Community > Watto's Junk Yard

Toy City (Pop-up Toy Chain)

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Jedi Idej:
Here's a vid of the flagship store in New Jersey.

Can't believe we're not the targeted demographic.

Stoopid kids.  >:(

At least a 3 hour drive to the closest one to me. I assume these will be like those Go Calendar stores in malls, where they have a better selection of figures (or any figures period), but 5POA stuff costs $13.99

I may check one of these out later today.  But the closest one to me is at least 30 - 45 minutes away.  Kind of a letdown, seeing how there was talk of popping up in old TRU locations, which is an even bigger letdown since I had at least 6 TRU locations within a 30 minute drive of my place.

Crap, nothing in MN.

Check your local news for more information about possible stores in your area.  That list is far from comprehensive.  It listed two locations in New Jersey.  But a search of NJ media indicated that there are as many as 6 locations in the state.

A good number of the Toy City locations appear to be co-located with the seasonal Halloween stores like 'Spirit of Halloween' EDIT - It's sharing space with HALLOWEEN CITY.  Party City owns both of them.


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