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Messages - Greg

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Well, they already **** on Grievous' backstory. A few sources (, for example) now state that GG put himself in his robotic suit in order to rival the Jedi. No more shuttle crash or Kalee-Huk War. It really brings Grievous down to just a cheesy villain rather than someone played by Palpatine's corruption.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: 2008 DVD Releases Thread
« on: September 29, 2008, 12:10 AM »
Agreed. Looking forward to picking it up on Bluray. That in addition to the Dark Knight, Raiders of the Lost Ark, Clone Wars, and a couple of others have my movie budget pretty full for the rest of the year.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Collection Battle Pack Repacks
« on: September 13, 2008, 11:47 AM »
As long as these don't clog the shelves and keep me from finding the new Endor/B'omarr sets, I don't mind Hasbro putting these out again for the kiddos...

What's the B'omarr set all about?  Did I miss something along the way?

Clone Wars cartoon set. Two blue STAPs, Anakin w/ knees, and a battle droid. Can't blame you for forgeting about it... I don't really keep up with Legacy as I'm not collecting a lot of it.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: CW Homing Spider Droid
« on: September 7, 2008, 04:24 PM »
I think it was only in Felucia. Several video games have it on Kashyyyk, so it might've been there as well. I think this monster would fit nicely in a Kashyyyk or Mygeeto diorama, even if it wasn't present in those places in the film.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Vehicles: Do You Buy Them?
« on: September 2, 2008, 09:07 PM »
I'm a huge vehicle fan. I don't have many different types, but I tend to army build them, whether it be a couple of fighters or a tank battalion. I currently have 2 AT-TEs, 2 B-Wings, 4 Spider Droids, etc. My goal for June of next year is to have the following to set up a huge tank battle:

4 AT-TEs
2 Republic Gunships
4 V-19s
2 ARC-170s
2 V-Wings

4 Hailfire Droids
4 Spider Droids
12 AATs (4 UBP, 4 Clone Wars, 4 UBP)
4 Droid Tri-Fighters

Now, oddly enough, I like the vehicles more than figures. With my goals you might be thinking that I have a huge army, but it's actually pretty small. I don't have near enough Clones from any one source to fill up an AT-TE, let alone four. As for space, that hasn't been an issue so far. Ships hang from the ceiling, AT-TEs are rigged to the wall (vertically) and the small ground vehicles are on shelves. I probably wouldn't open 2 more AT-TEs or all 12 AATs, but rather save them for literally a rainy day in order to make a cool battle display in a more open area of my house.
I don't go quite as crazy with the Imperial/Rebel ships, but that's mostly due to the lack of ground vehicles. If Hasbro made some Rebel tanks, I'd definitly fleet build both those and Imperial Heavy Weapons. I don't currently own any Imperial walkers as I'm waiting for re-done versions of the AT-AT and AT-ST, in addition to waiting for some good TIE Fighters/Interceptors.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars Figure Rumors/Speculation
« on: September 1, 2008, 04:34 PM »
AT-CT (a new vehicle? this may be the AT-AT-type vehicle I mentioned in the show)

Could this be an official name for the cannons used at the Battle of Christophsis?  With four "legs" on the turret itself, it could qualify as an "All Terrain Cannon Turret" or "All Terrain Clone Turret."  Just speculation on my part, and it would be a welcome addition given their prominence in the film.

At first I was thinking All Terrain Commando Transport, but I think you might be on to something. The walking Cannon is one of only several vehicles that I would want to add to my Clone ground force. (TX-130 Tank and a new AT-RT being the others) I enjoyed the role that the vehicle filled in the movie and it would be nice to have a dedicated artillery piece in toy form. I could be mistaken, but in a Clone Wars book currently on shelves these are used to demolish Separatist ships in a Bothawui asteroid ring... So these should be in the series.

Anyway, I hope that this 'AT-CT' doesn't turn out to be a large AT-AT vehicle. That would disappoint me, as I'd rather see a new ESB/Imperial version.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: The Battle of Christophsis BP
« on: August 29, 2008, 05:59 PM »
I could be wrong, but I think they might have been $59.99 last year, and were on sale for a week at $50.

I believe $49.99 up front and $49 in the ad.  Or it might have been the even $49 up front.

I double checked a couple of sites, one has it at $59.99 and one has it at $49.99. Whatever, decent deals either way.

I'm in for 4 of these new sets, and maybe one Sarlaac.

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: The Battle of Christophsis BP
« on: August 29, 2008, 04:19 PM »
I could be wrong, but I think they might have been $59.99 last year, and were on sale for a week at $50.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Selling Collections
« on: August 27, 2008, 08:26 PM »
Sorry to derail, but here goes... Are you going to be selling through the forums Bamaker? There's a good chance I'd be interested in acquiring a MOC/MIB collection of Clone Wars 2003 stuff (Hopefully the whole run) along with several other select figures from other lines. If/when you start selling, please keep me in mind there. I'd love to take a bunch of stuff off your hands.

