gun ($2)


Any Vintage Micro Collection

I'm looking for best condition possible figures. Items with a * are ones that I already have, but am looking to upgrade the condition. For variations, check out the photos at if you are unsure of the variation. If accesories are not listed, I only need the figure.

Luke Skywalker - need both red hair and brown hair versions complete
Princess Leia* complete
Chewbacca - green bowcaster version
Han Solo* - big head version complete
Ben Kenobi* - grey hair; need white hair complete
Jawa - need vinyl cape version complete
Walrus Man* - need both white and pink teeth complete
Luke Skywalker X-Wing Pilot*
Power Droid*
Boba Fett*
Blue Snaggletooth - complete
Luke Skywalker Bespin* - need blond version w/ lightsaber
Princess Leia Bespin* - crew neck; also need complete gold neck version
Bossk - complete green head version
Rebel Soldier (Hoth)*
Lando Calrissian* - need both with and without teeth
Bespin Security Guard White*
Leia Hoth Outfit - only need gun
2-1B* - need both metallic and dull blue finishes, only one needs weapon
Imperial Commander - round head version
Ugnaught* - w/ case
TIE Fighter Pilot*
Jedi Luke Skywalker - need cape with snap only - can trade for regular cape
Han Solo Endor - need no camo lapel version complete
Lando Skiff Guard - need dark brown version complete
Gamorrean Guard - need green version complete
Biker Scout* - need both small and large mouth version, only one complete
Bib Fortuna - need red cloak version complete
Teebo - need dark grey version complete
Klaatu - need tan limbs version complete
AT-ST Driver - complete
Klaatu Skiff Outfit - complete
Lumat - complete
Luke Battle Poncho - complete
Lando General Outfit - complete
Barada - complete
Romba - complete
Warok - complete
Imperial Gunner - complete
R2-D2 w/ pop up saber - complete
A-Wing Pilot - complete
Yak Face - complete
Luke Stormtrooper - complete
Amanaman - complete
Han Solo in carbonite - complete
Max Rebo Band - all complete
Dulok Scout - complete
Dulok Shaman - complete
King Gorneesh - complete
Urgah - complete
Wicket from Ewoks Cartoon - complete
Logray from Ewoks Cartoon - complete
Kea Moll - complete
Jan Tosh - complete
C-3PO from Droids Cartoon
R2-D2 from Droids Cartoon
Uncle Gundy - complete
Kez Iban - complete
Thall Joben - complete
Jord Dusat - complete
Tig Fromm - complete
Sise Fromm - complete

Any vintage vehicles and playsets besides the Death Star

Modern Classifieds / VTSC for trade/sale
« on: April 21, 2006, 07:05 PM »
I picked up an extra set today, however, I have pilfered the redemption items to order the Lucas Stormtrooper.  The figures are still on the cards and come with the clamshell, but the clamshell has been open to get the redemption stickers.  That said, I'm willing to knock off a few dollars on the set and will sell them for $35 plus (originally $50) shipping.  I would like to sell them as the set of five.  I can also use any of the following in trade towards the set:


Target Demise of Grievous x2
Toys 'R Us Clone Gunship
Toys 'R Us Hunt for Grievous Battle Pack x2

Animated Clone Trooper (blue) - opener quality or loose complete is fine

ROTS Vulture Droid (green w/ red eyes) - opener quality or loose complete is fine

Sideshow Exclusive 12" Luke Skywalker (I can dream, right?)

Ed Solo

Modern Trading / H: Scorch and Sora Bulq
« on: April 18, 2006, 03:19 PM »
Got lucky today and found an unopened case at Walmart that had a Scorch in it and I have a Sora Bulq from a previous find.  Both are up for trade.  I need the following TSC figures:

Commander Cody
Firespeeder Pilot x2
Foul Moudama

Let me know if you want to trade.

Ed Solo

Modern Classifieds / WTB 12" Sideshow Exclusive Luke
« on: March 28, 2006, 03:22 PM »
Hoping to get lucky here that someone doesn't want their exclusive Luke from Sideshow.  Let me know if anyone is willing to sell.

Ed Solo

Modern Trading / Extra Sora Bulq and Darth Vader w/ Vader Holo
« on: March 27, 2006, 04:30 PM »
I have an extra Sora Bulq and a #013 Darth Vader (standing) with Darth Vader holo that I would like to trade for any of the following:

Utapau Clone Trooper x2
Commander Cody x2

Thanks for looking,
Ed Solo

Modern Classifieds / Need 2 More ROTS Figures
« on: January 12, 2006, 08:08 AM »
I need two of each of the following to complete my ROTS collection:

#66 Holo Plo Koon
#67 Holo Aayla Secura

Any help would be appreciated.

