
Collecting => Customs => Photonovels and Movies => Topic started by: SilentKnight on January 31, 2006, 08:33 PM

Title: Photonovel Preview
Post by: SilentKnight on January 31, 2006, 08:33 PM
Well, the pics for the teaser will be up tonight, but here's a little about the plot: (Note: This replaces Ep 4-6. It is  based on the following taking place, instead of the regular Ep 3. 1: Anakin did not stop Mace Windu from killing Palpatine. 2: Anakin never betrayed the Republic and turned to the Dark Side. 3 Order 66 never took place.)

After the defeat of the Seperatists, the Republic regains control under the leadership of Supreme Chancellor Ska' Rish-la. Although the Republic is unified for a time, it soon descends into chaos. While two superpowers fight a secrt hidden war for control, the assination of Chancellor Ska' plunges the Republic into a new Civil War.

In secret, both sides have developed a new weapon that threatens to destroy all the Republic has ever stood for.
After the destruction of Kamino, all cloning has ceaed. While the Clone numbers diminish, the government has created a new warrior. A group of powerful machines and merciless,  these new weapons quickly prove themselves immensily superior to all foes. Clones, Civilians, and Jedi are slaughtered like sheep as the war tears the Republic to shreds.

Well, it may change a bit, but that's a general summary. The pics should be up by tomorrow.
Title: Re: Photonovel Preview
Post by: CHEWIE on January 31, 2006, 11:00 PM
Wow, that sound really interesting!  And creative as can be!  I'm looking forward to this.  Got a preview pic or anything?


Title: Re: Photonovel Preview
Post by: SilentKnight on February 1, 2006, 01:14 AM
I'm working on it. I couldn't find a decent one in the ones I took so far.

Just as a note though, I don't have photoshop. I'd really like to get it, but right now, it seems too expensive. The cheapest one I found is 650$. Is there a cheaper version?
Title: Re: Photonovel Preview
Post by: Ryan on February 1, 2006, 02:14 AM
Sounds interseting, but didn't you also say you were making a Halo PN and would have pictures up in a week about a month ago?
Title: Re: Photonovel Preview
Post by: SilentKnight on February 1, 2006, 10:47 AM
I did say that, but I decided to save that for later.  While Halo characters will come into the story later, I can't tell you exactly when, but I garuntee Halo will tie in with this soon.
Title: Re: Photonovel Preview
Post by: BrentS on February 3, 2006, 03:52 PM
Look for Photoshop Elements (now at version 4.0 I believe).  If you shop around I bet you can find it for $50-75.  Its great software.  It has all the primary functions that an amateur digital artist would need w/o the expensive "full functionality"   Its really great.  I've stopped using photoshop in favor of this.