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Photonovels and Movies / Re: RE # 16 - CURSE OF DATHOMIR
« on: November 21, 2005, 10:45 AM »
I can't wait, CHEWIE. The poster looks cool... I do hope our new Senator friends' roles will be as prominent as their position on the poster. :)

I have all kinds of thoughts on where this is going, and the poster backs some of them up, but I don't want to run the risk of guessing right or wrong...

Great work! Really glad the tunnels worked out (although from the looks of things down there, you don't want to spend *too* much time there). As for the trio in the medical facility, I didn't pick up that we should be scared of them... perhaps I've just forgotten something from earlier in the story?

Here's what I do:

1. If it's not already loose, use the tool kit to quietly open the hatch, but keep it in place to hide you. Wait for Fang to pace away from you, more toward the Wookie. When he's far enough away to give you time to exit the hatch, quietly do so, with your blaster trained on the wookiee's head. Hopefully they haven't spotted you and you'll catch them by surprise. Demand they drop their weapons, and tell them you want some answers about "the List" and why they think you can help them.

2. If we're really *that* scared of the security officer and wookiee, we wait. In four minutes they're probably going to storm out of there after laying a stream of insults on Blondie. It's unlikely she will leave with them considering how much they are at one another's throats. After you narrow the odds to 1:1, wait for Blondie to turn her back and move into the room to meet her as in scenario 1.

3. If they all leave together and we're still scared, count this as a blessing and retreat to the previous lift station and make your way back to Crate at Dex's... he might still be having dinner. Ask him if he's ever heard of "The List" and if he might know of someone who knows about Imperial involvement on the station. Failing that, retreat for now and prepare to confront Blondie on the job... go to the bar later and ask "So, do you want to tell me about the List, or do you have to have your goons handy first?"

I prefer option 1 as it gets more immediate results, but it sounds like we might have gotten our big toe into a very deep pool of secrets, and we might not want to dive in until we know exactly how deep things go.  ;D

I don't know, Quazar, you have me in a bit of a pickle here. I can't really come up with a solid plan of action here... :)

I don't see the value of coming on and saying "fix this and that" without acknowledging the hard work of the customizer in the first place.

I for one appeciate constructive criticism (things like "if I could improve one thing it would be" or even "you might consider stripping and repainting part X as the paint looks a little lumpy there"). But I also appreciate creative license, and if CJ has a holster in Phruby's universe, that's cool. If you don't like it with the holster, make your own sans holster and show it to us.

That's what I think these boards should be about. :)

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Tedious Customs *UPDATED... AGAIN!*
« on: November 21, 2005, 10:06 AM »
Absolutely sensational.

I tend to think of Trandoshans as being built like athletes, so long legs work for me. He looks pretty dang menacing (and I think I might lift your recipe...) I also really dig the inclusion of some brighter colors here. *Very* nice work.

The Ithorian is, quite simply, perfect in terms of overall look and execution of soft goods. Combining the cloth inner robe with a beautifully painted outer cloak just makes him pop off the screen. And the paintjob on the skin makes him look very distinct from the Hammerhead we already know. In a perfect world he might have sleeves, but that's me being unfairly picky. Excellent figure.

The astromech looks sharp. I like the color choices a lot. He would make a nice addition to EE's exclusive sets. The only gripe I have - and it's endemic to astromech customs - is that you can usually tell when one's custom painted vs. factory painted.

Very nice work all around! :)

Photonovels and Movies / Re: Photo Shop Help
« on: November 21, 2005, 09:43 AM »
I want to echo the suggestion to just play with it. I'm *not* a photoshop professional and have never been trained in it. However, I have been able to learn quite a bit through trial and error. My stuff's not *great* by any measure, but I have been able to generate these, which I like :-)

All the blast effects are done with layers and layer effects. The backgrounds are all simple landscape shots, and my figures are cut out of very ordinary desktop shots, and other items are also cut out of product stills and the like.

Remember to adjust the levels to match up the various elements of the picture (i.e. each layer as pasted), and you may have to work with the color balance to get things to look more like they go together. The orange rock in two of the pics above, for example, looked even more out of place before I started tweaing. Some things just won't fit in, it seems, so remember to use good base photos.

You're talking about learning to use a *very* powerful graphics tool, and just like all things, you won't be very good for a while (even if you take a course, IMO). The cool thing is that when you learn how to accomplish something, you won't forget it, as you'll have learned what NOT to do about three dozen times before you get it just right.

Best of luck, and I can't wait to see your PN work.

