Author Topic: Disney Buys LFL  (Read 88523 times)

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Re: Disney Buys LFL; Announces Episode 7
« Reply #75 on: October 31, 2012, 12:44 AM »
Agreed Jeff...My boys are super psyched for the Hobbit trilogy but I was telling them that this lead up is nothing like when the SW movies came out.  I am thrilled to get to share that with them.

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Re: Disney Buys LFL; Announces Episode 7
« Reply #76 on: October 31, 2012, 01:12 AM »
I think I'm in the same camp with Jesse, I'm not really excited about all of this and right now I'm leaning towards not really liking it.

I agree that we'll probably get all three of the OT movies in 3D in 2014, it would be the perfect lead for a new film in 2015 just like the SE version in 1997 were for the 1999 release of TPM. 

I think that when it comes to sequels, I'd like to see Hamill come back as Luke in the Obi-Wan role, mentor, wise sage that helps set things in motion.  But I don't really need Fisher or Ford unless they wanted to skip far enough ahead that the films could be about the Solo kids and Ben...which I'd be more than happy to watch.

I think the EU, as we know it, is gone.  I could see them keeping some of the characters but use them in new roles in the films.  I think the 6 Saga Films and probably the Clone Wars will be kept as continuity, since George had his hands directly on them, but the books, comics, etc?  Gone. 

I know a lot of people are attached to the EU, but I don't necessarily have a problem with it being wiped out.  In general, the audience for new movies will be far greater than the audience for all the EU stuff.  Losing the Thrawn trilogy would kind of suck, and I enjoyed Legacy, but I stopped reading the novels a long time ago because I didn't care for a lot of it....except the Republic Commando series, and that's already been wiped out.

Haven't been around the net much since the announcement, just looked up the factual press release stuff, but my Twitter account blew up like it never has before and I can just imagine what's going down on some of the otheR Sites right all the non-collecting fan blogs.  I'm sure it's an equal mix of hope and "that mouse's dick is small but my ass still hurts."

I mentioned this over on the PSWCS list, but some of my concern is more selfish; I'm wondering if this new ownership will have any impact on fansites, fan clubs and groups like the 501st?  I'm wondering if we'll be able to continue our medallions for charity or if I can do another giveaway at the next Celebration without being arrested.  Should I expect a C&D?  I don't know.

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Re: Disney Buys LFL; Announces Episode 7
« Reply #77 on: October 31, 2012, 01:32 AM »
Adywan, the guy doing the amazing fan edits of the OT, is in panic mode already...  He's definitely assuming his edits will be shut down since the Mouse is a far bigger prick than LFL could be.

That'll suck because I liked his stuff.  It was better than LFL was doing anyway.

I'm just indifferent, definitely not leaning towards the negative...  if I had a lean it's towards the positive because Scott and Rob (thanks, dickheads) are rubbing off on me with their positivity. :)  I liked Rob's idea that, how can it get worse?  The OT's still good, and that can't get taken away ultimately.  It is what I remember it to be.  And I really don't mind the PT, I just grow tired of 1 and 2 at this point, and that's partly Spike's fault for not running the better movies more often.  Why, I'll never know.

And I like toys...  I just hope they're toys I'll like because I'm over the whole overpaying for anything remotely sucky.
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Re: Disney Buys LFL; Announces Episode 7
« Reply #78 on: October 31, 2012, 01:52 AM »
Bring it on, the Marvel guys thought the world was going to blow up when Disney jumped on board and since then the brand has gone from strength to strength

I think the same will happen here, I will always love my original trilogy, I can put up with the prequels and the clone wars animated show is great.
I don't need to see Harrison or Fisher in a new movie but seeing Hamill as the Jedi Master is something I have always wanted to see on the big screen.
There are so many possibilities that it's making me dizzy just thinking about it, as for killing EU it could be a whole new range of stories, that galaxy that is far far away that we all love is pretty dam big so the next trilogy could be about anything.

Me personally I'm just stoked about new starwars at the movies, xwings have been away from the screen for far too long :)

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Re: Disney Buys LFL; Announces Episode 7
« Reply #79 on: October 31, 2012, 07:28 AM »
Woke up and still as excited as I was last night!!! Can't wait to introduce my grand daughter to this new phase. So glad I haven't lost the kid inside of me!!! As previously said.....Bring it on Disney!!!!!