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Selling Collections
« on: August 26, 2008, 09:43 PM »
My suggestion to you, Brian, is to just slim down what you collect and sell what you might've bought to be "complete" or because it was "HTF" or "everyone else was buying it." What I did back in 2006 was give myself a limit on what I could buy; 2005 figures onward. A big step towards making space was slimming down my army some. I got into the  whole Skittle Clone thing... had about 9 of each color, 18 501st, Camo, 18 Utapau, etc. I then realized I bought a lot of those because the guys online got them or to be complete. I've now sold all of my troopers that are not based on an Evolutions sculpt. My exception is the BattleFront II sets and Clone Wars.

I think one of the biggest money/space eaters as well as hard urges to beak is wanting to be complete. I had all 60 TAC figures last year. I probably bought about 40 or so for the coins only. Sold 'em and haven't looked back. I also used to own complete collections of Saga 2 and ROTS. I realized it was kinda useless and sold all but my favorite figures from each line. (Actually, I'm not sure if I even own any TSC)
I'm not sure how you collect, but if you're a completist, you gotta kick that thing. It's nicer to have your own complete collection rather than Hasbro's complete collection.

Regarding the collecting of other items, that could be bad. I'm not saying you cannot buy anything other than Star Wars, but you should really be careful. Think about what your biggest love is, and collect those toys. For the other stuff, pick like 5 favorite figures or five favorites per company. Rotate them on display by your computer or something like that. I've found that trying to balance two lines breaks the bank, but getting a couple of Neca figures a year just spices up my desktop.

From reading your post, I get the feeling that you buy just to buy at this point. You seem to like everything. No offense meant, but I think you need to draw a line at what you can/can't have. Believe me, there are about five other lines that beg for me to collect them (Joes, IJ, Dark Night, Legos) but if I did I'd be broke as a mother ******. Over the past year or so I've been working to make my collection MY collection. I'm not buying just cuz someone else has it. If I do, I stick that item on my classifieds list and chalk it up as a mistake. I love the natives of Star Wars. I have 20 Wookiees. I own three Jungle Rancors. 15 Nemoidians. I'd like to think that these things that I enjoy really set my collection apart. Does anyone on here have three of those big ass Rancors? By slimming my collection down I've been able to add some really cool pieces and root out even more stuff that was bought for the hell of it. (I replaced my Y-Wing with two B-Wings... couldn't be happier)

If you'd like, I'd be happy to offer some more tips on how you could selectively feed your addictions but have more space, cooler stuff, etc. This is if you'd like someone else's opinion, of course.

30th Anniversary Collection / Re: TFU Stormtrooper Commander
« on: August 26, 2008, 03:04 PM »
I think everyone should wait it out. Hasbro/Lucas will probably market this through another outlet after the game release in order to gain the money of collectors as not all collectors play video games. This know-it-all at 'Scum named Grak is spreading info that this is a Canadian exclusive and will not be released in the U.S. Somehow, in between being an internet tattle tale and just an all around *****, he was able to get a job at Hasbro. Huh.

In any case, if this figure turns out to be hard to find we could always use another undershipped Saga Legends wave.

Collections / Re: David's Collection - 8/13/08 - PIC HEAVY!
« on: August 16, 2008, 01:17 AM »
Wow dude... really nice collection! My favorite bits have to be the Clone Wars shelf and the Mygeeto Bridge. I remember seeing your pics of that dio a year or so ago, but I never fully grasped the size until now. The fact that you can fit an AT-TE on there and still have leftover space is amazing. Awesome stuff all around buddy!

The Clone Wars '08-'13 / Re: Clone Wars Figure Rumors/Speculation
« on: August 16, 2008, 01:12 AM »
This kinda refers to David's post, but I think the giant Tri-Droid and the Clone Heavy Gun would make excellent $20 vehicles. I have a question for the guys in the toy business... How difficult would it be for Hasbro to up-size a mold? The Tri-Droid figure is pretty detailed now, but I'm wondering if Hasbro could just quadruple its size and package it in the $20 assortment fairly cheaply... or would they have to make an all new mold/droid?

Watto's Junk Yard / Re: Everything Rebelscum
« on: August 12, 2008, 12:08 AM »
Hey guys, it's the internet.

******* relax.

I could, but it's a real pain. Especially when I go swimming in the ocean. Then sand and stuff gets lodged up in there and I'm itchy down south for hours. Takes me many more hours on top of that to clean both the swim suit itself and my nether regions. Stupid internetting.

The Legacy Collection / Re: Legacy Collection Rumors
« on: August 11, 2008, 03:51 PM »
I will agree that this is sounding too good to be true. If I had to bet money on it, I'd say that these figures are definites for being on tap from now up until late 2010... maybe 2011. I doubt that these figures could fill up slots for a year (Even a year and a half) cuz you still have to add in EU, Prequel Movies, and CLONE WARS.

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