Ed Solo

Modern Classifieds / Ed Solo's Want/Have List
« on: October 24, 2005, 10:08 AM »

Green Card ($4 per figure)

Sandtrooper (w/ holo sticker) x2
Darth Vader (w/ holo sticker)
Ben (Obi-Wan) Kenobi
R5-D4 (w/ holo sticker)
Jawas (w/ holo sticker)
Tusken Raider closed hand
Luke Jedi (w/ holo sticker)
Boba Fett (w/ holo sticker) full circles
Death Star Gunner
Luke in Stormtrooper Disguise
Lak Sivrak
R2-D2 with tools
Darth Vader Commtech

Episode 1 ($4 per figure)

Darth Maul Jedi Duel
Yoda w/o Episode 1 printed on card x2
Darth Maul Tatooine
Obi-Wan Jedi Knight (Soft Goods)

POTJ ($4 per figure)

Darth Maul - Final Duel
Obi-Wan Jedi Armor
Darth Maul Sith Apprentice

SAGA/Clone Wars ($5 per figure)

02/22 Anakin Skywalker Hangar Duel
02/27 Count Dooku Dark Lord
02/34 Massiff w/ Geonosian Handler
02/54 Rebel Trooper (dark hair)
03/05 SP-4 & JN-66 Research Droids
03/16 Ashla & Jempa Jedi Padawans
03/23 Wat Tambor
03/45 Obi-Wan Kenobi General of the Republic Army
03/48 Mace Windu General of the Republic Army
04/01 Hoth Trooper
04/05 R2-D2 Jabba's Sail Barge x2
04/07 Lando Jabba's Sail Barge
04/12 General Dodonna
04/13 Gold Leader
04/17 Dengar
04/18 Bossk


Commander Cody w/ red Sidious holo ($6)
R2-D2 w/ red Kenobi holo ($6)


Deluxe Jango Fett Kamino Confrontation ($10)
Silver Sandtrooper, crease on cardback ($5)
12" C3PO (Fold Over Box) ($10)
12" Battle Droid ($10)
12" Zuckuss ($10)
Kabe & Muftak 2 pack ($10)
Jabbas Dancers Cinema Scene ($15)


Clone Wars Republic Command Gunship (not the new one, but the one released ~2003 in the white Clone Wars box)

The Saga Collection:

063: Holographic Obi-Wan Kenobi x2
064: Clone Commander Appo x2
065: Elite Corps Clone Trooper x2
066: Yarael Poof x2
067: R4-K5 (Darth Vader's Astromech Droid) x2
068: Padmé Amidala (Geonosis) x2
069: Clone Trooper (Combat Engineer) x2
070: Kitik Keed'kak
071: Kabe & Nabrun Leids
072: Labria
073: Aurra Sing (Bespin) x2
074: R2-M3 (Mace Windu's Astromech Droid) x2

Any Kubricks from Waves 1 through 6 (have all wave 7 except the rare chase figures)

Any silver mini holos

Modern Trading / Green Clone Trooper 3 pack for trade
« on: August 9, 2005, 10:28 PM »
Back of the card is a bit pushed in.

I need any of the following:

#6: Clone Trooper (Red) x2
#33: Clone Commander (Green)
#54 - Turbo Tank Driver x2

Deluxe Green Vulture Droid
Deluxe Clone Trooper 3 pack (red)
SAGA Clone Trooper 3 pack red
Animated Clone Trooper (red, yellow, & blue)

Unleashed:  Asajj, New Vader, and Yoda vs. Sidious

Modern Trading / Have/Want List
« on: July 20, 2005, 07:56 PM »
Please let me know if you see anything that you need.
BK Darth Vader/Anakin Toy MIB
KFC Jar Jar Binks Squirter C8.5
POTF2 (all carded C9 unless noted)
Sandtrooper GC
2-1B GC (C5)
Ponda Boba GC
Weequay GC
Bespin Luke
Lak Sivrak
R2-D2 with tools
Rancor Keeper missing Freeze Frame (C3)
Chewie as bounty
Darth Vader Commtech
Jabbas Dancers Cinema Scene MIB 
Kabe & Muftak 2 pack in mailer box C9.5 
Episode I (all carded C9)
Darth Maul Jedi Duel
Yoda w/o Episode 1
Darth Maul Tatooine
Obi-Wan Jedi Knight (Soft Goods)
Wattos Box Cinema Scene C9 MIB
POTJ (all carded C9)
Darth Maul - Final Duel
Obi-Wan Jedi Armor
Darth Maul Sith Apprentice
SAGA (all carded C9)
02/22 Anakin Skywalker Hangar Duel
02/27 Count Dooku Dark Lord
02/29 Luke Skywalker Bespin Duel (plastic peg)
02/34 Massiff w/ Geonosian Handler
02/54 Rebel Trooper (dark hair)
03/05 SP-4 & JN-66 Research Droids
03/09 R2-D2 Droid Factory Flight
03/16 Ashla & Jempa Jedi Padawans
03/23 Wat Tambor
03/24 Coleman Trebor
03/45 Obi-Wan Kenobi General of the Republic Army
03/48 Mace Windu General of the Republic Army
04/01 Hoth Trooper
04/03 Hoth Luke Skywalker
04/05 R2-D2 Jabba's Sail Barge
04/07 Lando Jabba's Sail Barge
04/12 General Dodonna
04/13 Gold Leader
04/17 Dengar
04/18 Bossk