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Re: Disney Buys LFL; Announces Episode 7
« Reply #80 on: October 31, 2012, 07:58 AM »
Bring it on, the Marvel guys thought the world was going to blow up when Disney jumped on board and since then the brand has gone from strength to strength

I think the same will happen here, I will always love my original trilogy, I can put up with the prequels and the clone wars animated show is great.
I don't need to see Harrison or Fisher in a new movie but seeing Hamill as the Jedi Master is something I have always wanted to see on the big screen.
There are so many possibilities that it's making me dizzy just thinking about it, as for killing EU it could be a whole new range of stories, that galaxy that is far far away that we all love is pretty dam big so the next trilogy could be about anything.

Me personally I'm just stoked about new starwars at the movies, xwings have been away from the screen for far too long :)

Well said.  If this had happened five years ago, I'd be down on it, but they have handled the Marvel property brilliantly (even the fanboyest of fanboys has to admit that) and hopefully they can do that for SW.

One thing I am shocked no one has mentioned...  Does this mean we can FINALLY get HD versions of the unaltered OT?

Offline efranks

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Re: Disney Buys LFL; Announces Episode 7
« Reply #81 on: October 31, 2012, 09:25 AM »
I wouldn't count on unaltered versions of the OT anytime soon.  In one of the articles about this whole thing was info on distribution rights.  Fox has all distro rights until 2020 and they have rights for ANH "in perpetuity."  So unless Disney and Fox reach some type of deal, it could be a long wait, or never, that we get to see any type of Saga release out of Disney.

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Re: Disney Buys LFL; Announces Episode 7
« Reply #82 on: October 31, 2012, 09:28 AM »
Overall I see this as a great venture, and a plus for SW overall.

1) Lucasfilm had a great vision and great ideas, but very slow execution.  Things like video games seemed to take forever to get made and with sub-par results.

As long as they keep the franchise moving in a more adult ROTS direction, and not a kid oriented EPI direction, we should be good..yes, this is a bit of a fear.

Everything else..TV shows, theme parks, merchandise, etc. all the misc. stuff I think is a huge plus.

My only fear is for the long term...Take a look at Disney today....Disney, Marvel, Lucasfilm...that's a LOT of balls to juggle without dropping something along the way.  I just hope it doesn't become a small part in a much larger whole and get lost along the way.  As long as Lucasfilm down the road, isn;t sitting there saying "Hey remember us" we should be good.

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Re: Disney Buys LFL; Announces Episode 7
« Reply #83 on: October 31, 2012, 09:37 AM »
You guys keep mentioning the Trek reboot as a good guideline, but I think a reboot would be a worst case scenario for me. I'm pretty certain that's NOT what their plan is as well, considering they're referring to the new movies as 7, 8, and 9, meaning following up the OT. I would imagine that also means it's going to follow a similar length of time between the PT and OT; otherwise, why refer to them as episodes 7-9? Why not just call them new SW movies?

I think we're almost definitely going to get a new storyline (not the Zahn trilogy, unfortunately) about 20-30 years post ROTJ with a new core cast that is balanced out with the OT actors. I don't think that's a bad thing, though it certainly could go there. I just don't see a reboot situation - calling that eps. 7-9 would make no sense at all.

I'm seeing almost all of my casual fan friends freaking out about this, calling this yet another instance of Lucas raping our childhoods, etc. I think it's a lot of once bitten, twice shy reactions, which I don't blame anyone for. I'm all for wait-and-see on this, obviously. It's pretty weird getting flashbacks to 1996-7 when I first heard about the PT getting made. We always heard another trilogy was supposed to happen, but I don't think I ever really believed it.

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Re: Disney Buys LFL; Announces Episode 7
« Reply #84 on: October 31, 2012, 09:57 AM »
I wouldn't count on unaltered versions of the OT anytime soon.  In one of the articles about this whole thing was info on distribution rights.  Fox has all distro rights until 2020 and they have rights for ANH "in perpetuity."  So unless Disney and Fox reach some type of deal, it could be a long wait, or never, that we get to see any type of Saga release out of Disney.

