Multimedia > The Wookiee Arcade

PS2 Clones Wars worth the $40?

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Angry Ewok:
Just wondering if anyone has played Clone Wars and if its any good? I've gotten used to most SW's games being worth about $20, but always having to spend $40+ on them instead... Not about to buy another 'Battle of Naboo', but I'd snatch another Rogue Squadron or Jedi Starfighter.

BTW- I don't think my rental joint has a copy of it, just a box.  :-\

Angry Ewok:
I bought Clone Wars tonight, $50. Pretty much a rip-off and as stated above, turns out to be another $20 game with a $40+ price tag. I'm really disapointed that the game's handling isn't more like Jedi Starfighter... The graphics aren't as great as I've heard, they're probably not half as good as Jedi Starfighter's... To be fair, while I havent had fun playing it yet, I'm sure I will sometime in the future as the game isn't horrid... It's just not very fun.

I dunno, just pretty disapointed at this point, I'd rather have bought the Boush/Carbonite 12inch or something to be honest.

I played the multi-players today with a good friend of mine (whom hates Star Wars) and he admitted that the Multi-Player is fun, 8/10 was his rating. He complained about the controls, which I sort of agree with, but to contrast from my not-so-thrilled review of the single-player, the Multi-Player is real fun.

Best moment - Geonosian Duel
My buddy rolled up in a Hail-Fire, did a ramp-jump over my head while I had a Federation Tank (AAT), he launched his payload (05) missles while airborne and I shot a fully charged shell at him at the same time. We both hit each other and killed each other. Nice indeed.  ;D

It's a decent game but I'm having a hard time with it.  Everyone I know says it's an easy game, but not when you play it on the hard level (it's no fun playing a game if it's on easy).  Graphics aren't too bad, but it's cool playing this during the Clone Wars (and after AOTC).

7/10 for my rating...

Angry Ewok:
You know the codes? I plugged em all in, and I gotta admit, infinite secondary's is mad fun.  8)

i have this game for gamecube, and it bored the hell out of me. haven't touched it in months.


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