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Does anybody here have or know how I can get a Clone Commando mold/cast or parts? I really want to make myself one of these guys!!

You might consider waiting for Hasbro's release in 2006. It looks like there will be some good parts in there, and you should be able to remove bits and pieces of the production figure to make variants.

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Fodder Alert!
« on: November 15, 2005, 01:41 AM »
The XD line of military figures currently features two movie-related figures in its assortments. They are from the recent wannabe Indiana Jones movie "Sahara", and feature the lead characters in middle eastern robes. Both look like they would make for good Senator bodies or background characters.

The only good pic I found was on an ebay auction...

I was tapped for cash tonight, or I would have bought the four I saw. With a hand- and head-swap they'd be pretty cool...

More pics of the Mon Calamari Jedi...

For anyone familiar with sea life, crabs and lobster take to cracked shells pretty well. They show a nice scar, but they do just fine with what appear to be pretty serious wounds. I imagine a Mon Calamari in the field is bound to take a shot in the head at some time, primarily because he's not all that concerned when something glances off the ol' dome. Check out the nice scar:

It is *very* difficult to capture in pictures (especially bad ones like the one below), but I've given him a secondary shell color - a nice cool green that's blended into the pinkish red we see on most Mon Cals. This is a shot of the back of his head. About as boring as they get, but the detail is in there if you look hard enough :)

Ready for action, sans photo effects on the beefy saber. It's about twice as thick as a typical lightsaber... I envision it as being some sort of light-meat-clever...

A slightly tighter shot with a photo effect lit saber.


Hooded and slingin' bolts. This shot shows some of the green detail better.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Mon Calamari Jedi - Updated, New Pics
« on: November 15, 2005, 12:25 AM »
I like Sedo Fahn best, too, but I like those other names, too.

Sedo Fahn *almost* sounds villainous... might be why I like it. :)

Thanks for the kind words, CHEWIE. I really like him thusfar, and I personally am more proud of him than my Clones (although I really dig my Clones, too  8)).

I was kinda bored at work today, so I made this:


OK guys, here're the additional pics I promised of my Mon Calamari Jedi. I did some detailing tonight I hope you all will appreciate...

For anyone familiar with sea life, crabs and lobster take to cracked shells pretty well. They show a nice scar, but they do just fine with what appear to be pretty serious wounds. I imagine a Mon Calamari in the field is bound to take a shot in the head at some time, primarily because he's not all that concerned when something glances off the ol' dome. Check out the nice scar:

It is *very* difficult to capture in pictures (especially bad ones like the one below), but I've given him a secondary shell color - a nice cool green that's blended into the pinkish red we see on most Mon Cals. This is a shot of the back of his head. About as boring as they get, but the detail is in there if you look hard enough :)

Ready for action, sans photo effects on the beefy saber. It's about twice as thick as a typical lightsaber... I envision it as being some sort of light-meat-clever...

A slightly tighter shot with a photo effect lit saber.


Hooded and slingin' bolts. This shot shows some of the green detail better.

"Dude, seriously, this is just ridiculous..."
"It wasn't my idea, Ki. I promise..."

OK, if you've made it this far, I want your help. I'm struggling with a good name for this guy. I like two word names. Here are some I've kicked around, and if you like one please let me know.

Sedo Tan
Sedo Sen
Dist Fahn
Des Fahn
Sedo Fahn

I'm open to any and all ideas. I really love this guy, but his name won't come to me, and he needs a name. :p

Thanks for the kind comments, guys. This one really is a cinch, so I hope you all will add a Mon Cal to your Jedi ranks, too. You really don't even have to paint him at all unless you want him to look a little different from Meena and Ki.

The hilt is from an odd 1:144 Marasai kit, and I had to wrap the lit sabre with some fine wire to make it thick enough for him to hold. I'd have preferred to not do it, but you don't see much of it when he's holding it, so... :)

I'll post some more pics of him tonight. Again, thanks for the feedback. I very much appreciate the time you guys take to comment.


Great stuff as always. I really want to incorporate some custom beasts onto my collection, but the fodder never looks promising enough to me. I'm going to have to hit some rummage sales and flea markets and just *practice* now, as I see what can be done with a little ingenuity and a lot of hard work.

You know what strikes me most about the Trenchback? His expression. He looks so real to me, and so believable as a SW beast (i.e. I could see him standing with a Ronto on Tatooine or rubbing elbows with any of the Naboo beasts)...

I'm also digging that Rodian, and the Bigfoot custom looks more Star Wars than I imagined it would. Bravo on those as well.

Keep it up, man. You make a visit to these boards a sure thing in terms of finding something cool to look at :)

Here's a preview of a Mon Calamari Jedi I've made to lead Koe's troops (until Order 66, anyway). No idea on his name yet, but he's obviously a knight. The saber has an oversized hilt and a yellow blade... not sure why yet, but I had the right parts for it, and yellow just looks cool.

recipe is way too easy: Meena T head and hands, washed in burnt umber (heavy on the lighter flesh tones, lighter on the darker) to vary up the look, rest is Ki Adi Mundi with full black and umber wash. I did modify the Meena blaster to fit the belt, so this guy packs a sidearm, and I made a second, unlit saber hilt with a peg to fit the right hip. More pics later... I just wanted to get something up.

Looks cool.  I might suggest getting rid of the Joe bodies, and putting the Crimson Helmet onto some Clone bodies.

That would be very cool, and much easier than my suggestions. :)

On the Crimson Guards, I'd shave off the medals on the chest and see about removing the regalia cord fromt he right shoulder. Then you might consider figuring out how to add armor to their forearms; perhaps a forearm swap with a Clone is possible? I have no idea. The boots look like the afford some armor, but the torso and arms are naked. I don't think this is necessarily *bad*, but if the Republic or Empire gives you a big ol' helmet with a full face shield, they usually throw in some other armor (except for the Imperial Gunner and pilots, I think).

They look cool, but you asked how to further tweak 'em, so there you go :)

Sounds good, CHEWIE. I'm planning (as soon as I fix all the bent legs) on assigning 5 or 6 of these guys to my Neimoidian field officer for special ops (Clone hunting). Perhaps IG-34 can tag along and perhaps drop some hapless Wookiees on the way. :)

OK, CHEWIE... I want to see a Droid Fight between my War Droid and your new IG unit... that is a *superb* job you did there...

Customizing Tips and Tricks / Re: Fixing Bent Items
« on: November 9, 2005, 01:58 PM »
I have ten (yes, TEN) IG droids with bad legs... I'm going to try this and see if I can get 'em straightened out.


1. Great use of parts on those Weequay. I love the helmets.

2. I really like the use of the droid blasters. It makes too much sense to not use those blasters. (I also like using Grievous' blaster for seps).

3. I'll bet you can't wait to get your hands on the Weequay Jedi :)

Nice work, CHEWIE.

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Vintage-style Darth Maul
« on: November 7, 2005, 11:10 AM »
Magilla, he looks cool without the cloak, maybe even more vintage-esque.  Maybe a vintage vinul vader cape would be a good touch.


You know, given Maul's outfit being blousier above the knees, a black vinyl cape cut like vintage Lando's might actually look cool and give him the bulk around the torso created by his blousy duds. I'm just trying to think vintage...

This looks really cool.

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