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Messages - John C

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Saga Collection '06 / Re: 2006 VOTC
« on: January 20, 2006, 09:26 AM »
Information overload!!!!

Saga Collection '06 / Re: 2006 VOTC
« on: January 18, 2006, 04:40 PM »
I will continue to support VOTC as long as I am able to find them.  I will buy one of each.  I might buy one or two extra of the Tusken and Biker Scout.  I would like to see ESB in the fall wave as well.  My choices would be Hoth Leia, Hoth Han, Bespin Luke and a Hoth Stormie.  They could throw in a Hoth Rebel Soldier too if they'd like.

LEGO / Re: Legos
« on: January 10, 2006, 02:17 PM »
I have the three cheapest sets.  They are really well done.  Lego makes some good sets when they want to.  The Longboat and the fortress will also be mine eventually.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: It's good enough for me...The Goonies
« on: January 9, 2006, 03:47 PM »
That NES game was fun.  There was a little old man trapped in one of the mines and my sister and I would torture him by whacking him on the head with the hammer.  He kept saying "Ouch!"

JD Sports Forum! / Re: NFL Regular Season 2005-06
« on: January 3, 2006, 09:05 AM »
Tice should just be an o-line coach for a few years.  He's far too inexperienced to be anything more.  He proved that during his tenure as coach.  I pray that Mr Wilf goes out and gets a promising coach who has actual successful HC experience at the NFL, CFL or NCAA levels.  I want a real o-coordinator and QB coach also.  I think Daunte's problem this year was that he was trying too hard to be the guy because Randy wasn't there.  Daunte also didn't have a QB coach or O-coordinator to hold his hand.  He needs that.  I would like to see them get Ciincy's o-coordinator if possible.  He would be able to help Daunte if he's healthy next year.  If not, I would like to see the Vikes bring in Kitna.  Brad Johnson is okay, he won't lose too many games, but he won't win a bunch, either.  Plus, he's not going to be playing much longer.  Daunte is the guy if he can play.  The Vikings also could use a GM, preferrably one that knows what he's doing.  I wonder if they could bring Jeff Diamond back?

Super Articulated versions of Obi Wan, Mace, Qui Gon and Darth Maul all with soft goods cloaks and tunic skirts, lit and unlit lightsabers and commlinks.  A few versions of Amidala they haven't done yet would be good as long as they are articulated well and have soft goods clothes to allow movement.

Hall of Justice / Re: DC Superheroes
« on: December 28, 2005, 02:32 PM »
This line is packed at two of each figure per case.  Too bad Mattel didn't figure out this ratio with the MOTU line.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Battle of Tatooine Wave
« on: December 20, 2005, 12:25 PM »

Best Saga 2 wave so far IMO!

I agree.  I won't buy that POS Han or the Vader.  I will pick uo the Stormie if he's the Evolutions or VOTC one.  I will buy the others.

Hall of Justice / Re: Green Lantern Toys and Collectibles
« on: December 20, 2005, 12:23 PM »
I saw that picture.  It sucks if they really did destroy that head mold and have no intention of ever releasing it to the masses.  Another case of Mattel saying "SCREW YOU" to it's customers.  I wish they would go out of business.

It's the same with Contra.  You get through it, beat that alien, then it starts over on the NES version.  Kind of a letdown.  Another letdown I can think of was the Virtual Boy.  That whole system was a piece of crap. 

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Any other Fans of Ramen Noodles?
« on: December 16, 2005, 10:28 AM »
I like the chicken, beef and chili lime flavors.  I always drain all the broth out before I eat them so I cut back on the salt.  I usually eat them with tuna or canned chicken.

My collecting habits changed around the time of Episode 1/POTJ stuff.  I no longer picked up everything, only what I liked.  The crap that was Saga/Episode 2 made me cut back even more due to the preposed figures and action features.  ROTS figures made me start to like most of what Hasbro was doing, so I bought more Star Wars figures this year than I have in a long time.  Now I look at the new stuff they will be giving us and I am not impressed.  They are taking several steps back IMO.  The figure choices are not good, the articulation is going backwards and maybe I am starting to grow out of Star Wars toys somewhat.  I know I won't buy much of what we've seen.  I will only buy Leia from the Carkoon wave, the At At Driver, Veers and Major Clavin from Hoth, maybe the orange clone from the Geonosis wave and that's about it so far.  I have no need for the other crap they are giving us.  Like it would have been hard for them to redo the VOTC Boba and give us an SA Jango for Geonosis.  They could have modified the Pilot Obi body and given us an SA Mace and an AOTC Obi instead of that crap 3PO and the other preposed Jedi.  They could have given us an SA Hoth Stormtrooper in the Hoth wave.  They could have made the Carkoon Han SA and repainted the VOTC Boba for the Carkoon wave.  They are lazy and cheap and it will hurt them.  As I said in another thread, I have no need of the core characters if they are not SA.  We were spoiled this past year with SA goodness from ROTS and VOTC and Hasbro should realize that is what we will want from now on.  I will no longer buy any versions of Vader, Yoda, R2, Chewie or Boba unless they surpass the VOTC versions.  I only will buy  3PO if he has articulated elbows and knees.  I want SA versions of X-Wing Luke, Hoth Luke, Bespin Luke, a Jedi Luke that has hands that can actually hold his weapons and has a cloth skirt that doesn't impede movement, Hoth Leia, Bespin Leia, Endor Leia, Hoth Han, Bespin Han, Endor Han, General Lando, a good normal R5D4 and SA versions of all army builders they don't have plans for.  I will pick and choose from whatever else they give us.  They are going to have to work hard for my money from now on. 

Well of the Souls / Re: Indy 4 Toy Question
« on: December 15, 2005, 10:05 AM »
I would also love to see a new line of Indiana Jones figures.  It's a shame his toys and comics didn't catch on like Star Wars did.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Target "Skirmish At The Senate" Battlepack
« on: December 15, 2005, 10:02 AM »
They'll probably give us a Jar-Jar, Padme, Palpatine and Chancellor Zod from Episode 1.

Saga Collection '06 / Re: Demise of Grievous
« on: December 13, 2005, 10:06 AM »
None of the 2006 product really makes me say"I Need That!"  I no longer need any of the core characters if they are not SA.  I no longer need to buy any more figures of Yoda, Darth Vader, R2, Chewie or Boba Fett unless they somehow surpass the VOTC Versions.  I no longer need a C3PO unless they give us one with articulated knees and elbows.  I no longer will buy stuff they crap out like this exclusive.  You have to work hard for my money from now on, Hasbro. 

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