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Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Customs by Fritzkrieg Update 11-22-05
« on: November 23, 2005, 10:20 AM »
I was thinking... the white section on the face/nose area... how would that look if it was painted black?

It'd probably look pretty cool, but I think given the concept that this is some kind of "test pilot" gives room for more of an experimental look.

I'd even be comfortable with more markings on the white area... orange or bright blue caution stripes or a simple imperial numeral to designate which pilot we're dealing with.

If you made it all black, he'd probably come across as a battle-ready soldier (and a good one, BTW).

Star Wars Action Figures / Re: Customs by Fritzkrieg Update 11-22-05
« on: November 23, 2005, 09:52 AM »
Great concept for a "bridge the gap" figure. Good use of small amounts of white to pick up the details of the helmet.

Parts selection is excellent, and clearly required some vision on your part. Well done!

I've already said so elsewhere, CHEWIE, but this is a great custom Han. We don't see too many improvements like this to core characters so well done. I might consider adding the camo blotches, too, but even without him he's freakin' great. :)

You paint work is without fault again.

I had thought about that, but I just don't know if that's better fodder or not... I'm thinking that this could be a good figure base, but kind of hard to come by.

And I'd probably limit the fodder potential to the head only...

Come to think of it, you're right. That could get quite expensive!

Does not really caring about the T. Sisters make me a bad Star Wars fan?  :)

I won't be in on this one, but I do look forward to what our pros on the site can muster. As good as the past customs of these two have been, there is now fodder out there to improve them...

Photonovels and Movies / Re: K.O.E. Teaser
« on: November 22, 2005, 08:23 PM »
I wish I could better estimate when I'll have something ready... most of the figures I want to include in the first story are done... I just need to sit down and take care of business. :)

Photonovels and Movies / Re: RE #17 - TWISTED ALLEGIANCE
« on: November 22, 2005, 01:35 PM »
Suh-weet, CHEWIE!

My favorite shot (which might be a surprise to you)

This shot is doing a superb job of telling the story. Without reading a word of text it is clear to me that an evacuation or attack of some kind is underway... all those ships deploying at once... it's an awesome composition.

And this one...

I hope no one is offended by this, but I really thought "car bomb" when I saw this shot.  You've done a good job of representing that kind of strike, and I'm pretty sure that was your objective.

I enjoyed the recap; that kind of context was, IMO, necessary to set up the arrest. And then you hit Palpatine perfectly with his subtle manipulation of Rykrof. Adding a voice of reason to tell RE to run was a nice move, too. It really adds to the tension without forcing you to explain too much.

I was a little bummed that those two senators weren't more prominent, but hey, there's always the prospect of a trial and daring escape (kidding).

Nice work, man. You continue to impress.

Photonovels and Movies / Re: My 1st Crack at Photo Shop
« on: November 22, 2005, 11:53 AM »
Ah, another *easy* trick...

Where you have the Wookiee walking through the water, set your eraser to airbrush with a fairly large diffused brush. Then just erase the feet off gradually until it looks like they are under water. I did that with this Gonk to make him look somewhat like he was walking in the grass:

Photonovels and Movies / Re: My 1st Crack at Photo Shop
« on: November 22, 2005, 10:50 AM »
Hey, cool Wookiees, Fritzkrieg.

So, did they kill all the Clones, or are they coming upon the Clones after the fact?

Looks like you're on your way.

One suggestion - and it's a tough thing to do, so don't worry too much about it.

Insert a layer between the background and all your pasted in figures. On that layer, use your airbriush to paint shadows on the ground under your figures (figure out where your light source is, then paint accordingly). It's OK if they come out too heavy for now. Black is even OK so long as you have faded edges.

Next, tone down the opacity of the layer with the shadows until they look about right. You might end up going all the way down to 10% or less. Opacity is an option on my version of Photoshop on the Layers pane... I'm not sure what you might be using, and my version is really old, so...

This may or may not be too much to worry with right now. It's one of the reasons I hesitate to use full-length shots of figures; I hate worrying about marrying them to the ground with shadows. The good news is that once you get in the habit of doing this and you get your own technique down, it will be something you can add on with little to no worry.

This really is an impressive first effort. You're well on your way to churning out some really cool stuff. :)

Photonovels and Movies / Re: K.O.E. Teaser
« on: November 22, 2005, 10:44 AM »
Thanks for the comments, guys. I'm not 100% sure when I'll be able to get elbows-deep into this, but I hope to have something more to share sooner rather than later.

Photonovels and Movies / Re: K.O.E. Teaser
« on: November 22, 2005, 01:53 AM »
Yeah, I only used that many for the intro. I wanted to focus just for right now on clone birth, just as prologue. I don't plan to spend any time on Kamino once this gets started...

Desolate outer rim systems and junk seek and destroy missions, here we come! :)

Customs Community and Group Projects / K.O.E. Teaser
« on: November 22, 2005, 01:50 AM »
OK, I decided to jump into this photo novel thing...  :-\

Check out the photo novels section. No need to repost the whole thing here.

Comments are much appreciated :)

Photonovels and Movies / K.O.E. Teaser
« on: November 22, 2005, 01:40 AM »

Sorry about relying on soe production shots for the intro there. I'm sort of learning as I go... :)

Comments are very much appreciated.

Photonovels and Movies / Re: RE # 16 - CURSE OF DATHOMIR
« on: November 21, 2005, 02:47 PM »
You are bolstering my expectations for the next chapter, CHEWIE. I was hoping for more smoke-filled-room insights :)

I would echo CHEWIE's comments and suggestions. I really like how you're keeping things in a more military vein. At the same time, I would like to know who that Jedi was... I thought it was K-AM, too. And when he did get the drop on the Jedi, I didn't really understand how... it was just like *boom*, he has the lightsaber. Perhaps another photo could have set that up for us?

The customs are cool. I like how you're incorporating a lot of downed ARC fighters; it gives me the impression that the Extremists are very well armed and equipped for more of a battle than your Clones are.

Way to go. I look forward to another installment.

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