Author Topic: Fan's Choice Returns - 2006 ToyFare Poll  (Read 173167 times)

Offline Darth Broem

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Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« Reply #405 on: July 10, 2006, 09:44 PM »
The thing is though there is a big upswing for EU.  I just don't think we all realized it on this website because it's mainly "oldtimers" that grew up with the OT or ones that grew up on it via the VCR age.   If you look at Rebelscum there are plenty of people clamoring for EU figures.  Again, is there really an OT character that we can all get behind now for this kind of poll? I do not think so because all of the figures we could all get behind are basically done or we know that some are so big that Hasbro will make them eventually like Captain Neyo and the Galactic Marine and Jedi Knight Luke SA.   

 I love Scott's petition for ICMG but that character will not get nearly as much support as a main character from a very popular video game, comic book, or novel or even a clonetrooper in a video game.  I am sure there are plenty of people that have never heard of ICMG, Yarna, Hermi Odle, Tonnika Sisters and whatever other obscure OT or PT Trilogy character there is yet to be made.  Hell those guys are just background set pieces if you think about.  I want them made of course but the masses probably do not.  But for EU stuff we are talking main characters for the most part that apparently are very visible to younger fans or fans of those EU items.  They want them more than a background character in a 25 year old film series. 

I am not that surprised really that EU is doing that well.  Even if you do care to vote for an OT background character the vote will be split between them all.  I want a Yarna, ICMG, Tonnika Sisters, and Hermi Odle almost equally.  Whereas fans of this EU can all rally more around a main character just like OT fans could rally around a Grand Moff Tarkin, Slave Leia, Luke Dagobah.   

Sorry OT fans I'm with you but EU is probably going to be as popular as these background guys if not more so.  Personally I hope they do well because it means the continuation of the Star Wars line as whole which can not stand alone on those obscure background figures alone IMO.  We have to get used it in a way with the upcoming TV series and 3-D animated stuff. 

Offline Roton7

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Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« Reply #406 on: July 10, 2006, 09:49 PM »
Personally I hope they do well because it means the continuation of the Star Wars line as whole which can not stand alone on those obscure background figures alone IMO.  We have to get used it in a way with the upcoming TV series and 3-D animated stuff. 

Hear hear!

IMO, Hasbro needs to focus more on EU because that is the future of Star Wars. There is no more canon material unless you count the TV series. So that means everyone (and that includes the OT purists) needs to get into the swing if seeing figures in the pegs that you may not have even heard of before. So far 2007 seems to be a great start to the EU-era of Star Wars, and I am very happy!
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Offline Rob

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Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« Reply #407 on: July 10, 2006, 10:39 PM »
Expanded universe won't do well for the same reason it never does well.  The fan base isn't there.  Hell, I've read almost all of the books and played most of the video games, and I'm not even interested in EU toys.  Kids who haven't read the books certainly won't be interested.  So you're starting off with only half of your customer base - and then subtract non-collectors like myself... it's a niche market at best.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2006, 10:42 PM by Rob »

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Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« Reply #408 on: July 10, 2006, 10:47 PM »
I'm not mad ICMG didn't win, I thought for sure Yarna or Hermi would beat him but my question me someone somewhere who said they voted for Revan.  I read other sites too and I didn't see a lot of people asking for it to be made

Offline roron corobb

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Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« Reply #409 on: July 10, 2006, 10:51 PM »
There is one other thing that is odd about this whole poll though. If the winner is KOTOR, I would have guess it would be Bastila. She was the only KOTOR character to have a big lead on the others. I believe she had more votes than Revan and Malak put together on most forums. I don't know, but this whole poll thing is screwy with all the people voting 50 some odd times and such. If this was what the fans want, Hasbro would make the top five of a poll like this. I don't think that will happen in my life time though.
roron corobb
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Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« Reply #410 on: July 10, 2006, 10:54 PM »
There is one other thing that is odd about this whole poll though. If the winner is KOTOR, I would have guess it would be Bastila. She was the only KOTOR character to have a big lead on the others. I believe she had more votes than Revan and Malak put together on most forums. I don't know, but this whole poll thing is screwy with all the people voting 50 some odd times and such. If this was what the fans want, Hasbro would make the top five of a poll like this. I don't think that will happen in my life time though.
roron corobb
Exactly roron, I've seen lots more people saying they voted for Bastilla or Malak than they voted for Revan.  That is what smells overly fishy about the whole thing.  I believe Vos won, I really do and its a figure I can throw in the Mos Espa scene or something. 

Offline Rob

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Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« Reply #411 on: July 10, 2006, 10:58 PM »
Exactly roron, I've seen lots more people saying they voted for Bastilla or Malak than they voted for Revan.  That is what smells overly fishy about the whole thing.  I believe Vos won, I really do and its a figure I can throw in the Mos Espa scene or something. 

Are you suggesting that a Star Wars fan voting event could be anything less than completely honest and valid!?  I'm shocked!   ???

Offline Nicklab

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Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« Reply #412 on: July 10, 2006, 11:30 PM »
Nicklab, go away.

Vos is boss.


Famine, bite me.


Seriously, I think Vos could be the winner.  But I know the guy who posted that info over at TNI.  He is the lowest form of life in this area.  He has lied to me and a lot of people I know.  I see him out whenever I make a toy run, and he hoards HTF figures of all lines and sells them on ePay.  So when I say that the guy lacks credibility, I know precisely what I'm talking about.  Could he be telling the truth this time?   Possibly.  But he's cried wolf too many times in the past ever to be trusted again.

I've seen lots more people saying they voted for Bastilla or Malak than they voted for Revan.  That is what smells overly fishy about the whole thing.  I believe Vos won, I really do and its a figure I can throw in the Mos Espa scene or something. 

