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Messages - In Rem

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On the Gand, I didnt' realize you'd inserted the hoses into the figure. That actually makes the position of the hoses more understandable. It's probably something I should have seen, and would have seen in person. I'm still jealous as all get out :)

And I posted this over at RS re: Plagueis, but I wanted to put it here too as I really like the concept for the figure:



You and I think alike. I envision Plagueis as a somewhat misunderstood and oddly benevolent man who turned to the Dark Side for what he believed to be good... sort of a non-bratty, less self-centered Anakin. To that end I don't see him as a rampaging warlord or an ambitious Machiavellian ala Palpatine. If he was, surely Palpy couldn't have gotten the drop on him when he did.

I also *love* the blindness. It seems very consistent to me that Plagueis would tamper with the Dark Side in his quest to perpetuate life to the point it started hurting him. And I don't think he'd resort to technology, but rather use the Dark Side to "see" the world around him (if he was the master he was professed to be, this wouldn't be that hard).

I absolutely love this custom. We have plenty of scary and evil looking Sith. I think Plagueis is the antithesis of that model, and it's what makes his "Tragedy" all the more compelling.

Again, bravo.


for some reason I was in a Ree-Yees mentality I guess, and so was InRem.   :)

Yes I was  :-[  :)

Nice Gran... is there any way to modify his tubes to hang in a more neutral position? He looks like he's whirling around to confront someone.

Really, really cool, though. I need to look into snagging some BU's for my own work.

With 10 minutes to spare, limit your risk.

1. Thank Crate and send him on his way.
2. AFTER Crate leaves, lose the mask and poncho (keep them handy if they'll fit in your sack). Crate says people down here are especially nervous about masked visitors. Fix that problem.
3. Use the corridor, not the tunnel. Crate may seem like a nice guy, but I wouldn't be at all shocked if he and the Ithorian are in kahoots in a scam to get you beaten and robbed in the tunnels.

If at all possible, change clothes where the little ratty locals can't see you (perhaps in the corridor after you leave the alcove?)

Good progress here. I look forward to the next installment.

You know, I wonder what a Galactic Lawyer would look like... for some reason I envision grand robes and colorful trappings and wigs ala English Common Law...

As for my frog, I'll try to get a good shot of him tonight to submit as a final. I also want to touch up just a couple of problems I've seen with him.

From there I have some old Bossks that need to become something other than Bossk...sounds like as good an excuse as any... :p

Photonovels and Movies / Re: Some test shots...
« on: November 1, 2005, 01:22 PM »
Yeah, that's exactly what that orange rock is (base for elec. R2 from POTF). As far as I'm concerned, this is its last appearance :).

The Clones do look dark, but I found that if I left them lighter than that you could *really* tell they were toys. I'm not trying to make them look real, but I would like to be able to trick the eye into looking past the obvious joints and whatnot to appreciate the whole (like you do with RE, CHEWIE).

I'll probably take a stab at shooting some better pics, then play around a little more with the color and light balance. I need to do an action scene with guns blazing... I smell another round of photoshop fun tonight. :)

Thanks for the feedback, CHEWIE.

Photonovels and Movies / Some(more) test shots...11/16/05
« on: November 1, 2005, 11:15 AM »
OK, I know how to use a camera, I know how to use photoshop, but I'm just figuring out how to use both on such tiny subjects. I've already posted these in the Customs forum, but I think that might have been the wrong place.

Please evaluate and comment on the following. They may or may not grow to be a part of a PN, so for right now just take them as they are and comment on my effects/lighting.


Even more pshop fun... this one's kinda cheezy, but I like it anyway :-)


Star Wars Action Figures / Re: CHEWIE's CUSTOMS -updated 10.30.05
« on: November 1, 2005, 01:12 AM »
Hey, paint a couple of pupils in there and he's the kind of Wookie I want on my team :).

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: In Rem's Customs - as of 10/27/05
« on: November 1, 2005, 01:09 AM »
Just a little fun...

I finished another Koe grunt tonight (he's the one in the back on the left; nothing special), and decided to put him in a scene indicative of the kind of messes Koe regularly finds himself in.

This is my first real stab at anything like this. Let's just say I can now see why Chewie sometimes has to re-shoot his pics :).

After a little more playing:

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: SotE Luke in Imperial Guard disguise
« on: October 31, 2005, 08:59 AM »
That is excellent, KF! I always liked the old SOTE Guard, but did feel it was a little out-of-place looking with other Imperials. This change would make him fit right in!

And I dig the Sci-fi torso. It looks so close to Clone armor - I actually thought it was a Clone torso with a lot of work done. :)

Keep up the good work.

Two words: Free. Market.

If the initial seller fails to sell at fair market value, he or she cannot be heard to complain that the buyer later did sell for FMV. If it upsets the initial seller, he needs to charge more $$$ next time (and of course he's free to no longer sell to anyone who has offended him).

Photonovels and Movies / Re: RE # 16 - CURSE OF DATHOMIR
« on: October 30, 2005, 09:26 PM »
Bravo, Chewie! The last sequence (from the confrontation with the Witch to the evac flight) reminded me a great deal of how Lucas likes to wrap things up... bang bang bang bang and done. :)

I'll miss Dathomir for now, but I think that's great. You left me wanting more. :)

Actually that does make sense.

And I don't know how you do what you do without Photoshop :). If it was possible for me to be more impressed with your PN, I am now.



Have you previously posted on how you make the blast effect from the muzzle of the blaster? I can do bolts with relative ease, but my muzzle blast looks pretty sad. :)

If you can't point me to a tutorial, can you give me a pointer or three? (I am fluent in Photoshop so far as layers, transparency, effects, etc, so have at it).


Oh, and the preview looks GREAT, although it raises yet more questions depending on when that photo comes up in the story... :)

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