Deluxe Jango Kamino Confrontation MOC C8.5 
Spider Droid (bent Clone Wars card) MOC C7
OTC Chewbacca MOC C9
Silver Sandtrooper (crease on back of card) MOC C7
12" C3PO (Fold Over Box) MIB C9
12" Battle Droid $10 C9
12" Yoda Ultimate Jedi Master MIB C9
12" Zuckuss MIB C9


Clone Wars Clone Trooper 3 pack red version
Animated Clone Trooper red, yellow and blue
2x ROTS figures #49 and up
ROTS Clone Trooper 3 pack (red and green versions)
ROTS Vulture Droid Green x2
Target Glasses: Yoda and Boba Fett
Any of the Evolutions sets
KFC/Pizza Hut/Taco Bell Promos:
Magic Cube and Yoda from Classic Collectors Series
Collapsible Pit Droid, Levitating Queen's Royal Starship, Pop Up Watto, and Yoda's Jedi Destiny from Ep. I series
Vintage Topps Cards
#1-66, 68, 71, 74, 79, 80, 88, 91, 94, 95, 102, 104, 105, 106, 108, 109, 111, 118, 120, 125, 127, 128, 130, 132, 133, 136-142, 144, 145, 146, 148, 149, 150, 152-155, 158, 159, 160, 162, 164-172, 174-177, 180-189, 191, 192, 193, 195-199, 202-218, 220-228, 230, 232-239, 241-247, 249, 250, 251, 253-257, 260-end
Vintage Marvel Comics
#17, 20-44, 46-end
Empire's End Dark Horse Comics Graphic Novel (the whole series in one book)
Thanks for looking,
Ed Solo

Modern Classifieds / Ed Solos List
« on: July 20, 2005, 07:52 PM »
Please let me know if you see anything that you need.
BK Darth Vader/Anakin Toy MIB $1.50
KFC Jar Jar Binks Squirter C8.5 $2.00
POTF2 ($3 unless noted, all carded C9 unless noted)
Sandtrooper GC
2-1B GC (C5) $1
Ponda Boba GC
Weequay GC
Bespin Luke
Lak Sivrak
R2-D2 with tools
Rancor Keeper missing Freeze Frame (C3) $1
Chewie as bounty
Darth Vader Commtech
Jabbas Dancers Cinema Scene C9 MIB $15
Kabe & Muftak 2 pack in mailer box C9.5 $9 (I think this was the price, correct me if I am wrong)
Episode I ($3, all carded C9)
Darth Maul Jedi Duel
Yoda w/o Episode 1
Darth Maul Tatooine
Obi-Wan Jedi Knight (Soft Goods)
Wattos Box Cinema Scene C9 MIB ($20)
POTJ ($4, all carded C9)
Darth Maul - Final Duel
Obi-Wan Jedi Armor
Darth Maul Sith Apprentice
SAGA ($5 all carded C9)
02/22 Anakin Skywalker Hangar Duel
02/27 Count Dooku Dark Lord
02/29 Luke Skywalker Bespin Duel (plastic peg)
02/34 Massiff w/ Geonosian Handler
02/54 Rebel Trooper (dark hair)
03/05 SP-4 & JN-66 Research Droids
03/09 R2-D2 Droid Factory Flight
03/16 Ashla & Jempa Jedi Padawans
03/23 Wat Tambor
03/24 Coleman Trebor
03/45 Obi-Wan Kenobi General of the Republic Army
03/48 Mace Windu General of the Republic Army
04/01 Hoth Trooper
04/03 Hoth Luke Skywalker
04/05 R2-D2 Jabba's Sail Barge
04/07 Lando Jabba's Sail Barge
04/12 General Dodonna
04/13 Gold Leader
04/17 Dengar
04/18 Bossk

Deluxe Jango Kamino Confrontation MOC C8.5 $10
Spider Droid (bent Clone Wars card) MOC C7 $7
OTC Chewbacca $5 MOC C9
Silver Sandtrooper (crease on back of card) $5 MOC C7
12" C3PO (Fold Over Box) $15 MIB C9
12" Battle Droid $10 MIB C9
12" Yoda Ultimate Jedi Master $20 MIB C9
12" Zuckuss $20 MIB C9

Thanks for looking,
Ed Solo

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