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Official Television Thread

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My wife and I tried it. She loved the Willow movie as a kid, I didn't see it until my early 20s but still really liked the movie. So we were both pretty excited about the show. We only made it through one episode and it has been about almost two months since we last watched it...

The show felt very generic, unfortunately like much of the big studio fantasy stuff lately. It really didn't seem to capture much of the *ahem* magic of the original movie. We thought about trying to get through it anyways, but after seeing reviews and general reactions we probably won't go back to it.

We'll just happily rewatch White Lotus instead.

We're watching season 3 of Jack Ryan.  This show is a huge departure from the books, but I do like it.  Probably because they are not trying to adapt any of the novels in this show.

I just finished Last of Us from HBO.  I never played the video game so I can't comment on its accuracy, etc.  Although reading commentary people seem to like the accuracy, but also the freedom that the writers took to dive deeper in to some areas.

Overall I thought the writing was solid, the acting was really good, the characterization was excellent, and the story arcs all made sense.  It wasn't the best thing I've ever seen, but it was solidly entertaining.  My understanding is that there is a season 2 planned too although there really wasn't a cliffhanger so I'm not clear on an overall plot, although I guess there was a part 2 of the video game that the plot is going to follow. 

I know some people seem to fall on both sides of the fence with the characterization of GLBT people in movies, and it sounds like that was the case with Last of Us as well.  I read both gripes and accolades on Last of Us around this.  I for one thought the characterization of GLBT relationships was solid and didn't feel forced.

Their take on "zombies" was also pretty cool and different.  There was a head scratcher in there, but for the most part it was entertaining.

I loved it. Thought they did an amazing job of keeping it close to game but changing as needed. Maybe could have been a few more infected but really only to silence some of the people really clamoring for that. Can't wait for season 2.

I will barely comment about the GLBT stuff as I otherwise may lose my mind. I thought it was really well done. Episode 3 was beautiful and for God's sake Episode 7 is right out of a DLC for the game (released after the 2nd game came out). You find out Ellie is gay almost immediately in the 2nd game.

Having never played the games I thought the series was beautifully done and absolutely riveting. Even though it was a series of emotional gut punches, my wife and I couldn't get enough of it. It really has upped the stakes on what shows/movies based on video games can, and should be.


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