I think we (the Star Wars collecting message board community) are totally discounting the rest of Star Wars fandom here.  KOTOR is not just one of the biggest Star Wars games ever, it's one of the most popular titles for video games in the past few years, period!  Factor in those video game fans.  Because when you do, those numbers dwarf the regulars who are posting in SW collecting boards.

A lot of ToyFare's readership is from that video game audience.  And a lot of the ToyFare readers are also general toy collectors.  I can see a fan of KOTOR going either for Malak or Revan.  Bastila turned into an ancillary character after a point.
« Last Edit: July 10, 2006, 11:41 PM by Nicklab »
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Offline Nirvana

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Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« Reply #413 on: July 11, 2006, 12:24 AM »
It's confirmed with scans from RS forum member DSIILuke...Number 1 was Quinlan Vos, who is already confirmed in an EU 2-pack, so the Number 2 pick will be produced..........Darth Revan! For those who want a link:

Fan Choice Scans
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Offline MetalJedi

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Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« Reply #414 on: July 11, 2006, 01:10 AM »
Awesome! It's about time! Its cool to see the Carnor Jax figure as well.
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Offline Rob

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Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« Reply #415 on: July 11, 2006, 01:24 AM »
It's confirmed with scans from RS forum member DSIILuke...Number 1 was Quinlan Vos, who is already confirmed in an EU 2-pack, so the Number 2 pick will be produced..........Darth Revan! For those who want a link:

Fan Choice Scans

Given all of the available choices, that Darth Revan (who I'd never heard of until today (yes, because I wasn't paying attention to this fanchoice poll and haven't played the game he's in)) is the winner tells me one of two things:

1)  This contest is also rigged

Nope, that's all it tells me.

Offline Darth Delicious

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Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« Reply #416 on: July 11, 2006, 01:30 AM »
Well, personally I voted for Vos, but I had a few friends who voted for Revan, and two who voted for Bastila, so this sounds about right. Carnor Jax isn't a surprise by any means, but I welcome him anyway. I'm glad to see the EU getting some major play rather than another line of Tatooine Luke, Cantina Han, and Vader. It'll sell as well as any SW line does in a non-movie year.

Let's face it, there's plenty of movie figures warming the pegs as we speak. The majority of kids have moved on until the next SW event rekindles their interest, so it's the collectors time now.

As for not doing Revan right by not offering multiple's Revan hidden by the Sith armor. If you want to make Revan match your game character, start customizing! I know I will be.

The whole Dustin thing seems like a real controversy, but since I haven'y followed any of it, I don't really have anything to add...

Vos rules!

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Offline Morgbug

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Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« Reply #417 on: July 11, 2006, 02:12 AM »
Well, personally I voted for Vos, but I had a few friends who voted for Revan, and two who voted for Bastila, so this sounds about right. Carnor Jax isn't a surprise by any means, but I welcome him anyway. I'm glad to see the EU getting some major play rather than another line of Tatooine Luke, Cantina Han, and Vader. It'll sell as well as any SW line does in a non-movie year.

Not to nitpick, but I didn't see Luke, Han or Vader amongst the choices :P 

Let's face it, there's plenty of movie figures warming the pegs as we speak. The majority of kids have moved on until the next SW event rekindles their interest, so it's the collectors time now.

Which strikes me as a correct statement, but I still see EU as a stretch, amongst the collecting core.  I'm not into it, but I'm not bothered by the fact they're making some.  Frankly I don't understand why they aren't just making all 25 figures anyway.  If EU, as suggested by various "news" sources suggest, is so dang popular, make 2-3 waves of the stuff and be done with it for the time being.  You speak of pegwarming, well I don't think any of those non-collecting kids that drove the ROTS sales are going to be picking up Darth Revan any time soon, because like the old farts, they won't have a hot clue who it is. 

I see peg-warmers a comin', unless this all ends up as EE exclusives. 
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Offline Darth Delicious

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Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« Reply #418 on: July 11, 2006, 02:42 AM »
I don't know, make a valid point, but I think it goes both ways. A lot of kids either play the games or have older siblings who do, so some of the harder core SW kids will probably be into Revan, as well as some who don't know who he is exactly, but like him because he's a bad guy with a lightsaber.

The best example I can offer is a lot of kids who buy from a friend of mine were pretty hot for Scorch when he came out, and he hooked them up as long as they opened it right there and proved they were going to play with the toy, which is, of course, what it's meant for. (Shocking to some, I'm sure...)

Granted, kids dig clones, but as my friends kids will attest, Jedi and Sith are equally play-worthy. Hell, my nephew runs around with the Jedi figures in his hand like it's the handle of his own saber, making swooshing sounds the whole time.

Besides, since Star Wars won't be hot next year, the figures should be plentiful and the scalpers should move back to Sports and Hot Wheels, right?  ;)

Bottom line though, I agree with you that all 25 should be given serious consideration. After all, they are the 25 all of fandom voted for...

« Last Edit: July 11, 2006, 02:43 AM by Darth Delicious »
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Offline roron corobb

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Re: Fan's Choice Returns
« Reply #419 on: July 11, 2006, 02:51 AM »
As for not doing Revan right by not offering multiple's Revan hidden by the Sith armor. If you want to make Revan match your game character, start customizing! I know I will be.


I do customize, but Darth Revan or Revan was the player character in the game period. With that you had a choice with the character and the figure should reflect that no matter what uniform the put Revan in IMO. At least I hope they have 2 versions of the character (male/female) even if they don't include the interchangeable heads.
roron corobb
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