Author Topic: It's Almost May and Saga2 is Still Being Restocked In Place of 30AC  (Read 58868 times)


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Is it me or is anyone else sick of seeing the Saga2 stuff restocked instead of the 30th TAC line? In Chicagoland & South Jersey Targets, Wal-Marts and TRUs keep restocking Saga2 figures! New fresh case of various assortments We are almost 5 months in 07! Whats the deal? I am glad I order on-line but I would like to army build with new stuff. Not buy more of the same just to get my star-crack fix.

Is this just these 2 areas or is this all over the country? Let me know I am very curious.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2007, 12:55 PM by Jeff »
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It all goes back to this info we got from Hasbro last December:

Hasbro sent along a little 30th Anniversary Collection Update as part of this week's Q&A:

Due to unavoidable production delays, the first waves of Star Wars 30th Anniversary basic figures for 2007 will be delayed until March. We are looking at every way to get the figures in earlier, but fans should not expect to find them on shelf on 1/1 as we were hoping. We expect subsequent waves beyond the first to be on schedule shortly thereafter. We'll keep everyone updated as needed, but please be patient. Thanks!

Looks like we'll be seeing the Final 22 repack waves for a while...  :-\

Originally (in Fall-06) they said that the Saga2 stuff would ship through March-07, but I would guess that the reason we are still seeing Hasbro crank out more and more Saga2 remix cases into April (and maybe even May) is because they haven't fully caught up from the initial 30AC delay yet.  This way, it keeps at least a portion of the SW section filled for the retailers to keep making money on...

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I got you, but what does no makes sense there are producing more Saga2. I am just curious why the production run is not TAC since the tools are obviously being used. The delay was understood but they been out since late Febuary I would have figured it would be caught up by now.

Thanks for the reply.
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Offline Matt R.

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It probably retailers cleaning out their storerooms.

Offline Scott

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You know what I was thinking the other much of the delays happening in SWland are thanks to this guy:

Offline ruiner

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Not much. 

Looks like Spidey and friend are stagnant at retail.

The smaller size and ridiculous price probably aren't helping.

I can't say that I've seen new Saga2 figures being stocked, but I can say that I haven't seen new TAC figures being stocked.

That not's to say there isn't a glut of Saga **** clogging the pegs....
« Last Edit: April 26, 2007, 05:16 PM by ruiner »

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Not much. 

Looks like Spidey and friend are stagnant at retail.

The smaller size and ridiculous price probably aren't helping.

I can't say that I've seen new Saga2 figures being stocked, but I can say that I haven't seen new TAC figures being stocked.

That not's to say there isn't a glut of Saga **** clogging the pegs....

I was thinking more on the factory to retail end of the deal...both were due out around the same time and what do you think Hasbro gave precedance to at all stages of the game:?

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Maybe, but I'm sure capacity isn't much of an issue for Hasbro in China.

If I had to guess, I'd have to say the delay in TAC was related to development time - they put a lot of work into those fancy cardbacks and most likely had to pay a freelance artist to draw and color each character.

Plus, you have the issue with the new coins, again character specific - each most likely requiring a new tool or insert.

I'm sure you know all of this - I'm just talking typing out loud.
« Last Edit: April 26, 2007, 05:26 PM by ruiner »

Offline CHEWIE

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SAGA2 figures continue to be restocked in my area too JACK.  When I see the pegs empty one day and come back just to see a ton more of the SAGA2 stuff, I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or just stand in the aisle with a blank look on my face.


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or just stand in the aisle with a blank look on my face.


THAT's the face I make when I see all of the SAGA2 stuff.  :P

Strangely, I only see it at one Target in my area, the other stores have plenty of new stuff. That being said, the one Target happens to be the convenient arget thats a block away from my house, so its kind of a bummer.  :(
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You know what I was thinking the other much of the delays happening in SWland are thanks to this guy.
Don't forget good ol' Jack Sparrow.  ::)

I'm offically sick of TSC.....Unless I find it on sale.
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I doubt Pirates stuff is contracted at the same factories Hasbro does business with

Offline Adam_Pawlus

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It probably retailers cleaning out their storerooms.

Actually, it's new mixes of old figures-- Hasbro has several new revisions which are just STARTING to ship this month, with quasi-new figures like Jango Fett with a red holo figure.   These will probably be available through at least the summer, and since Saga Legends and TSC share the same basic SKU, I wouldn't hold your breath for clearances either-- it's just going to transition from one to the other.
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SAGA2 figures continue to be restocked in my area too JACK.  When I see the pegs empty one day and come back just to see a ton more of the SAGA2 stuff, I don't know whether to laugh, cry, or just stand in the aisle with a blank look on my face. :P

I am so with you. I would buy an extra clone or duplicate figure for customs but now I need some really new stuff. I have Wave2, the new ships and the bantha but its not enough. I want to see the 30th statement in full glory not a mish-mosh mess. I give that same blank stare like something new will materialize on the shelf. Nothing worse than going into a store and leaving empty handed.

I too am sick of Saga2!
sopidey is not moving that well in every store I go to and Marvel Legends is like cancer - you cannot get rid of it! I am not sure about Spidey because Spidey 2 did not move that well. We will see.......
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Personally, I'm ready to see the TSC stuff go as well.  I'm glad its there for anyone who is still shopping for it, but I don't think there is much of it selling in our area at this point.  The clones (movie ones in particular) and astromechs are gone, and the other figures from those waves sit for the most part.  And, in our area (WM in particular) the TSC figures are holding back any TAC stocking.  Target and TRU have done a decent job keeping the two lines seperate, although they both have their pegwarmers there as well.  I hope that we aren't still seeing these on the pegs in June/July, I'd rather see more TAC out there - even if it is the Legends series.  Those would be more interesting than the same TSC pegwarmers.