Collectibles > Vintage Kenner

Do you consider Kenner Star Wars an "80s toy line"?

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--- Quote from: JediJman on May 28, 2019, 07:11 AM ---Its an 80's toy line.  They didn't get figures out until later in '78 and the bulk of the line (Empire, Jedi, POTF) were all delivered in the 80's.  Its maybe not mentioned in certain material because it died out quickly after the movies ('85ish?) whereas the other properties were heating up through the mid-to-end of the 80's.  If you haven't already, check out "The Toys That Made Us." episodes that cover all these lines, along with Barbie, Lego, etc.  Great docu-series on all the behind the scenes happenings that led to some of the greatest toy lines in history.

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Yeah, my first thought was it was probably almost 1979 when the toys were in full swing and obtainable.  If that's true then the time on toy shelves would be roughly 1979-1986. I know POTF was 1985, but I'm assuming they might have been around until clearance time in 1986.

Am I correct? If yes, or mostly yes :) then one full year in the seventies and five to six years in the eighties should count as an 80s toy line.

some of this stuff was still sold almost till 88' but I still consider it a 70' line.


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