Photonovels and Movies / Re: Some(more) test shots...11/16/05
« on: November 17, 2005, 08:03 PM »
Oh man, those are wonderful! They look totally real. What program do you use?

An old version of Photoshop. And thanks so much for the kind words.

Photonovels and Movies / Re: Some(more) test shots...11/16/05
« on: November 16, 2005, 03:17 PM »
I'm getting closer and closer to just breaking down and doing a photo novel... for the time being:

Sedo Crus and the Defense of Coruscant. This would not be the Clone Wars/RotS invasion, but a poorly planned and poorly executed operation by Odo Gunray in a bid to win approval from his superiors... all is going well until:

And this is just something that could work its way into any story about a coming battle. :)

Comments are welcome... like I said, I'm getting very close to just breaking down and stringing together a story... time is the only major issue.

Here's one new photoshop job and a mod on the one from yesterday. I've named my Mon Calamari Jedi:

Sedo Crus

And here's a little something born of today's slow afternoon:

CHEWIE, man... wow. You're stuff is so consistently amazing. I keep waiting for you to pitch one way outside so I can gripe at you a little (kidding).

The harvester is great, particularly because you took a very regal species (to the extent we've seen it in ROTS) and made it very blue collar. I can see this guy workinga pit with a few of those odd stubby aliens that were milling around Obi's starfighter...

The sneaks from RE are, as always, welcome teases. It looks like RE will make it back to Coruscant this chapter, and I'm excited to see how he vindicates himself to the Senate (and cuts Palpatine off at the knees in the process). Who knows, though... Palpy is a resourceful guy, so maybe RE is in for more trouble than he's expected (who'da thunk it - our hero in peril?!) :)

I really can't wait for the next installment, just in case it wasn't already embarrassingly obvious.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Repaint Battle Droid; Custom Gonk
« on: November 16, 2005, 10:35 AM »
Thanks, CHEWIE. Of the two, I like the Gonk better also. The BD was just something I wanted to try :)

I might go back and paint his head later... last night I was just sitting there, looking at my new red battle droid thinking "how could he be *different*"? I find myself doing that a lot, even when I get to a point where I really like what I've made. I guess that's the kind of impulse that made me do this to begin with... heck, I might end up painting his head a completely different color at some point (yellow ala OOM-9?)

Thanks again for your comments. Very much appreciated.

Absolutely amazing. I never liked that VOTC Obi Wan much... until now :)

Star Wars Action Figures / Repaint Battle Droid; Custom Gonk
« on: November 16, 2005, 01:38 AM »
Here's a repaint of an Episode I Battle Droid. I gave him a basecoat of black and then glazed that with red... turns out that ruddy brown red of the battle droids from AOTC and RotS, but without the orange plastic look. I kept the face "white" just to make this guy a little different.


And here's a Gonk (Power Droid) I put together. He has some add-ons here and there, specifically a top-side "eye", a sensor array of some kind toward the back, an exhaust vent on his right side, and a nice long whip ant. coming out of the top. I used half a Q-tip jammed into the guts to immobilize the walking action. I envision him as some sort of field support droid for juicing up and communications.



And here's a group shot of my Sep. Droids with their rogue commander... once I get the legs of my small army of IGs straightened out, I'm going to flesh this group out with IG War Droids and make this some kind of strike team :P

As always, comments and feedback are appreciated.

Here's a repaint of an Episode I Battle Droid. I gave him a basecoat of black and then glazed that with red... turns out that ruddy brown red of the battle droids from AOTC and RotS, but without the orange plastic look. I kept the face "white" just to make this guy a little different.


And here's a Gonk (Power Droid) I put together. He has some add-ons here and there, specifically a top-side "eye", a sensor array of some kind toward the back, an exhaust vent on his right side, and a nice long whip ant. coming out of the top. I used half a Q-tip jammed into the guts to immobilize the walking action. I envision him as some sort of field support droid for juicing up and communications.



And here's a group shot of my Sep. Droids with their rogue commander... once I get the legs of my small army of IGs straightened out, I'm going to flesh this group out with IG War Droids and make this some kind of strike team :P

As always, comments and feedback are appreciated.


You don't want a photo editor at work. It's too distracting  :P Thanks for your comments.

I wanted to keep this blaster b/c I feel like it's very Mon Cal. There might even be a story in there... I'm not sure yet. :)

I'm not too crazy about Crus Tacean, but I do like Crus as part of his name... I'll have to think about it.

Thanks again for the feedback.

I added some photoshop goodness out of sheer work-induced boredom  :)

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