There is no way Disney would have made this purchase unless there were already some agreement worked out for home video releases.  Remember, none of the films leading up to and including the Avengers were distributed by Disney.

Offline Scott

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Re: Disney Buys LFL; Announces Episode 7
« Reply #85 on: October 31, 2012, 10:21 AM »
You guys keep mentioning the Trek reboot as a good guideline, but I think a reboot would be a worst case scenario for me. I'm pretty certain that's NOT what their plan is as well, considering they're referring to the new movies as 7, 8, and 9, meaning following up the OT. I would imagine that also means it's going to follow a similar length of time between the PT and OT; otherwise, why refer to them as episodes 7-9? Why not just call them new SW movies?

I'm more looking at it from the fresh set of ideas and eyes standpoint not necessarily a reboot with new Luke, Leia and Han. Same galaxy, same premises, same technology but different and hopefully cooler like the Trek movie was.  I loved the updated Enterprise, I loved the new cast was familiar and yet completely different than the Shatner/Nimoy era stuff. 

  Again, we don't know anything on timeline.  I've read (I think at E!) this morning that it is definitely not anything to do with any of the existing EU (Thrawn, NJO etc). 

I think I am more excited today than I was last night, again I think as Jeff pointed out, I get to share this trip with my boys this time.  Wild and crazy idea but I never really asked my dad if he liked the OT as much as I did...he brought me to all three.  Maybe, just maybe, the whole making this for kids angle Lucas has said all along has a little sliver of truth and the years of Fanboy rage was due to the fact that we all we adults rather than kids.  Now a lot of us have our own kids to share the next segment with and I think it will make it that much more meaningful.

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Re: Disney Buys LFL; Announces Episode 7
« Reply #86 on: October 31, 2012, 10:41 AM »
I think my biggest concern for this (in addition to the whole "fool me once" mentality) is that it feels like it's just Disney going along with the current Hollywood trend of reboots and remakes. Movies with original stories bomb, so let's remake and reboot stuff that was really good and made a lot of money 20-30 years ago!

I've devoted a huge chunk of my life to this franchise and I guess I'm just scared it's going to become a flash in the pan for the sake of Disney being able to make a movie.

Also I heard on the radio today that it would only be 2 years in between movies? That'd be cool.
« Last Edit: October 31, 2012, 10:42 AM by Diddly »
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Re: Disney Buys LFL; Announces Episode 7
« Reply #87 on: October 31, 2012, 10:46 AM »
Again, we don't know anything on timeline.  I've read (I think at E!) this morning that it is definitely not anything to do with any of the existing EU (Thrawn, NJO etc). 

Yeah, most of the stuff I've read make it sounds like George has been working on 7/8/9 story treatments. Here was a quote from Sansweet at the blog:

"George had started to come up with some storylines for at least three new movies set in a period sometime after Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. I think the fact that George found so much enjoyment coming up with new ideas for The Clone Wars series spurred him on."

I won't be surprised if they pull planets/characters/themes from the EU (like they used the name "Coruscant" in RotS), but most of the press out there right now area saying it's 7/8/9 from the mind of Lucas and not existing EU.

Like you guys have said earlier in the thread, I look forward to the masisve rants from crazies who've had their favorite book/series steamrolled by the new post-ROTJ canon that is coming.  Maybe Chewbacca will actually get to live this time...  :P
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Re: Disney Buys LFL; Announces Episode 7
« Reply #88 on: October 31, 2012, 11:02 AM »
I will have a longer response when I get to a full size keyboard, but has anybody thought about Disney's animation arm getting on this for at least one of the movies after 7/8/9?   The actors don't age or get arrested.

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Re: Disney Buys LFL; Announces Episode 7
« Reply #89 on: October 31, 2012, 11:16 AM »
Yeah, most of the stuff I've read make it sounds like George has been working on 7/8/9 story treatments. Here was a quote from Sansweet at the blog:

"George had started to come up with some storylines for at least three new movies set in a period sometime after Episode VI: Return of the Jedi. I think the fact that George found so much enjoyment coming up with new ideas for The Clone Wars series spurred him on."

This is weird to me, because I thought I'd read more than once that Lucas always had ideas for 7,8,9 - that he'd had them all the way back when he was writing the OT.