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Messages - Sprry75

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The Vintage Collection / Re: Hasbro Weekly Q and A
« on: December 18, 2006, 10:20 PM »
I know the Q&A has had a lot of new vehicle and playset questions and you have told us why you don't make them, but fans are not convinced by these reasons because, they walk down the toy aisles seeing other large toy companies and small companies (who have less funding and resources than Hasbro, make new molds without the issues Hasbro has with making new molds) filling the shelves with new vehicles and playsets for their toy lines, which the retailers obviously don't mind selling in their shops and are being bought; many items could be listed in one store alone. GI Joe being an example of the outcome of this. I would of thought as a toy maker, Hasbro would want to constantly put out new product not just new packaging to keep it fresh, to be Innovative and up to date in your chosen business. For example Hasbro has said no to build-a-figure suggestions, but the next Buffy wave of figures will have it so it must be a good idea. This is the point most fans don’t get Hasbro turned it down; though the company will experiment with items like Choppers and Playskool etc.

As well as fans, Kids want new Vehicles and Playsets to put their favourite figures in, as we all did when we were kids. Collectors will only buy so many Jedi Starfighter repaints before they've had enough and most kids will only want one of each different vehicle, again as we all did when we were young, because we wanted new ships not the same we already had but in a different colour.

Sorry if this sounds more like a rant than a question, but this is the frustration many fans have, we feel let down compared to other fans and kids. You have given us some great figures and battle packs but what about the rest? My question boils down to how come you give reasons, saying you can't do something or you say retailers have an issue with shelf space, when other Toy companies are doing it and retailers are stocking it? (YF, 12/15/06)


What a retarded, dickheaded question.  Not just because it beats the living **** out of a dead, dead, dead horse; and not simply because of its brilliant logic ("the next Buffy wave of figures will have it so it must be a good idea"); but because it has to be the most egregious collection of poorly worded sentences in the history of the internet.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Welcome to the Jungle Gn'R Fan Club
« on: December 17, 2006, 07:14 PM »
YESSS!  March 6th!!!

I can't wait!

Oh, man, this is going to be SOO GOOD.

I'm stoked.

GnFnR, baby!

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Office
« on: December 17, 2006, 11:09 AM »
I'm just kidding, Neal.  No worries.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Office
« on: December 16, 2006, 09:22 AM »
Sprry sucks balls; that's why he feels that way.

Fantastic episode.

That's kind of what I thought.  Thanks for the confirmation.

Oh, and **** you Neal.  Matt can say I suck balls because he has a little personal knowledge, but you don't so you can't.  So **** you.  :)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Office
« on: December 16, 2006, 09:15 AM »
Care to explain why you feel that way?

Mmmm...mostly because I suck balls, I guess. 

But also a little bit because I just watched the Season 1 DVD again last weekend, and have been comparing this season's episodes.  As a ball sucker, I'm not really good at explaining myself (usually all I can manage is "mmmmfrffrmfffrrmbbllt," or if I've had a few drinks, "ssshllsssshslrrthtbbllt"), but in Seasons 1 and 2, the show seemed to just nail it; the episodes were really brilliant, and now it just seems like the show is trying to take itself to 11 all the time.  It's like its trying to out-Office the Office.

Another thing that's gone by the wayside is the kind of comic melancholy that the first two seasons had.  There were always rumors of downsizing, and nobody was really happy except Michael, who was happy in a kind of blissfully ignorant way.  There was a nice thematic juxtaposition between some truly hilarious situations and plotlines and this kind of Scranton-sad melancholy.

That's mostly gone, I suppose because they got the payoff with the Stamford branch closing.  Now it's just wackiness from Michael and Dwight.

Admittedly, I'm being way too hard on the show--it's still better than Who Wants to Deal with 500 Big Losers or whatthefuckever they're showing on every other channel, and it really isn't jumping the shark, and the episode with Dwight's cousin is one of my favorite episodes, and the Christmas episode wasn't thaaat bad, but I just wish they'd tone it down a little, maybe be a little more respectful of the whole "mockumentary" style. 

I dunno, I'm not a critic.  I just haven't been nearly as impressed with this season as I was by the other two.  That's all.  Just my opinion.  If you don't agree...well, mmmmfrffrmfffrrmbbllt.

EDIT If I weren't so busy...well, you know, I would've read Deanpaul's post.  That review really sums it up well, I think.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Office
« on: December 14, 2006, 10:15 PM »
I really, really hate to say it, but it's getting preeeeeeeettttyyy close....

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Harry Potter
« on: December 13, 2006, 11:09 PM »
Anyhow, contrary to what Sprry said, there's always a possibility!! What others have done has no consequences! She is not an author in the traditional sense. I doubt she cares what others have done, she's only doing what's right for her characters! Since both his parents, Sirius, and Dumbledore are dead, it might be best for him to be at peace and join them! Sure he would leave behind Hermione and Ron, but them being together finally could comfort each other!

Again this is just an idea, a possible scenario. What would be stupid is too shoot others ideas down, just because you don't agree with them, that's stupid!

No, that's being hyper-critical.  Stupid is abusing punctuation marks.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Daily Comics
« on: December 13, 2006, 01:54 PM »
The only half-decent comic left is Overboard, the one about the zany/dim-witted pirates.

(And it's hit and miss....)

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Harry Potter
« on: December 12, 2006, 07:57 AM »
HP isn't really childrens books anymore, with GOF it's really turning into adult books (the same class SW novels are in). Of course kids read them anyway, Lucas killed off Obi-Wan, Yoda & the ever-so popular(kids & adults alike) Boba(not really but kids don't know that unless they read the bigger books) & Jango Fett, why shouldn't J.K. kill Harry. I agree with Jaye he would be the happiest he's ever been. I also think she shouldn't kill off Ron or Hermione. They should have a happy ending.

I'm glad Jaye is leading this discussion. :) It's what giving us a long discussion about HP.

Um...okay...if by your standards, Star Wars novels are "adult" reading, then I guess Harry Potter is, too.  And so are the Ramona Quimby books, Stuart Little, R.L. Stine's "Goosebumps" series, and Superfudge.

Color me convinced...especially considering that E.B. White killed of Charlotte in "Charlotte's Web."

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Harry Potter
« on: December 9, 2006, 09:33 PM »
She's not going to kill Harry; that's a stupid idea.

Even though the titles have grown progressively "darker," it's still a series of children's books.  No author is going to have a main character with whom kids have identified get matter what a bunch of adult-aged adolescents think.

I will buy all of those Yavin figures; two each of the DST and Rebel guy.

That Boba Fett is pretty rad.  My favorite part is the AT-ST driver head in his stomach. Isn't that what that is?  Because that's what it looks like to me.

Vintage Kenner / Re: Green lightsaber Vader????
« on: December 2, 2006, 07:31 PM »
And what about that one time where Eric's dad was going to throw out the Millennium Falcon, but it wasn't the vintage, or even POTF2 Falcon, but was the carrying case? 

That was funny because it was both inaccurate and anachronistic.


Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Do You Still Use (Or Have) a VCR?
« on: December 2, 2006, 11:22 AM »
I've never bought a VCR, and in the past ten years, only owned one for about six months.

When I got married 8 years ago, we got a DVD player as a wedding gift, so when we moved into our new place, that's what we had.  When I graduated from college, someone gave me a VCR as a graduation gift, and we used that so our daughter could watch all the old kids' VHS tapes that Mrs. Sprry75 still had.

That VCR didn't last long, though; it conked out after about six months (probably because my kid pretty much had The Little Mermaid on a 24-7 continuous loop).  By then we'd upgraded even the kids' shows to DVD, so there was no need to replace it.

I kind of hate VCRs and VHS tapes, too.  It's weird.

But I vividly remember when my mom and dad brought home our first VCR back in 1983--it was this gigantic Magnavox top-loader about the size of a microwave oven.  I thought it was pretty badass, though.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: The Office
« on: December 1, 2006, 08:50 AM »

I dunno.  Michael's getting a little too over the top.  He was at his best in the second season, where his eccentricities were funny, but not unbelievable.  Lately, he doesn't seem like an off-kilter, lonely, insecure guy putting up a "best boss in the world" front, but someone who is seriously mentally ill.

And I'm not getting the purpose of the Stamford/Scranton merger.  Andy and Karen are the only ones who bring anything to the table, but they're really underused.  The rest of the Stamford crew seem to only be there so they can quit one by one.

I hate to admit that I'm tuning in more for the Jim & Pam Show than for the Office, but the best parts of last night were the love triang--er--square with Jim & Karen & Pam & Andy.

The little kid in that movie is adorable, and has some mad acting skillz.

Keep an eye on him, he's  sure to go on to bigger and brighter things!

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